
Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

author:Xinmin Weekly

One Yao Ming can be compared to three foreign ministers!

Text | Wang Lingyi (Researcher, Shanghai Center for International Economic Exchanges, Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences)

On March 19, the afternoon before the spring equinox, the author had the honor to attend the unveiling ceremony of the Xinmin Weekly Class of Nanyang Model Middle School. This is the third Xinmin Weekly class on the Shanghai campus, the first two being Gao'an Road First Primary School and Huishi Primary School, which were established in the spring of 2018 and the fall of 2020, respectively.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

The second (5th) class of Nanmo Middle School was named Xinmin Weekly Class photography | Liu Jun

Nanmo Middle School has gone through two glorious courses, in the festive atmosphere of welcoming the centennial birthday of the party; this famous institution at home and abroad, which specializes in basketball as a sports, wants to pay tribute in its own unique way. As a result, the fifth class of the second year of high school was named Xinmin Weekly Class Ceremony, which was carefully arranged to be held in the basketball hall of the Lingling Road Campus. At the same time, this year's community festival and the Nanmo Cup men's basketball final were also held; and the scrappy Xinmin Weekly Class Men's Basketball Team was the team that participated in the final!

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Xinmin Weekly Class Men's Basketball Team Participates in the Final of the South Model Cup Photo / Liu Jun

Two basketball fans: also fans of Xinmin Weekly

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class is jointly built by xuhui district civilization office, fenglin street party working committee, xinmin weekly club and nanmo middle school party committee. At the scene of the unveiling ceremony, I met basketball fans: one was Li Xiaoyu, the principal of Nanmo Middle School, and the other was Shen Peiqing, deputy secretary of the Party Working Committee of Fenglin Street; and the two ladies were also fans of Xinmin Weekly.

My first contact with Nanmo Middle School and Qibao Middle School was in 2006, and I met Li Xiaoyu, a Chinese teacher, at Qibao Middle School; the introducer was Qiu Zhonghai, the principal of Qibao Middle School at the time and a hero of Shanghai education. The reason was that at the invitation of Professor Sun Chao, then secretary of the Minhang District Committee of the Communist Party of China (who was once the mayor of Xuhui District), I and Yang Jizhen, then deputy editor-in-chief of Xinmin Weekly (now the director of the Minhang District Bureau of Culture and Broadcasting), went to Qibao Middle School for an interview.

The theme of our interview was President Qiu Zhonghai's educational philosophy of "all-round development and humanistic strengths", involving topics such as extracurricular reading and social research for high school students. However, Principal Qiu, nicknamed "Hai Ge" by the students of Qibao Middle School, was very modest, and he arranged for us to mainly interview Li Xiaoyu and another backbone, geography teacher He Meilong (now the party secretary and principal of Minhang Middle School). Li Xiaoyu formed an indissoluble relationship with Xinmin Weekly since that year, and she used to like "Xinmin Evening News Luminous Cup", and often introduced the American supplement of the evening newspaper into the language class to be read and appreciated.

I remember that I had discussed with Li Xiaoyu the famous book "The Earl of Monte Cristo" translated by Mr. Jiang Xuemo, a professor of Fudan University, because the library of Qibao Middle School had its first translation; in 2007, as a good person, I took the director of the Library of Qibao Middle School and other teachers to visit Mr. Jiang Xuemo's house in the first dormitory of Fudan University (Mr. Jiang and I were neighbors), and the translation signed by Mr. Jiang became a precious gift for the 60th anniversary of Qibao Middle School that year.

Li Xiaoyu later served in the Minhang Education Bureau and served as the chairman of the Minhang District Committee of the China Democratic League; she became the first female principal in the history of Nanmo Middle School in March 2019. Mainstream media in Shanghai, including Xinmin Evening News, were amazed at her crossover and airborne landing when they reported on this development. In fact, this Qibao Middle School was originally a branch of Nanmo Middle School in Qibao Town (Shanghai County), so in my opinion, Li Xiaoyu is a return. In the two years since Li Xiaoyu took up his new post at Nanmo Middle School, he has always warmly promoted Xinmin Weekly to teachers and students.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Liu Jiayuan turned to Li Xiaoyu, the principal of Nanmo Middle School, to find a map of liming, photography | Liu Jun

