
Take the rain as an order! Yuhua District should do a good job of rainstorm prevention and response work as soon as possible

author:Yuhua released

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, there was a new round of heavy rain from the night of June 29 to July 1, and the district departments and towns of Yuhua District strictly implemented the requirements of the "four laws" according to the weather forecast and rain changes. At present, all flood control personnel, equipment, and materials in the whole region have been put in place.

Yuhua District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau

Huahua learned that the District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau not only investigated the construction sites under construction, carried out the investigation of hidden dangers in production safety during the flood season, and supervised the deep foundation pits, high slopes, scaffolding, formwork support systems, lifting machinery and equipment in real time, but also systematically inspected the flood control plan, material reserves, underground garages, sewage pumps, etc., and guided the property company to improve the emergency plan and duty work system. "Government departments continue to focus on the underground garages with the risk of waterlogging in their jurisdictions to ensure the safety of underground space, and urge property communities, enterprises and institutions to arrange special personnel to strengthen inspections, and pay close attention to replenishing and preparing sufficient sandbag baffles and other flood control materials to improve the community's ability to cope with waterlogging." Resident Zhao Bolin praised it, and as a party member, he also took the initiative to join the duty team to participate in volunteer service.

Take the rain as an order! Yuhua District should do a good job of rainstorm prevention and response work as soon as possible

All the staff of the construction engineering quality and safety supervision station in Yuhua District went to the key projects of deep foundation pits and high slopes to carry out flood control inspections and inspections, and urged the construction party to strengthen the pumping and drainage of stagnant water, and increase the monitoring points and frequency. The person in charge of the district housing safety management affairs center and the team of technical experts conducted on-site investigation of the potential safety hazards of slope protection and fence of the streets in the jurisdiction, and required the project leaders to send special personnel to be responsible for safety investigation and rectification of hidden dangers 24 hours a day during the rainy season and flood season to ensure the safe production of projects under construction during the rainy season and flood season. In order to ensure a rapid and effective response to extreme weather and further build a solid flood control safety barrier, the Yuhua District Housing and Urban-Rural Development Bureau has made comprehensive deployments based on the responsibilities of the department, strengthened the implementation of the duty system, and formulated a shift schedule for all staff of the bureau and each secondary organization to take turns on duty to ensure that there are people on duty 24 hours a day and are ready to respond to emergencies at any time. Through these measures, we strive to ensure the safety of people's lives and property to the greatest extent during the flood season, reduce the impact of flood disasters on various communities, and ensure the safety of the whole region.

Yuhua District Emergency Management Bureau

At the same time, Yuhua District strengthened the flood control and drainage emergency duty duty, the district leaders coordinated the scheduling, the town leader led the shift on duty, and the district emergency, transportation, housing and construction, agriculture and rural affairs, municipal, capital planning and other departments were on 24-hour joint duty in the district emergency command center and the embankment along the Liuyang River, timely consultation, research and judgment, active response and disposal, and organized and held special scheduling meetings for many times to arrange deployment. The District Emergency Management Bureau has successively issued the "Flood Reminder", launched the flood control emergency response, and released rainwater information and disaster prevention early warning information through publicity platforms such as Feimeng Yuhua's WeChat public account, emergency management WeChat group, and town community cloud broadcasting, and urged and reminded enterprises and residents to take safety precautions. In accordance with the provincial and municipal decision-making and deployment, the Yuhua District Flood Control and Drought Relief Headquarters has tightened the responsibility for compaction, implemented various flood prevention measures, highlighted the research and early warning, and implemented the "631" (6-hour forecast, 3-hour warning, 1-hour call) response mechanism, and kept an eye on the embankment reservoir, mountain pond, embankment, embankment building, geological disaster hidden danger points, along the Guitang River and Liuyang River, project sites under construction, property communities, urban water accumulation points, key parts such as the South High-speed Railway Station and the South Bus Station, as well as areas such as mountain and water scenic spots, river tracing, and water entertainment, comprehensively strengthen front-line inspections, and eliminate potential safety hazards in a timely manner. At the same time, we should focus on risk prevention. Effectively guarantee emergency forces, equipment, and materials, strictly implement the system of leaders leading shifts and 24-hour duty during the flood season, and quickly take response measures in the event of extreme weather such as short-term heavy precipitation, so as to ensure that all kinds of accidents and disasters are effectively dealt with in the first time.

