
How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

author:Science popularization Xiaosukejun
How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

Text|Popular Science Xiaosukejun

When it comes to Amazon, I believe that the word "lungs of the earth" will pop up in many people's minds. The rich variety of vegetation makes the Amazon full of extremely high concentrations of negative oxygen ions. It is no exaggeration to say that this is both a paradise for all living things and a forbidden area for human beings. The reason is simple, Amazon is rife with pervasive dangers.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

The ecology of the Amazon rainforest is very special, first of all, it is located near the equator and receives direct sunlight all year round, resulting in extremely high temperatures here. After the air on the ground is expanded, a large amount of water vapor is formed in the air, and after condensation, it will become rainfall. So in the Amazon you can see such weird weather, early in the morning the sky is clear, even a little stuffy, and by noon it will be pouring rain. Based on such a unique ecological environment, the Amazon rainforest has a sweltering hot and humid climate throughout the year.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

Such an ecological environment may be uncomfortable for humans, but it is absolutely heaven for many creatures in nature. As a result, the number of species in the Amazon rainforest has reached staggering levels. Of course, once there are more species, those terrible and dangerous natural killers will become more and more numerous. There are not only giant centipedes that can reach a body length of 44 centimeters, but also giant bird-eating spiders the size of a palm, and it is a step by step to describe the Amazon rainforest.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

When it comes to the most famous natural killer in the Amazon rainforest, we have to mention piranhas. I believe that many friends must have seen piranhas in film and television works, although they are not large, they have extremely sharp teeth and amazing speed. The strong bite force can allow a piranha to bite off 16 cubic centimeters of meat in one bite.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

The ferocious character means that piranhas will not let go once they bite their prey, of course, these are not the most terrifying parts of piranhas, the most terrible thing about piranhas is that they often appear in groups. Once targeted by them, they will face the bite of hundreds of piranhas in an instant. To put it bluntly, piranhas are like biochemical meat grinders in nature.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

There was an accident in Peru where a young boy accidentally broke into a piranha breeding base while playing in the rainforest. It needs to be made clear here that these piranhas are only ferocious, and they have weakened a lot compared to the piranhas in the Amazon rainforest. After the little boy entered the field of piranhas, it only took a few minutes for a living person to be eaten up. You must know that such a little boy has at least 100 pounds, and it only takes a few minutes to become a skeleton, which shows the horror of piranhas.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

Of course, although the piranha is terrible, it is not the top killer in the Amazon rainforest, and the top killer is called bullet ant. Bullet ants can be said to be one of the ten most poisonous animals in the world, what is their poisonous performance? An American entomologist personally tested the toxicity of bullet ants, and the data obtained was the pain caused by bullet ant bites, ranking first in the Smitt index. It feels like sticking a rusty knife into your knee, in a word, once bitten by this terrible ant, some people with weak resistance are likely to faint directly.

How scary is the Amazon rainforest? Piranha is just one of them, bullet ants are the "king"

In addition, bullet ants, like piranhas, also appear in groups. And the reason why they are at the top of the Amazon rainforest is because the environment in which they appear can be said to be ubiquitous. Unlike piranhas, which are only able in specific areas, bullet ants can adapt to any environment in the Amazon rainforest. In addition to these two terrifying creatures, there are countless similar creatures in the Amazon rainforest, so now you can see why some people call the Amazon rainforest a forbidden area for humans.

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