I met Shen Peiqing on the eve of the National Day in 2009, when she was the deputy director of Tianping Street and in charge of the community's cultural and educational undertakings. That year, Tianping Street did something groundbreaking, transforming a thriving hotel on Guangyuan Road (near Tianping Road) into a community cultural activity center that was later loved by residents. The Tianping Street Library is located in this center, and Shen Peiqing subscribes to the newspapers and periodicals for the second year for residents, and the first choice is "Xinmin Weekly". After Shen Peiqing took up her post in Xinfenglin Street, her enthusiasm for promoting Xinmin Weekly was even higher; after consultation with Yang Haiying, director of the Civilization Office of Xuhui District, Chen Macro, secretary of the Party Committee of Nanmo Middle School, and Li Xiaoyu, principal, she promoted the Xinmin Weekly class!

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Volunteer Liu Jiayi forwarded to Shen Peiqing the anti-epidemic theme book donated by Xinmin Weekly, photography | Liu Jun

Meng Jiasen: A big country craftsman in basketball education

The Basketball Team of Nanmo Junior high school and high school is a whole that systematically trains provincial and municipal and national athletes. Its basketball team has been the hegemon of Shanghai school sports for decades. President Gao Yi a few years ago, secretary Chen Macro and secretary Lin Fudong of the Xuhui District Sports Bureau, have all emphasized a banner figure with me - Meng Jiasen, head coach of the Nanmo basketball team. Meng Jiasen joined Nanmo when he graduated from China Normal University, and it has been 27 years now.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

The author of this article (left) and Meng Jiasen, head coach of the basketball team of Nanmo High School, took a group photo photo | Liu Jun

Meng Jiasen and I are contemporaries, born in 1969; the same birthday as Mr. Barkin is November 25. I once introduced in the "Oriental Sports Daily" that the outstanding contribution of Nanmo basketball to Shanghai and national sports has received many golden sentences from Meng Jiasen in interviews with Nanmo Junior High School and High School. For example, "basketball needs to be passed" - to cooperate with each other; "basketball is round" - to unite; "basketball games are in competition" - to have a sense of competition; "basketball ultimately has to shoot the goal box" - to have a clear goal; "basketball is about rules" - no rules are not square. I felt very inspired at the time, and I felt that Mr. Meng Jiasen was a big country craftsman in the basketball and education circles; he was also a referee in the Chinese professional league.

This time, at the inauguration ceremony of the Xinmin Weekly Class, I met the soul engineer of Nanmo Basketball and felt very happy. In the exchange, Meng Jiasen said very modestly: it is Nanmo who has made him successful, allowing him to turn basketball from an interest into a professional job he loves and sublimate it into a noble career; there are male and female basketball teams in the Nanmo class, basketball is not only the most beloved sports project of school leaders and physical education teaching and research groups, but also almost all teachers support students to participate in daily training or competition. Strong physique and love of basketball are the wealth of Nanmo students throughout their lives!

In the final of this year's Nanmo Cup men's basketball team, Meng Jiasen also served as the referee himself with great interest; the final entrance ceremony was solemn and formal, and after Lin Fudong threw the ball for the back waves to open the final, the atmosphere of the scene entered the professional league-like jubilation and extravagance. This is the thirty-ninth final, and meng Jiasen told me afterwards: The final and semi-final of the Nam Mo Cup are very intense, and there have been many classic matches that reverse or overturn in the last minute. Therefore, from the perspective of fairness and justice, he and his colleagues attach as much importance to campus refereeing work as domestic professional leagues.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

The 39th Nanmo Cup Men's Basketball Final Kickoff Moment Photo / Liu Jun

It is precisely because of fairness and justice and strict refereeing standards that Nanmo students can afford to lose. I think it's a coronation towards adulthood, better than all coming-of-age ceremonies. For example, Chen Macro told me after the game: a sunshine boy in the second grade of high school who had recently lost the game said on the class name - "This is the life of a boy who plays basketball in the ninth class, I believe that many years later he will miss such a seventeen-year-old; countless test questions and dreams of day and night, cheers on the court... I think this may be another way of youth, it means that there is still something boiling in my body, loving and growing without scruples. "In this way, it is true that growth is more important than success!

