
Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas

author:Zhixin Daily

Freshwater waters are a paradise for living things, with not only a wide variety of fish, but also a variety of ecosystems and food chains. In this colorful environment, there are some fish that are very fierce, and with their own strength and special adaptability, they have become the overlords of freshwater waters. Today, we're going to introduce eight species of ferocious fish found in freshwater waters.

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. Arapaima gigas

Aliases: giant South American sturgeon, South American giant dragonfish. It is the largest toothless fish in freshwater, reaching a length of up to 3 meters and weighing up to 200 kilograms. They live in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers of South America. Arapaima have a long tongue that can grab other fish and swallow them. They are very articulate and can easily crush the shells of hard-shelled crustaceans. They are also able to jump out of the water to attack their prey and are considered "air killers" in freshwater waters.

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. Nile Perch

Alias: African giant bass. The Nile perch is a widely distributed freshwater fish that lives in major rivers and lakes in Africa and Asia. This fish is spectacular, reaching a length of up to 2 meters and weighing up to 200 kilograms. The Nile perch is one of the most threatening predators in Africa's freshwater waters and is considered a "piranha" in freshwater waters. They are able to quickly catch and devour other fish, and can even attack fish larger than themselves.

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. African Tiger Fish

Aliases: African swordfish, African bladefish. African tigerfish are large, reaching a length of up to 1.5 meters and weighing up to 50 kilograms. The African tigerfish is a ferocious fish that lives in African rivers, with sharp teeth and strong muscles, capable of easily catching other small fish. This fish also sometimes attacks humans, so it is known locally as the "tiger in the water".

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. Satan's Platypus (Payara)

Aliases: Vampire Fish, Devourer. It can reach a length of 1.2 meters and weigh up to 25 kilograms. The Satan duckbill is a mysterious freshwater fish that lives in the Amazon and Orinoco rivers in South America. This fish has a unique beak shape, similar to a duck's bill, but sharper and stronger. They are usually small in size, but are very agile and ferocious, and are able to quickly catch other small fish in the water.

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. Alligator Gar

Aliases: crocodile fish, crocodile head sturgeon. The alligator eel is a freshwater fish similar to a snake that lives in the rivers and lakes of South America. It can reach a length of up to 3 meters and weigh up to 136 kilograms. With hard scales and powerful jawbones, it can easily crush other fish and crustaceans. This fish is usually not too large, but they are very flexible and ferocious, and can quickly catch other small fish in the water.

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. American paddlefish

Aliases: sturgeon, flatfin sturgeon. The American paddlefish is a freshwater fish found in North America and one of the largest in the world. They can usually be up to 6 meters long, have huge mouths and long fins, and can easily swallow other large fish and crustaceans. In the past, the scales of the American paddlefish were used to make armor and meat was used as food. Now the number of such fish in the wild has decreased because they grow very slowly and are threatened by overfishing.

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. European giant catfish

Aliases: catfish, black catfish. The European giant catfish is a freshwater fish that lives in Europe and is one of the largest in the world. They can be up to 3 meters long, have hard scales and powerful jawbones, and can easily crush other fish and crustaceans. This fish usually lives in deep water because of its strong bite force and ability to move quickly, being able to easily catch and devour prey. They also possess endurance and are able to stay alive during prolonged predation.

Freshwater trolls, 8 species of ferocious fish in freshwater waters, half-fish, half-crocodile beasts, the ultimate piranhas
  1. Giant stingray (Goliath tigerfish)

Aliases: African tiger shark, Congo tigerfish. The giant stingray is a freshwater fish that lives in Asia and is one of the largest carps in the world. They can be up to 3 meters long, have hard scales and powerful jawbones, and can easily crush other fish and crustaceans. This fish usually lives in deep water, but swims to shallow water during the breeding season, making it easier to catch.

The ecological role of these ferocious fish in freshwater waters is very important, they are able to control the population of other small fish and crustaceans, thus maintaining the balance of the entire aquatic ecosystem. Because they usually live in freshwater waters and are abundant, they pose a threat to fishermen and swimmers in some areas. In addition, the meat of some ferocious fish is also considered toxic and cannot be eaten directly, and needs to be processed before it can be consumed.

Ferocious fish in freshwater waters are an important part of freshwater ecosystems, controlling the populations of other small fish and crustaceans and maintaining balance throughout the aquatic ecosystem. However, we also need to be careful to protect these ferocious fish from the threat posed by overfishing and pollution, as well as the potential danger to humans.

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