
Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

author:The rivers and lakes are idle

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Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

In the Amazon rainforest, there are countless strange and powerful creatures that live. Among them, a creature known as the "No. 1 Beast of the Amazon" has attracted a lot of attention - the giant otter.

This seemingly gentle aquatic mammal has an astonishing predatory behavior and survival ability that even the Amazon's apex predator, the Mori, shy away.

The giant otter, whose scientific name is the giant otter, is also known as the river wolf. It is the largest species of otter in the world and one of the top carnivores in South America. Adult giant otters can reach a body length of up to 1.8 meters and weigh up to 30 kilograms.

Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

Although the giant otter does not look amazing, in fact, whether it is a layer of slippery hair on the surface of the body or a layer of fat hidden under the body surface, it determines that it can hunt for a long time in the water, and even a short period of diving.

This amazing animal is also fluent in multiple "languages", and in order to adapt to the complexity of communication in the giant otter population, each adult giant otter needs to be able to produce dozens of sounds, which cover many aspects such as coordination, warning, command, etc.

Although due to its round body and thick and long tail, the giant otter gives people a cute appearance. But in fact, hidden under the thick fat are strong muscles, and with a terrifying bite force, such a body is undoubtedly the best weapon.

Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

However, the cute appearance is not the true face of the giant otter, in the Amazon rainforest, the giant otter is actually a very dangerous hunter, as can be seen from the objects and competitors of his hunt.

First of all, the giant otter's predatory behavior is jaw-dropping. Their main diet includes fish, crustaceans, and amphibians, but their diet is not limited to that. Giant otters have reportedly even dared to challenge the apex predator crocodile in the Amazon River.

They will take advantage of the group's cooperation and work together to drag the crocodile into the water, then attack the crocodile's soft belly with their sharp claws and teeth, eventually killing it to eat. The bravery and wisdom of this behavior made people have to be impressed by the giant otter.

Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

Secondly, the way giant otters hunt piranhas is also amazing. Piranhas are notoriously ferocious fish in the Amazon River, with sharp teeth that can easily bite through the flesh of their prey. However, in the face of the giant otter, the piranha was powerless.

The giant otter uses its excellent swimming skills and keen perception to catch piranhas with precision and crush their bodies with their powerful jaws. The efficiency and cruelty of the predatory methods have given people a deeper understanding of the survival ability of giant otters.

Finally, giant otters can even strike fear into the hearts of the Amazon's apex predators. One of the largest snakes in the world, the forest snake is known for its formidable strangulation ability and large size.

Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

However, in the face of giant otters, they often choose to avoid them. It has been observed that when a forest worm encounters it in the water, it tends to swim away quickly to avoid conflict with it, and it can be described as a soldier who surrenders without a fight.

This may be due to the giant otter's group cooperation and strong attack power, which makes the giant otter feel overwhelmed. Due to this hunting characteristic, neither a crocodile in the water nor a jaguar on land can gain the upper hand over a giant otter.

With its unique predatory behavior and survival ability, the giant otter has become a force to be reckoned with in the Amazon rainforest, and many animals at the top of the food chain who live in that environment dare not easily fight it.

Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

Despite their appearance as gentle and harmless on the outside, their inner strength and ferocity have established the image of apex predators in the Amazon basin, making them truly "Amazon's number one beast".

For those who want to explore the Amazon rainforest in depth, knowing and respecting the presence of giant otters is undoubtedly a necessary survival wisdom. However, such a unique animal is now gradually disappearing.

As a result of human activities, the ecological environment of the Amazon River basin has suffered unprecedented damage. As a result, the habitat of the giant otter is shrinking, and in many places the giant otter has become extinct.

Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

According to 2016 data, the giant otter has been listed as endangered by the Nature Conservation Organization, and is at the most dangerous red endangered level among them. In order to protect this animal, the world's conservationists are continuing their efforts.

First of all, on the basis of fully recognizing the seriousness of this matter, environmentalists began to call for the protection of the habitat environment of giant otters around the world.

On the other hand, it has also forced the local government to start implementing some protection measures that have not been taken seriously before. For example, the ecological protection project in the Amazon basin is based on this background.

Amazon's No. 1 Fierce Beast?Raw Crocodile Crazy Piranha, Even the Snake Python Hides When He Sees Them?

Although the protection of the giant otter has been carried out for some time, the overall living environment of the giant otter is still limited, and more measures must be taken to protect the environment in the future to avoid the giant otter following in the footsteps of other extinct species.

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