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Chen Macro, secretary of the party committee of Nanmo Middle School (left), and Lin Fudong, secretary of the party group of the Xuhui District Sports Bureau, both advocated telling the story of basketball serving the country Photography | Liu Jun

Xinmin Weekly class tells the legend of He Long basketball

Teacher Zhang Linjia, the class teacher of Xinmin Weekly, told me how she felt about the weekly: Under the current situation of self-media publicity, Xinmin Weekly can still maintain the professionalism and attitude of its own media people, and does not change the reality of the impact of traditional print media with eye-catching headlines and curious news events; instead relies on the professional team to continue to output rational and in-depth thinking about society, accelerate the integration with new media, and continuously expand its influence.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Teacher Zhang Linjia (right), the class teacher of Xinmin Weekly Class, photography | Liu Jun

Teacher Zhang Linjia also received warm congratulations from Mi Ying, principal of Huishi Primary School, who believed that minors should control their dependence on mobile phones and strengthen the reading of fine products as much as possible; "Xinmin Weekly" is a high-quality reading book worth reading and classroom interaction, especially the weekly mainstream report on current political news and cultural life and social development, which can help students open their horizons. Because of the study of party history, they also want me to provide cases.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Mi Ying, principal of Huishi Primary School, believes that Xinmin Weekly can especially help students open their reading horizons, photography | Xu Yun

So, I provided their Xinmin Weekly class with the case of the Legend of He Long Basketball.

Marshal He Long, who has loved sports all his life, personally formed a "combat basketball team" of the Red Army as early as the period of the revolutionary base area in western Hunan Province. He Long has long believed that in all sports, basketball is a fierce competitive sport, a comprehensive application of physique, will, tactics and technology. Therefore, he himself is particularly fond of basketball and actively advocates the development of basketball in the Red Army team. At the beginning, the basketball team was often limited by the playing field, he led everyone to work together to level the four basketball courts at once, and also cut down trees and sawn wood on the spot to make a rack and rebound, and used the big nan bamboo to bend into a circle to fix the rebound, and one basketball court was built in this way.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

He Long (second row, second from right) poses with all the members of the combat basketball team

Since then, He Long has played with the players as soon as he has time. In addition to being captured from the Nationalist troops they defeated in battle, they sometimes sent scouts "disguised as rich gentlemen" to the county town or the big town market to buy. In order to play well, they also often hold seminars to study the shortcomings of improving ideological style and technology and tactics. He often told the members of the team, that is, the soldiers of the Red Army, that playing ball is like fighting a war; first, we must stress that the fighting style is excellent, dare to compete and dare to grab, not be afraid of the strong, and not be weak; second, we must stress unity and fighting, cooperate with tacit understanding, and cannot fight each other; third, we must pay attention to tactics, training must have a plan, the game must have a plan, the attack must be attacked, the defense must be stable, and the initiative in the game must be grasped. In order to train physical strength, weight-bearing climbing is a regular subject.

During the battle intervals during the Long March, He Long also actively sought or rectified the venue, arranging basketball games to enliven life and consolidate morale. He Long pays great attention to sports hygiene, such as opposing drinking cold water, taking a cold bath after the game and shirtless competition, and advocating the production of basketball game vests and shorts. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the team members of the He Long unit after the battle not only played ball with local basketball enthusiasts, played friendly games with friendly troops, and popularized basketball skills to young people and peasants everywhere they went, but also carried out anti-Japanese propaganda and agitation work for the masses by playing basketball, which greatly expanded the political influence of the Eighth Route Army among the masses and the enthusiasm of young peasants to join the army, which was appreciated by Chairman Mao!

At the beginning of the founding of New China, He Long became the first director of the State Sports Commission; under his efforts and planning, he successfully held the first All-Army Games and the first National Games in Beijing. At the same time, basketball is still his favorite. Not only has the "combat basketball team" become the "Bayi" team, but each military region in the country has its own male and female formation teams. Before Yao Ming, a famous alumnus of Nanmo Middle School, did not appear in the Chinese basketball world, the "Bayi" team was not only invincible in domestic competitions, but also its main force was the main force of the national team. He Long hopes that the "three big ball" teams can become the world's powerhouses, and "rushing out of Asia and going to the world" is the famous slogan he put forward.

