
Why is it said that you can't sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? Is it superstition or is there a scientific basis?

author:39 HealthNet

"You can't sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east!"

Mr. Wang took a few days off to visit his mother in his hometown, and that night, when he was about to go to bed, Aunt Liu came to tell him the direction of sleeping.

"Mom, that's superstition, it's the same wherever you sleep."

Aunt Liu became serious, frowning slightly: "Don't believe it!" I didn't sleep well like that before, and I slept soundly when I changed directions. ”

Mr. Wang was skeptical, sounding a little reasonable, but he also felt that this was the superstition of the older generation: Is this statement true?

Why is it said that you can't sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? Is it superstition or is there a scientific basis?

1. Why can't you sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east?

Where does this statement come from?

According to the theory of yin and yang and the five elements of traditional Chinese medicine, people should conform to the laws of nature. In the traditional culture of the mainland, the orient belongs to wood, which represents growth and vitality; The western genus is gold, which represents harvest and withering. When you sleep with your head facing east and your feet facing west, you violate the natural law of growth.

In Feng Shui, it is believed that the orientation of the head of the bed will affect fortune and health. The head of the bed faces east, which absorbs the morning sun and positive energy, which helps with health and good luck, while facing west is unlucky.

In terms of the earth's magnetic field, this view is that the human body itself has a weak magnetic field, and if the direction of sleep is consistent with the earth's magnetic field, the body can rest better.

Why is it said that you can't sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? Is it superstition or is there a scientific basis?

So, does this claim make sense?

In fact, the Earth's magnetic field is very weak, as is the body's own magnetic field, and their interaction is almost negligible.

Second, the Earth's magnetic field is not pointing straight to north and south, but is somewhat tilted. No matter where you are, the direction of the magnetic field is not exactly due north and south, and it will change over time. But the house and the bed can't change anytime and anywhere with the magnetic field, and it is very difficult to sleep strictly in the direction of the magnetic field.

In addition, our bodies gradually adapt to the environment around us, including the Earth's magnetic field. Sometimes, this balance can be upset, such as traveling across time zones, moving, etc.

Why is it said that you can't sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? Is it superstition or is there a scientific basis?

Until now, scientific research has not found a clear direct relationship between the direction of sleep and the Earth's magnetic field, and there is no evidence that sleeping with your head facing east and feet facing west is bad for your health. To put it simply, how you sleep and which way you sleep has little impact on your health.

2. These 3 kinds of consciousness, beware of "fatal consciousness"!

As the saying goes, "people sleep three times, and their lives are thinner than paper", and instead of paying attention to which side to sleep, these "three sleeps" are really not able to sleep.

1. Don't sleep after eating

After eating, the body needs time to digest the food, and lying down to sleep immediately can cause stomach upset or indigestion. Moreover, lying down after eating, stomach acid can easily reflux into the esophagus, causing heartburn or other digestive problems.

2. Don't turn your consciousness upside down

Dr. Lin Zheng, director of the Department of Psychiatry at the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University, said that the human body has an internal clock, called the biological clock, which regulates the sleep-wake cycle and synchronizes with the day and night cycle. A reversed sleep pattern of day and night can disrupt this cycle, not only will it not only lead to poor sleep, but also memory loss, endocrine disorders, and mood instability.

Why is it said that you can't sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? Is it superstition or is there a scientific basis?

3. Don't sleep lazy

In general, at 7 o'clock in the morning, the stomach has been emptied, and the stomach lining will shrink due to hunger. If you are always lazy and would rather be hungry than get up for breakfast, for a long time, you are prone to chronic gastritis or ulcers, and your digestive function will also deteriorate.

3. There are 5 manifestations of sleeping, congratulations, the body is still very tough

In addition to paying attention to your usual sleeping position and sleeping style, you should also pay more attention to your performance while sleeping.

The Cardiovascular Department of Beijing Deshengmen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine reminds everyone that if there is numbness in the hands and feet, difficulty breathing, dizziness, headache, and drooling while sleeping, you should be alert to whether it is a sign of cerebral infarction.

If you don't have the above problems when you sleep, and there are these 5 performances, then congratulations, it means that the body is still very tough!

Falling asleep quickly: Being able to fall asleep soon after going to bed indicates that the body and mind are relaxed and less stressed.

Not easy to wake up: can fall asleep quickly, sleep until dawn, and do not wake up often, indicating good sleep quality, endocrine, cardiovascular, and liver are in a healthy state.

Why is it said that you can't sleep with your feet facing west and your head facing east? Is it superstition or is there a scientific basis?

Sleep soundly: No movement, no dreams, and no nightmares at night, which indicates that the brain is functioning normally, mental health, and there are not too many emotional problems.

Doesn't get up often at night: You don't have to get up at night to go to the toilet, which means that the urinary system is functioning normally and the kidneys are healthy.

Waking up feeling refreshed: Waking up in the morning feeling refreshed and refreshed, with no fatigue and staying energized and focused the next day, is a sign of a high quality sleep.

In general, the sleeping position varies from person to person, if you want to sleep well, you still have to find the most suitable way to sleep, if you feel uncomfortable sleeping, you should pay more attention to whether there is a problem with your body.


[1] "How you sleep, decide what disease you will have!" On the question of sleeping, just read this one! 》. Health Times.2020-12-24

[2] "Can't You Sleep with Your Feet Facing West and Your Head East"? Is there really a saying about the direction of sleeping? I finally know it today. Popular Science China.2022-08-18

[3] "Doctor's Reminder: These 5 abnormalities appear in sleep at night, which may be related to cerebral infarction!" 》. Department of Cardiology, Beijing Deshengmen Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine.2023-08-30

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