
"Blame you for being too beautiful": Xu Ling, who has clean eyes, is lucky to meet the rare Mo Xiangwan

author:Xuan Xiaolei

You pay attention to me, I accompany you to love

Wen 丨 Xuan Xiaolei, Figure 丨 Network

"Blame you for being too beautiful": Xu Ling, who has clean eyes, is lucky to meet the rare Mo Xiangwan

The emotional line in "Blame Me for Being Too Beautiful", seeing that 20 episodes have not been moved by the male and female protagonists, the side line of feelings is a little sweet except for Lin Xiang's recollection of the scene where he and Luo Feng first filmed and embraced, and there is nothing moving.

Instead, seeing Mo Xiangwan and Xu Lingqi's "conflict" place, he was moved by these two people.

Mo Xiangwan is the two hottest stars in the hands of this agent, one Lin Xiang and one Xu Ling. One is ignorant of things, and the other is well-behaved and understands things and has a good personality.

However, as people say: the crying child has sugar to eat, this Lin Xiang who works every day actually makes Mo Xiangwan spend more thought and energy, pay more attention to her, spoil her more, and worry more about her.

Of course, there is also a reason that she is actually very stupid and naïve, will not come to things and will not be a person, that is, the kind of little girl who is not bad in heart and is a mess in dealing with people.

Therefore, more affection was poured into her, plus Mo Xiangwan was always very busy, so he somewhat ignored Xu Ling's well-behaved child.

Ignoring more, it will go from sadness to disappointment, coupled with people with ulterior motives to add fuel to the fire, Xu Ling will also be a little shaken, the first time he wants to terminate the contract, he did not succeed.

"Blame you for being too beautiful": Xu Ling, who has clean eyes, is lucky to meet the rare Mo Xiangwan

The second time he proposed to terminate the contract, but he was not only because Mo Xiangwan ignored himself, but considered the problem of transformation.

Of course, this is also a kind of harm and betrayal for Mo Xiangwan. When Mo Xiangwan heard the news, he was also very anxious and angry and unhappy, and tried his best to keep Xu Ling, but it was obviously useless.

So the backhand broke the news of Xu Ling's "black history", thinking that she was retaliating, or drawing salaries from the bottom of the cauldron, in fact, she saw through Hao Mai's "trick".

Hao Mai snatched Xu Ling and promised him such good conditions, presumably it was not so simple, if he used Xu Ling's past to control and threaten him, he would fall into a quagmire.

Therefore, Mo Xiangwan's seemingly ruthless behavior is actually helping Xu Ling, this point, Xu Ling actually did not doubt Mo Xiangwan as everyone did, even if he thought that Mo Xiangwan was angry and angry to retaliate against himself, he did not hate her, but believed her unconditionally.

As soon as this matter came out, it was actually Hao Mai of Xu Ling who was in disarray. And Mo Xiangwan first threw out a "bomb" and then arranged how to "wash white" for Xu Ling, which was not an unforgivable thing.

And it is also out of self-defense psychology hurt people, so directly come out to apologize, and ask back to the original and injured people to tell the truth, Xu Ling's image is not only not damaged, but also became an inspirational positive guide.

"Blame you for being too beautiful": Xu Ling, who has clean eyes, is lucky to meet the rare Mo Xiangwan

In this, what is touching is Xu Ling's belief in Mo Xiangwan, as well as Mo Xiangwan's protection of Xu Ling. On the surface, this is a fierce conflict event, like Xu Ling's ungratefulness, And Mo Xiangwan's betrayal and counterattack.

In fact, Xu Ling is thinking about it again and again, wanting to transform into a personal studio, clearly understanding what he wants and what he wants to do.

It's just that he is still a little naïve and does not understand what Hao Mai will do to himself, so Mo Xiangwan not only understands and accepts that he wants to leave him, but also helps him despite being misunderstood by him and ignoring the possibility of the company's losses.

Remembering what Mo Xiangwan once said to Xu Ling, the gist was that there were still stars in his eyes or his heart was still very pure, which should be rare in their circle, so although Mo Xiangwan ignored him a little, he would not forget to protect him.

Although Xu Ling wanted to leave Mo Xiangwan's company, he also thought about how to minimize the damage. Each other has a part of care and fulfillment, so this emotional relationship is still touching.

"Blame you for being too beautiful": Xu Ling, who has clean eyes, is lucky to meet the rare Mo Xiangwan

Some people think that Xu Ling likes Mo Xiangwan's big sister, which is possible, but it may also be just dependent, it is sister-brother love, whether it is love or not, these subtle feelings are also sadistic and ups and downs and touching.

There are also many such emotions in life, which may not be related to love, but feel very good. And this beauty is inspired by some situations of conflict and impact.

Usually, getting along may be just plain and trivial, but when something happens, the moving aspects of these feelings are reflected.

This is also a kind of "really for your own good, whether you are good for me or not, or even if you are not kind to me, I will maintain your sincerity, such as Xu Ling's encounter with Mo Xiangwan, it is a kind of luck."

And Xu Ling's treatment of Mo Xiangwan is a kind of unconditional trust that even if people say that you are not good to me, I believe that you are a reason, and it seems that it is also warm to people's hearts.