The Nanmo alumni I know serve the country

In addition to Yao Ming, I also know three outstanding alumni of Nanmo who like basketball.

The first alumnus of the Class of 1940, Hu Xuchu, was a fellow of my mother Yang Jianhua's Wuxi and a colleague of my father, Wang Zhihua, when he was working at the Shanghai Institute of Physiology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He is a well-known physiologist with an international reputation, and I met him in 1967 when I was in elementary school.

He led a series of academic studies on the field of plateau physiology (exercise testing) and the effects of plateaus on the physiological qualities of athletes, in particular directly leading the 1966 and 1975 Mount Everest Alpine Physiological Expeditions. He told me in great detail about elementary school students: cutting-edge topics such as the principle of adaptation of the respiratory cardiovascular system to hypoxia; he gave me a taste of red banana apples specially grown for the climbers of Mount Everest; he was good friends with Pando, the first Chinese woman to climb Mount Everest, and showed me a documentary on his climbing feats.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Researcher Hu Xuchu, a physiologist, photographed Pan Duoying in that year

Hu Xuchu's father and son are also Nanmo alumni; three generations of the same school, but it is a very rare good story!

Hu Xuchu once hoped that I would study alpine physiology with him after I went to college, and I certainly benefited a lot from translating the latest academic frontier papers on physiology on Mount Everest climbing when I was in Yan'an Middle School. However, I finally chose the History Department of Fudan University, which disappointed Hu Xuchu and my father; I was really sorry!

The second is Xia Yulong, a fellow from Hangzhou and a veteran leader of the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, who is also an old friend of my father and I. I have long known that he was an alumnus of Nanmo, and in early 2009, I was entrusted by Gao Yi to ask him: Who was the first secretary of the Nanmo underground party? He laughed and said, "I am!" ”

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

On the afternoon of March 10, the author (right) met President Gao Yi at the entrance of the Nanmo Campus on Tianyaoqiao Road photo | Zhang Jianci

So on May Fourth of that year: I accompanied Elder Xia back to his alma mater after many years of absence (at that time, the high school address was No. 200 Tianping Road, which is now Nanmo Junior High School), and told the story of the early revolutionary struggle in Nanmo with my second-year classmates. He was a well-known authority in the party on deng xiaoping theory research, the first to put forward the concept of comprehensive well-off, the first to carry out the feasibility study of Shanghai to host the World Expo, and I also accompanied Xia Yulong to propose a free West Lake scenic area. He is also a loyal reader of Xinmin Weekly, and now that his alma mater has established the Xinmin Weekly class, it should be the best consolation for him!

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

Revolutionary memoirs of Xia Yulong, the first underground party secretary of Nanmo Middle School

The third was the diplomat Ambassador Li Daoyu, who was a grandson of Li Hongzhang. I remember at the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences, Elder Xia told me proudly: In 1948, he introduced Li Daoyu to the party and embarked on the revolutionary road. Li Daoyu once served as China's ambassador to the United States and the United Nations, and during his tenure as ambassador to the United Nations, he properly handled major complex and sensitive issues such as the outbreak of the first Gulf War, which greatly enhanced China's international discourse power. During his tenure as ambassador to the United States, he was good at struggle and active communication, put forward the famous principle of "fighting without breaking," and promoted china's WTO accession to the United States-related negotiations. He informed me about the "Hundred Talents Society", an outstanding Chinese organization in the United States, and from this I met the leader of the 100 People's Association, namely Yang Xuelan, vice president of Asian affairs of General Motors, and substantially promoted the company's investment in China's Pudong, and soon the Shanghai-made Buick sedan appeared in the market at home and abroad. Later, Li Daoyu also promoted Yao Ming to play in the United States, becoming the first world-class athlete in China to gain a firm foothold in the American professional men's basketball team.

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

On September 29, 2019, Li Daoyu was awarded the National Honorary Title of Outstanding Contributor to Diplomatic Work, which is the highest honor ever received by Nanmo alumni

Li Daoyu suggested that Xia Lao and I pay attention to Yao Ming's national soft power image. To this end, the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences and the Hong Kong Wen Wei Po also held a seminar, and the conclusion was that one Yao Ming can be compared to three foreign ministers!

Nanmo Xinmin Weekly Class: Witness basketball to report the national history

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