
The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Time Editorial Office | Donnie, North

I am completely cured.

As a successor of DC's old and new universes, "The Flash" has been a topic of constant conversation since its release.

Whether it is the "double flash in the same frame" in the film, or the collective dispatch of Batman in many universes, or the first stunning appearance of Superwoman, fans are dazzled.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

So behind these dazzling characters and explosive action scenes, what details &Easter eggs are hidden to pay tribute to DC Comics and live-action movies?

(Hint: this article involves spoilers!) It is recommended to read after watching the movie)


Factory logo LOGO assembly

In order to highlight the Flash's superpowers that can travel through time and space and the theme of the story, the opening logo has also been specially made.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Along with the yellow lightning, the classic logos of Warner and DC from various eras also appeared, triggering the first wave of fans' memories.


Holiday killer

At the beginning of the movie, The Flash and Batman fight in Gotham City, and the initiator of this chaos is the infamous Alberto Falcone.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Alberto comes from the Falcone family, the largest gangster in Gotham City, and is one of the famous villains in the comics, nicknamed "Holiday Killer", which first appeared in "Batman: The Long Halloween". It is worth mentioning that he is also the son of the villain Carmine Falcone who appeared in Robert Pattinson's version of "The New Batman", I don't know if it will be linked in the future?

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go


Wonder Woman

Wonder Woman, who belongs to DC's Old Universe (DCEU), also makes a brief appearance in the opening chapter, helping Ben Affleck's version of Batman in a critical moment.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In addition, she also showed off her weapon "Truth Noose" in the film, allowing Batman and The Flash to reveal some inner "little secrets". This is Wonder Woman's second cameo appearance in a DC movie this year after "Thunder Shazam 2".


Iris in "Positive Link" and "The Flash"

Coresi Clemens played Iris West in the DCEU, and her role was deleted in the taillight version of "Justice League" and eventually reappeared in the director's cut version of "Zhenglian".

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In "The Flash", Iris mentioned the scene in the 2020 clipped version, where Barry saved her in a car accident, but Barry himself said that he couldn't remember this scene - for the attitude of different audience groups to the clipped version of "Zhenglian", this may also be an interesting tribute?


Iron Mountain Prison

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Barry's father, Henry Allen, was played by Billy Krudup in "The Link", and due to scheduling conflicts, he was replaced by Ron Reveston in "The Flash".

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In both films, Barry is connected to his father in Iron Mountain Prison - Iron Heights Penitentiary is the most famous prison in DC Comics, where many of the villains Barry caught in the drama version of "The Flash" were imprisoned.


Heng Chao's "special cameo"

Although Henry Cavill has announced that he will no longer play the role of Superman, we can still see his "cameo" figure in "The Flash".

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Once at the beginning of the film, we see him using his laser eye to stop the volcano from erupting, and the other time when the Flash starts time travel, we also see Heng Chao's burly shape.


Grayson's shop

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

When Bruce Wayne talks to Barry's door, he can see a store opposite Barry's house that says "Grayson's Shop". This is a tribute to Dick Grayson in the DC family - he became Robin first and then Nightwing.



When the Flash first travels through time to the cabin where he once lived, the house number shows "12".

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Here is a tribute to the comic strip The Flash Vol 12. In the comics, teenager Barry Allen embarks on his own heroic journey, but meets another self. This forms a degree of intertextuality with the cinematic version of the story.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go


"2013" and "Superman: Man of Steel"

In order to save his mother, the Flash changed the timeline without authorization, causing a butterfly effect, and he himself accidentally came to a certain universe in 2013.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Here he meets 18-year-old Barry Allen and has to face the "Black Zero Incident" of General Zod's invasion of Earth independently. And General Zod's first appearance in the movie "Superman: Man of Steel" was released in 2013. Another point is that the day Barry Allen crossed happened to be September 29, the day he transformed into the Flash.


A large collection of Warner Pictures' television works

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In this new universe, there are many blockbusters, classic cartoons and American dramas. In Barry's small room, we can see posters of movies such as "Inception", "Pacific Rim" and "I Am Legend", which are all classic works of DC parent company Warner.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

The young version of Barry's computer wallpaper is Warner's classic mascot "Le Yitong", and there are also posters of the classic TV series "Friends" and "The Sopranos" on the wall.


Tribute to the rolling guide

Barry has a poster on the wall for the 2002 Scooby-Doo movie, the third film James Gunn wrote during his Hollywood career.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Rolling Director began to become the co-chairman and CEO of DC Pictures last November.

There is a flashback in The Flash in which young Barry wears a T-shirt with "Mystery Machine" printed on it, also from Scooby-Doo.


Starring in "Confusion"

In the new cosmic timeline, many of the popular culture we are familiar with have subtly changed.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Back to the Future

For example, in the dialogue of everyone, we learned that the protagonist of the classic time-travel movie "Back to the Future" is no longer Michael J. Fox, but changed to Eric Strorods. Michael S. J. Fox replaced Kevin Bacon to star in "All Strong" (MCU Star-Lord's favorite); And the "Top Gun" series has no soul starring Tom Cruise, and Kevin Bacon replaces it, forming a perfect triangular closed loop. This is also a little joke made by the main creators.


