
Xiao Tong: Wang Xiang who interprets the persistence of speaking new languages in the world

author:Xiaotong Lanzhou

In a certain year, I got the old version of "The New Language of the World" with the Jincheng God Temple, and Bought a new version of the translation from xinhua bookstore, compared it twice, still felt that the old language was the essence, every time I read it, the aftertaste was long, Xiao Tong was with junyuzhi, and it was delicate and gentle. But listen----

Persistent Wang Xiang

Xiao Tong: Wang Xiang who interprets the persistence of speaking new languages in the world
Xiao Tong: Wang Xiang who interprets the persistence of speaking new languages in the world

Wang Xiang (Zi Xiuzheng, known for filial piety, is one of the twenty-four filial pieties, the protagonist of "Lying On Ice and Asking for Carp"), when he was a child, he was extremely respectful to his stepmother Lady Zhu. The stepmother did not accept his affection, still clinging to the idea of a long-tongued woman, and could not get along with him.

Wang Xiang's family has a plum tree, growing luxuriantly, plums are more knotted, it is also very delicious, the stepmother let him take care of the plums, must not be less, otherwise, only he asked.

There was wind and rain in the sky, and Wang Xiang, who was loyal to people, was deeply afraid of falling a plum, so in the wind and rain, under the pear tree, he hugged the li tree and cried, in order to express his compassion, even the heavens could not go through with him, and the wind blew all the time.

Xiao Tong: Wang Xiang who interprets the persistence of speaking new languages in the world

Once, Wang Xiang got up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet conveniently, and when he returned, he saw that his quilt had been cut down by his stepmother, and he saw that his stepmother was overwhelmed, and he knew that the hatred that his stepmother had for himself from her heart could not be erased and erased. In fact, Wang Xiang didn't do anything wrong, just because he wasn't biological. So he knelt before his mother and took the initiative to die.

At this time, the stepmother really saw Wang Xiang's pure child's heart, which was pure nature and not contrived. I also remembered that in the winter, Wang Xiang climbed the ice and lay down in the snow to catch fish from the river, and also deeply realized that he had not come in the past, and he was busy choking up to help Wang Xiang, the mother and son iced the previous suspicions, and the stepmother regarded Wang Xiang as his own son, and the family was harmonious from then on.

Xiao Tong: Wang Xiang who interprets the persistence of speaking new languages in the world

Wang Xiang's mother's mother after these stories give us a reflection: there is such a "midnight Xin Quilt" stepmother, this family, should have been scattered a long time ago, but Wang Xiang persistently lay on the ice, touched by the ice surface cracked, there are double carp fell out. It is precisely because of this persistence that Wang Xiang dispelled his mother's various concerns and hostility, so that the family finally became a family in the true sense.

Xiao Tong: Wang Xiang who interprets the persistence of speaking new languages in the world

It is this persistence that the later Wang Xiang family is known as the "first door of Jin". Wang Xiang was also honored to ascend the Twenty-Four Filial Piety Chart, and he was always alerted that there was nothing to indelible to the descendants, and the family was still adjacent to each other in the blood after all. Flesh and blood cannibalism, only to be able to leave empty sighs after the old man dies.

Xiao Tong2010.12.29Lanzhou

Xiao Tong: Wang Xiang who interprets the persistence of speaking new languages in the world

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