
Of the five deadly fish species, piranhas can only be ranked fifth

author:Angler Mu Mu Ge

To ask which fish is the deadliest in nature, you may think of sharks, piranhas, crocodiles, in fact, these fish are not the deadliest, and there is a point that needs to be corrected, crocodiles are not fish, it is carnivorous oviparous vertebrate reptiles, many friends see its name with the word fish, they mistakenly think that crocodiles are fish, which is not correct! Let's get to know the five deadliest fish in fish, piranhas can only be ranked fifth, and the first fish is afraid of men...

Of the five deadly fish species, piranhas can only be ranked fifth


Rank 5: Piranhas

Piranha, also known as man-eating pomfrets, is a freshwater fish mainly distributed in the Amazon River in South America, and you can know that it is not a good stubble just by hearing the name Piranha. Piranha is a social fish, hearing and smell are very developed, and extremely fierce and cruel, the smell of blood can make them more crazy, usually in groups to besiege other fish in the water and overboard animals, will also attack humans, with sharp teeth, until the prey eats a pile of white bones, known as the "wolf in the water", its degree of danger should not be underestimated.

Of the five deadly fish species, piranhas can only be ranked fifth


Rank 4: Lamprey

The lamprey is an ancient animal, the most primitive of the earliest fish-like animals, its body is slender, and it is the same as the eel we know. The lamprey is a round-mouthed animal, with a cylindrical mouth, no upper and lower palates, and a mouth full of densely packed barb-like sharp fangs, and arranged in a circle, which looks a little scary. Distributed in Europe, North America, Japan, Korea and the northeast of the mainland, the lamprey is mainly adsorbed in the water to suck blood and eat meat on other fish, and some people also call it the incarnation of the devil.

Of the five deadly fish species, piranhas can only be ranked fifth


Rank 3: Electric eel

Electric eel can give a cow to corona, crocodiles see it have to avoid, our family voltage is 220 volts, and the average voltage of electric eel discharge is more than 350 volts, equivalent to three-phase voltage, this is not the highest, the maximum discharge voltage of the American electric eel is as high as more than 800 volts, in the face of such a strong voltage, electrocuting a cow is really not casual. In the United States, electric eels have been selected as one of the "most feared freshwater animals on earth" on the National Geographic website, so don't be curious to touch them.

Of the five deadly fish species, piranhas can only be ranked fifth


Rank two: Stonefish

If you don't look closely, you really mistake it for a reef in the water, and it is precisely because it resembles a stone that it is called a stone fish. Don't look at the stonefish looks strange and cute, it is a very toxic saltwater fish, usually hiding under the bottom of the sea or near the reef, disguising themselves as reef-like rocks, if accidentally stepped on, by several spikes on the dorsal fin of the stonefish pierced the soles of the feet, not only severe pain, will soon lead to poisoning, treatment is not timely is easy to be life-threatening.

Of the five deadly fish species, piranhas can only be ranked fifth

Toothpick fish

Rank 1: Toothpick fish

Compared to the previous deadly fish, the toothpick fish is inconspicuous in terms of size and appearance, but it is the "manta fish" of the Amazon River, and the locals also call it the "Brazilian vampire fish". Toothpick fish are small, will parasitize in the gills of other fish, feed on the blood of the host, and even unknowingly burrow into the human urethra, in the Amazon there is such a saying, do not pee in the river, once the toothpick fish "invades" the urethra, it is difficult to cure after being infected, men are afraid of it.


The five kinds of fish mentioned above, each of them is a deadly existence, see don't carelessly provoke them, so as not to cause danger, in addition to these fish, do you know which deadly fish? Welcome to leave a message in the comment area.

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