Yuhua District State-owned Assets Group

The district state-owned assets group strengthened the inspection along the Guitang River, and promptly persuaded the people who played and fished along the line. The business management company of the group quickly made preparations for 24-hour duty and property protection, and coordinated the staff to publicize the rainstorm warning through WeChat groups, WeChat public accounts, etc., and reminded merchants to do a good job in rainy day prevention and ensure the safety of their lives and property.

Take the rain as an order! Yuhua District should do a good job of rainstorm prevention and response work as soon as possible

"These key points must be carefully investigated to ensure the safety of the town to the greatest extent." At noon on June 29, party member Wu Hao led the staff of the commercial management company and the property company to inspect the town's water-prone pavement, underground garage, power distribution room, warehouse and other flood prevention hazards in the rain. It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to the office, he didn't care about lunch, and he didn't even have time to change his soaked shoes and socks. A colleague from the business management company said: "Wu Hao has been fighting on the front line for 5 consecutive days in the rainstorm, and he even brought a change of clothes and toiletries to the office, which is ready to fight the rainstorm to the end." His clothes have never been dried, not only to inspect the front-line flood control and rescue situation, but also to come to the door one by one to appease the merchants, stabilize the mood of the merchants, with him, we all feel very relieved. At every point around the Guitang River Leisurely Town, the party members and cadres of Yuhua State-owned Assets Group stick to the front line of flood control and rescue day and night, guarding the lights of thousands of homes on the bank of the Guitang River. At every work site, you can see their 24-hour on-site inspection and retrograde figure in the rainstorm. Today, the water pumped through the water not only alleviates the water situation in the garage and the road, but also moves the warehouse items to a safe location, and the cleaning also cleans up the stagnant water in the power distribution room, minimizes property losses, solves the problem of restoring electricity, and gradually opens the door for business.

Yuhua District Municipal Facilities Maintenance Center

In view of the 45 waterlogging points in the whole region, the municipal facilities maintenance center of Yuhua District strictly implements the "people and vehicles in front, people and vehicles and other rain", in accordance with the requirements of "one point and one policy" for road water, organizes personnel and equipment to uncover and drain the stagnant water and mechanical pumping, focuses on the timely cleaning of leaves, garbage and other covers on the road rainwater grate, conducts a comprehensive inspection of the manhole cover and rainwater grate of the main and secondary roads in the whole region, returns to cover in time, and mops the hidden dangers of road cavities to mop the radar to eliminate potential safety hazards in time. It is worth mentioning that the flood control and drainage in Yuhua District uses drainage equipment known as the "king of draft", which can prevent the city from "suffering from waterlogging" in a short time. "Traditional large-scale pumping equipment cannot enter underground garages, tunnels and other urban underground space operations, this pumping robot is small, lightweight, flexible and convenient to move, and can respond quickly." Huang Wei, deputy chief of the maintenance section of the municipal facilities maintenance center of Yuhua District, introduced to Huahua.

Take the rain as an order! Yuhua District should do a good job of rainstorm prevention and response work as soon as possible

In order to solve the problem of water accumulation in small spaces, the pumping robot of the Municipal Facilities Maintenance Center of Yuhua District comes in handy to pump out waterlogged areas such as residential areas and pedestrian underpasses. In order to solve the problem that the fallen leaves cover the rainwater grate during rainfall, so that the rainwater cannot flow smoothly into the rainwater main, thus forming water accumulation on the road surface, the Yuhua District Municipal Facilities Maintenance Center purchased 100 sets of rainwater grate brackets to be used in this flood prevention to ensure the smooth flow of rainwater inlets during the rainfall, reduce the formation of water accumulation, and greatly improve the efficiency of flood prevention and disposal timeliness. In response to this round of heavy rainfall, the Party Committee of Yuhua District Municipal Facilities Maintenance Center sounded the rallying call, gave full play to the role of the branch as a fighting fortress, and quickly established a commando team composed of 40 party members with high political quality and strong organizational discipline to prevent flooding in the urban area.

