
How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

author:Shanghai Xuhui

Mr. Lu Xun is here

"How We Are Fathers Now" is written

Parents to children

It should be produced soundly, educated to the best of its ability, and liberated completely

Carrying the burden of the attack on his back, he shouldered the dark floodgates

Let them go to a wide and bright place

After that, live happily and behave reasonably

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

Today, the whole country is ongoing

Actively help the implementation of the "double reduction" policy

In this context

Xuhui Middle School Wang Xiaohe squadron backbone

Xuhui District new era good teenager, tianping moral education circle small reporter

Liu Jiayi, a member of the Red Yun Small Press Corps

On "How do we father?" "This theme

Conduct research during the National Day

Let's take a look at it

(The following is narrated from a first-person perspective)

Mr. Zeng Xianyi, special principal of Xuhui Middle School and senior chinese teacher, told me: This year is not only the centenary of the founding of the party, but also the 140th anniversary of the birth of Mr. Lu Xun, the standard-bearer of China's new cultural movement, which is highly appreciated by Chairman Mao Zedong! Mr. Lu Xun once had a famous work", "How Do We Be Fathers Now", reflecting his values and fatherly views.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

Principal Zeng is naturally very familiar with this work, and he believes that in the path of children's growth, "parents' thinking is complementary and different", and many times "the angle of difference is still obvious". Father's thinking and actions are important assets in the child's growing stage. Principal Zeng also stressed that children are always naughty, like to play, and sometimes there is rebellion (and even some confrontational remarks), compared with mothers, fathers are often more tolerant and appreciate their children's personality.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Principal Zeng Xianyi called on fathers to actively take responsibility for the growth of children

These insights of President Zeng made me greatly interested in Mr. Lu Xun's famous articles. I also found that with the implementation of the national "double reduction" policy, there have been new changes in children's after-school time planning. What new ideas will fathers have about this? During the National Day holiday, I conducted some research.

On the question of how to be a father in the era of "double subtraction", computer engineer Tao Fengfeng thinks so: "Before the 'double subtraction', we were probably the most anxious group of fathers in the world. In order for children to stand out in the language test, they take their children to run between various cram schools on weekends. Weekends to rest are thus filled with homework for cram school and completion of cram school. When the child expresses his dissatisfaction, we think that the father has absolute power and majesty over the son, as Mr. Lu Xun said, and put on the dignity of the father and tell the child: 'Lao Tzu speaks, of course, everything is indispensable', everything is for your own good. ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Tao Fengfeng and his daughter Tao Chenchen read Mr. Lu Xun's "Chao Hua Xi Shi" together, Tao Chenchen is the backbone of the Gu Ping Squadron in the fourth grade of high school primary school, and the new era good teenager in Xuhui District in 2021

"The sudden 'double reduction' policy has poured a large basin of cold water on the enthusiasm of everyone's 'chicken baby'. Suddenly, we found that the weekends no longer had to be like a war. We could enjoy a leisurely breakfast and then discuss how to spend the rest of the weekend. We can accompany our children to visit red attractions and learn the fighting spirit of their predecessors; we can go to major museums to punch in and feel the charm of history and science; we can stop at art and art museums to appreciate the works of the masters; we can go to parks and courts to spread wilderness and relax thoroughly; we can even just read the classics at home and enjoy the power of knowledge. 'Double Minus' gives kids the opportunity to do what they really want to do, and I'm in charge of my weekends! ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Tao Fengfeng accompanied Tao Chenchen to visit the Xuhui District Olympic Theme Stamp Exhibition, and the introducer was Lin Fudong, Secretary of the Party Group of the Xuhui District Sports Bureau

Tao Fengfeng shared: "I am a fan myself, and I am also a senior player of the football club in my unit. We found that the club has been engaged in more than ten years, and every time it plays externally, it is a bunch of old players to support the façade, and there are few fresh blood. In fact, the company recruits a large number of new employees every year, but there are few new colleagues who join the team every year, and their skills are lackluster. We have done some understanding that many young people now have excellent work ability, but in their spare time, they only like to stay at home, play games, and watch movies to pass the time. If we continue to cultivate children according to the process of 'chicken babies', I am afraid that we will have to cultivate a new batch of otaku and otaku. In the past, we saw children in Europe and the United States always have enough time to invest in cultural and sports activities after class, very envious, and now the 'double subtraction' also allows our babies to put down their school bags and fully enjoy their weekends. Let the base return to the young, and let them go to a wide and bright place. ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Tao Chenchen and Wu Haifeng, secretary of the Party Committee of Xuhui Postal Company, exchanged "Tianping Community Newspaper"

