
Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

author:Cat's Eye Entertainment

On June 29, Qiao Shan's wife Mo Dan posted a family portrait on the personal social platform to celebrate the birthday of her husband Qiao Shan, it is reported that June 28 is Qiao Shan's 37th birthday, and the text also reveals that the feelings between the two are very sweet.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

In the photo, Qiao Shan wears green short sleeves, and her hair is combed into small tugging, which is particularly joyful. He held his two daughters in his arms, the children looked at the cake happily, the little face was fleshy, the figure was too much like Dad, and the father and daughter were in the same frame super happy.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

Qiao Shan's wife's temperament is very outstanding, her facial features are bright and moving, and her appearance is not inferior to that of female stars. She wears a white knit shirt, a diamond ring on her hand grabs the mirror, and her figure is slim and thin, and many netizens leave a message saying that she has lost a lot of weight.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

Netizens read the family portraits posted by Mo Dan and left messages to wish their family happiness, peace and joy. There are also many netizens who say that the two daughters are too much like their fathers, very cute.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

The family portrait posted by Qiao Shan's wife also inadvertently exposed the eye-catching mansion behind her. The overall decoration is very elegant, full of home warm atmosphere, and the area is not small, the space is very open.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

Modan also accidentally revealed his home address, which is located in Beijing and is an upscale villa area. The current house price is more than 70,000 yuan, and the community is almost 400 to 500 square meters of large units, conservatively estimated that Qiao Shan's mansion is also worth tens of millions.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

Qiao Shan's wife is also studying acting, and the two met and fell in love during the North Drift period. At that time, Qiao Shan's development was not smooth and he could not make any money, so Mo Dan gave up his career and set up a stall in the winter to supplement the family. Qiao Shan once mentioned in an interview that after a busy night to earn 100 yuan, Mo Dan even had a bowl of 23 yuan potato beef rice bowl reluctant to eat. Now that the two of them have a better life, their feelings are still as sweet as ever.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

Not long ago, the movie "Burning Wild Boy's Sky" released a trailer, in which Qiao Shan played the principal of the boys' school. He danced in his school uniform, which was very infectious and aroused the expectations of many fans.

Qiao Shan mansion suspected exposure? The wife posted a family portrait to celebrate her birthday, netizens: the two daughters are too like their father

I wish Qiao Shan a happy birthday, and I also wish their family happiness for a long time, and look forward to bringing more beautiful works in the future.

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