Yuhua Branch of Changsha Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning

The Yuhua Branch of the Changsha Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning was led by the leaders of the bureau, and the emergency rescue team composed of 50 people quickly assembled in Shenjiezhen Town to cooperate with the investigation, and comprehensively carried out dynamic investigation and inspection of the hidden danger points of geological disasters, medium and high-risk households in slope cutting and construction, geological disaster-prone areas, and resettlement areas for evacuees. Supervise and urge relevant departments to conscientiously implement control measures for key areas such as transportation routes, schools, hospitals, tourist attractions, construction sites, slope-cut housing households, and national debt projects, formulate dangerous response plans, and consolidate the responsibility for rescue and rescue.

Take the rain as an order! Yuhua District should do a good job of rainstorm prevention and response work as soon as possible

The geology of Jumping Horse Town is complex, many villagers build houses, and the medium and high risk of building houses on the slope is as high as 1028 households, and the continuous heavy rain and heavy rain have increased the possibility of disasters, which is the key area for disaster prevention. In order to facilitate fast and effective command, the sub-bureau set up a temporary geological disaster prevention and control headquarters in Vaulting Horse to command and dispatch flood control work in a unified manner, and arranged a bureau leader to be stationed at the site every day to carry out patrol investigation and organization and coordination. In particular, strengthen the inspection and investigation of the slope and ditch of the vaulting horse and the hidden danger points of geological disasters, and remind the start of the plan in time according to the actual rainfall. Make every effort to do a good job in early warning and forecasting, and organize personnel to come to inform and remind if the phone is not connected or the text message is not replied; In strict accordance with the "four laws", do a good job of emergency avoidance. In the prevention and control of geological disasters, 105 hidden danger points were investigated, 26 emergency risk removal were carried out, 192 people were reminded to come to the door, and the risk area was found to open the cordon in a timely manner, and warning signs were placed to ensure that the danger was detected and transferred early, and a total of 781 people were organized to avoid danger and transfer (including the transfer of personnel in the student dormitory of Changsha Civil Affairs School).

Yuhua District Agriculture and Rural Bureau

Since the start of the flood control emergency three-level response, Yuhua District Agriculture and Rural Bureau has strengthened the flood and drought disaster prevention duty work, strictly implemented the leadership with shift system, secretary Liu Xinxin, director Xia Xiaobo organized a flood control meeting chamber of commerce, using the AB method, one person per day in the Lijiashan Drought Disaster Prevention and Dispatch Center to dispatch flood prevention and preparedness work; Deputy Director Wu Yong dispatched 24 hours a day in the Lijiashan Drought Disaster Prevention and Dispatch Center, and all members of the Water Conservancy Section took turns on duty in the dispatch center 24 hours a day. In response to the 8th round of heavy rainfall forecast today and tomorrow, the Yuhua District Agriculture and Rural Bureau issued early warning information to the towns in a timely manner, requiring the 13 reservoirs in Vaulting Horse and Tongsheng Streets to continue to release water to vacate the storage capacity, do a good job of patrolling and guarding, and pay attention to the changes in water levels in the streets and towns along the Liuyang River and Guitang River, and persuade the anglers to leave in time. Supervise and urge Guitang and Gaoqiao streets to do a good job of patrolling and guarding the potential safety hazards of road cracks in the labor road and bridge foot guards and road cracks in Huaya Jiayuan Community. Strengthen the operation and management of pumping stations and strengthen on-duty duty; Further strengthen the operation and management of the pumping station, optimize the drainage operation plan, and timely vacate the water accumulation in the pool before the inlet to ensure the low water level operation of the pumping station. The district prevention office launched a 24-hour joint duty dispatch, and the bureau also arranged for a duty officer to participate in the joint duty at the district emergency command center every day, and held a duty leadership dispatch meeting at the emergency command center at 9 a.m. and 8 p.m. every day. At the same time, the bureau is divided into five working groups, each of which is led by the leaders of the bureau, to continue to inspect the reservoirs, embankments, pumping stations and Shihe towns in the whole region, focusing on the inspection and duty of the Liuyang River embankment, and providing technical guidance for the flood control work of Shihe Street and towns.

Higashiyama Street

It is understood that the responsibility section of Liuyang River Dongshan is divided into 6 points, each point has more than 4 people on duty for 24 hours, and the community joint property is in the garage


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