Fang Qian, a computer engineer with two daughters, said: "One Saturday, my wife and I spent an hour observing the children entering and leaving the subway station after sending our children to a classroom at an educational institution. More than 90 percent of children carry large school bags, accompanied by their parents, are either on their way to educational institutions or have just left educational institutions. On the child's face, almost no happiness should be seen on the weekend, but instead tired and dazed. I have always been worried about my children, spending my entire childhood in homework and educational institutions. Fortunately, the 'double subtraction' policy has brought great changes to our lives, and I have more time to practice the concept of 'reading thousands of books and walking thousands of miles'. ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Fang Qian asked Fang Wenyuan, who was the second child at home and the kindergarten class, to learn to sort out the toys at home

The so-called reading of ten thousand books is to read extensively and gradually build a child's knowledge system through the discussion of reading. To this end, Fang Qian bought a kindle for the child and encouraged her to stay away from the iPad and make friends with books. Where a child encounters confusion or reads interesting content, it will trigger a big discussion between father and daughter. For example, when Fang Wenxuan, the eldest baby in the family, read the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, he became interested in the military system of han dynasty officials, so the father and daughter spent an evening having an interesting and warm discussion.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!
How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Fang Qian accompanied the family Dawa and the fifth grade Fang Wenxuan to read at home, from the popular historical novel "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to the ancient Chinese classic national history "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", which is a qualitative leap

The so-called journey of ten thousand miles is to practice the truth of the book. Fang Qian thought that the best way was, of course, to walk through the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and visit the places described in those books. However, due to the pandemic, hiking is not possible, but fortunately Shanghai has a large number of museums and celebrity former residences. Every weekend, Fang Qian would take his children to experience Chinese history up close. For example, recently, Fang Qian and his children followed the recommended points of the "Huishi Towel Dawn Search Map" to visit the former homes of various celebrities and learn about the stories hidden in those red houses.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Fang Wenyuan participated in chess off-campus activities that interested him

For "How to be a father?" On this issue," Zheng Shuai, a young father of the post-85s, said: "As a 'post-85', I grew up in a traditional family atmosphere and became a father for more than six years. I have always believed that the identity of father is lifelong, sacred, and implies responsibility and responsibility. Although it originates from blood and acts in obligation, in the end, it must be based on responsibility. I often wonder, what was my father like? What is the father like in my son's eyes? And how do I fulfill my responsibilities as a father? ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Zheng Shuai tutored his son, Zheng Haoyu, a freshman in high school, to write correctly

Zheng Shuai frankly informed: "Before the 'double subtraction' era, even though I firmly believed that 'the son does not teach, the father is at fault', but the closely arranged after-school tutoring class, covering 'morality, intelligence, physical fitness and beauty', is like an arms race in the preschool education class, all at the expense of parent-child time." All I can do is to see the needle in the seam, on the way to the pick-up, when the family breakfast and dinner, to complete the fast food-style parent-child communication, always unable to avoid the inner anxiety and the pursuit of efficiency, can be described as more than enough and insufficient. When the era of 'double subtraction' came, I still firmly believed in 'the son does not teach, the father's fault', but the arrangement is more comfortable, the arms race in the preschool education class has ended, and I can also have more time to conform to the nature of the child, because of the situation, I also have more time to understand the responsibility of the father. ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Zheng Haoyu visited the Chinese medicine hall he was interested in at the Shanghai Eighth People's Hospital and learned about the intangible cultural heritage of the motherland, accompanied by his father Zheng Shuai throughout the process

Regarding the responsibility of the father, Zheng Shuai gave his own views.

➤ First, companionship and guidance, traditional family habits "male outside, female inside", in actual education, the role of the father has a stronger exemplary power, pour more companionship and attention to the children, and will eventually be transformed into the internal driving force of the next generation's life, this spiritual power is invisible, but also accompanied by his life.

➤ The second is to restrain and demonstrate, Chinese talk about "self-cultivation, family unity, governance, and peace in the world", and "self-cultivation" is not only the premise of the latter, but also the primary life pursuit as a Chinese virtue and character. Fathers are the initiators of their children's sense of character, and through the red line constraints of clear codes of conduct, as well as daily words and deeds, they are enough to lay the foundation of character for the next generation.