Father of Aquaman

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Temura Morrison played Aquaman's father, Tom Curry, in " Aquaman " , and when Barry travels back in time , he discovers that Tom Curry is still the same person played by Temula Morrison.

But this man is no longer Aquaman's father – Tom married a human woman (but not Aquaman's mother, Queen Atlantis).

Aquaman Arthur Curry's name, for Tom, is the name of his dog.


Keaton's version of "Batman"

After 31 years, Michael Keaton, who is over 70 years old, plays Batman again!

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In the film, he belongs to the same universe as the young version of The Flash, and although he has been retired for many years, when Barry Allen asks him for help, he still puts on the classic black Batman suit and helps.

It is worth mentioning that Keaton Bat also made Gotham City the safest city in the world, completing great achievements that all Batman has never accomplished.


Replica of the old version of "Batman"

In addition to inviting Michael Keaton to play Batman, the movie also perfectly reproduces the details of the 1989 version of "Batman".

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

For example, the Wayne Manor visited for the first time in the movie is the same as the Wayne Manor in the 1989 version of "Batman", and the shape of the iron gate, the statue of the dragon guardian and the tower are perfectly restored.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Secondly, the wind-pulling Batmobile in Batcave is also a classic 30 years ago, and Danny Eifman's classic soundtrack from 1989 has also reappeared.

How many childhood memories does this evoke from viewers?


Batman's "Meet and Greet"

When he first saw Keaton's version of Batman, he threw a pan at the younger version of Barry Allen, but was easily dodged by Allen, who had just learned supernatural power.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

This scene pays tribute to the bridge in "Justice League", when Batman and the Flash first met, the bat dart thrown by Big Ben was avoided by the Flash.


Joker's "Laughing Bag"

In 1989 "Batman", Keaton's version of Batman took out a green bag from Jack Nicholson's version of the Joker, and the clown's seeping laughter played on a loop.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In The Flash, the younger version of Barry finds the bag in the Batcave.


Barry tied to an electric chair

In The Flash, in order to regain his abilities, Barry asks Batman to tie him to a chair and receive electric shocks.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In the comics, Barry asks Flashpoint Batman Thomas Wayne (Bruce's father) to do the same for him, and the first attempt, whether in the movie or in the comics, was unsuccessful.


Palpatine's Force Lightning

When the younger Barry is learning the Flash's skills, the older Barry says that the Kryptonians cannot be defeated by them.

The younger Barry asked, "Then what if I use the Emperor technique on this person?" ”

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Then a beam of lightning is fired - the "emperor" here refers to the emperor Palpatine in Star Wars, whose skill is Force Lightning.



In the movie, the superwoman Carla Zor-El replaces the superman Carl El in the original universe and becomes the key to the revival of Kryptonite.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go
The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Kara was also not discovered by the American farmers, the Kents, but made a forced landing in Russia, and then imprisoned in a Siberian dungeon and became an experiment.

The film repeatedly gives Superman and pentagram motifs, paying tribute to the bridge where Superman is controlled by the Soviet Union in the comic strip "Superman Red Son".


Christopher Reeve's version of Superman

In the middle of the film, the Flash frequently shuttles through various dimensions due to his mother's heart, resulting in parallel universes of different times and spaces beginning to collapse towards this timeline.

In these parallel universes, we also see many different superhuman images.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Among them are the Superman image played by Christopher Reeve in 1978 (produced by CG) and the earliest Supergirl (Helen Slater).

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

Helen first appeared in 1984's "Supergirl", which is a side story of the Reeve version of the Superman movie.


Nicolas Cage version of Superman

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

The most surprising thing for the audience is the long-haired Superman played by Nicolas Cage. He fights a giant spider in the movie, in a style different from any Superman movie. This is director Anders Muschetti, a kind of remembrance of the premature death of Cage's version of "Superman Resurrection" (which was supposed to be directed by Tim Burton).


Classic Super Hero mess in

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

In addition to various stunning superhuman images, there are other superheroes hidden in the collapsed universe.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

For example, Adam West, the actor of the 1966 drama version of Batman, Grant Gustin the 2014 drama version of the Flash, George Reeves, the actor of the 1951 drama version of Superman, and the original Flash Jay Garrick all made stunning appearances in this chaotic multiverse, and the main thing is a feeling!

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go
The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go


Cameo by the director himself

At the end of the film, Barry returns to the changed real world and prepares to attend his father's hearing when he snatches a burger from a reporter.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

This reporter is played by the film's director Andy Muschetti himself.


George Clooney's version of Batman

At the end of the film, The Flash gives up his obsession and is determined to return to his universe.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

However, his other minor "unintentional move" (the change in the position of the can) once again led to a change in the timeline, turning the Batman in his universe into George Clooney, the actor of Batman in 1997's "Batman and Robin". As a result, "The Flash" has gathered Michael Keaton, George Clooney and "Big Ben", three Batman actors.


Aquaman made a surprise appearance

After all the films were screened, Aquaman played by Jason Momoa made a surprise appearance.

The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

It turns out that no matter what universe he is in, he is still the sea king, and his joke-loving and alcoholic personality has not changed. -END-

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The 26 Easter eggs of "The Flash" are all found in one go

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