➤ The third is recognition and inheritance, the patriarchy under traditional education pays attention to authority, does not allow questioning and resistance, attaches importance to the results of compliance, and does not talk about process thinking. The answer is self-evident whether to raise the next generation to carry out orders, or to cultivate the next generation who can think, discern, and have the ability to sympathize. As a father in the new era, to enjoy growing up with their children and acknowledging the joy of growing up together, not only must they know how to retreat, but also have the courage to let go, accept the challenges of their children, and find the happiness of being overcome, in order to better inherit, the eagle can spread its wings and fly high.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Zheng Haoyu and his mother Song Shuang exchanged the work "Compendium of Materia Medica" by the Ming Dynasty physician Li Shizhen

Sun Jiajun, a financial expert, also has his own unique views on how to be a father. He believes that Mr. Lu Xun once wrote an essay in the early days of the New Culture Movement, "How Do We Be Fathers Now", in which Mr. Lu Xun criticized the "patriarchy" of the old ritual religion. Mr. Lu Xun asked the Chinese people at that time to understand, guide and let go of their children. Parents should "do their best to educate and liberate their children." Although China has experienced a hundred years of development, Chinese parents' education of their children has not been freed from the shackles of a hundred years, and they are still using "parental power" to oppressively educate their children.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ Sun Jiajun accompanied his daughter, Sun Yiwen, a fourth-grade student of Xiangyang Primary School and the director of Lu Xun's Confidant Society, to read Mr. Lu Xun's essays

"With the introduction of the 'double reduction' policy, children have more time for extracurricular activities, and as a small reporter for the community newspaper, daughter Sun Yiwen began to visit museums, libraries and Xinhua bookstores on weekends. At this time, my role began to manifest, I became an 'encyclopedia' and a docent, and began to popularize science knowledge for my daughter. While listening to historical stories, understanding the cultural background, and feeling the national spirit, the daughter began to slowly undergo a 'chemical reaction' in her thoughts. Sun Jiajun said.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Family reading poster made by mother Huang Zhiying

The daughter understood: Why should I be proud of Chinese? Why is life hard to come by now? Why is China's culture so brilliant? She understood the importance of the motherland's strength, thought about how she contributed to the country and society, and planned her life goals and growth trajectory. From a simple student status, the daughter began to transform into a cultural inheritor and a reliable successor. Although her conversion is still a little naïve, and the goal seems a little distant, the daughter has taken an important step. Schools have reduced the burden of exam-oriented education, but as parents, they must take on more responsibilities for social education. In this process, the role of the father is not only a family attribute, but also a social attribute. Helping children set life goals, accompanying children to grow up, and facing future challenges is what every parent should do now. ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Sun Yiwen presided over the theme activities of Xiangyang Primary School to welcome the 72nd anniversary of the motherland

My father, Liu Jun, who also has two daughters, also has his own experience in how to be a father: in old Chinese culture, the father has absolute authority in the family, and any move of the child to challenge the authority of the father will be considered filial piety. Fathers providing food, drink, and study for their children are considered to be a kind of "kindness" to their children, and children must repay "kindness" to be considered good children. However, with the development of society, there have been some changes in the question of how to be a father. Mr. Lu Xun once wrote in the article: "Awakened parents should be completely obligated, altruistic, sacrificial, and it is not easy to do. ”

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Liu Jiayi and her father Liu Jun read together the "Xinmin Weekly" with the theme of commemorating the 140th anniversary of Mr. Lu Xun's birth.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!
How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲ On September 25, the 140th anniversary of Mr. Lu Xun's birth, Xinmin Weekly launched a cover report on the commemorative theme, edited by Kong Bingxin, a talented woman of Xinmin Weekly

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Liu Jiayi and extracurricular counselor Dr. Wang Lingyi exchanged lu xun commemorative themes

In Liu Jun's view, fathers are born to love their children, and their efforts to their children are voluntary and gratuitous, and they do not have to impose their own efforts on their children as "grace", and require their children to "repay grace" when they become adults. In the new era, society emphasizes the equality of all people, the father is no longer a sacrosanct authority in the family, and the children, as a member of the family, also have the freedom to express their own ideas and opinions, as long as they are reasonable and effective, they will be adopted by the family.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Liu Jiayi and her father attended the unveiling ceremony of Wang Xiaohe Squadron of Xuhui Middle School

Under the "double reduction" policy, fathers should give more consideration to allowing their children to develop more comprehensively, plan the path of their children's growth, listen to their children's voices, accompany their children more, and take their children out to broaden their horizons, rather than shaping themselves into authorities in the family, only paying attention to cultural learning, locking their children in rooms every day to brush up on problems, or tired of running back and forth between training institutions and homes. As an important member of the family, it is necessary for fathers to spend more time on cultivating the next generation, and fathers need to set an example in establishing an upward outlook on life, values and worldview, assume the responsibility of fatherhood, and lead their children to the right track of life and towards a better life.

How to be a qualified father? These dads have something to say!

▲Liu Jiayi's sister, Liu Jiayuan,Curator of the Model Museum of Huishi Primary School (first grade), took a photo at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences

Source: Civilization Xuhui

Editor: Cao Xiangyu

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