
Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

author:Yuhua released

In accordance with the work deployment of the Party Committee of the National Fire and Rescue Bureau, on June 28, the Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Brigade officially added the brand of the Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau, marking the opening of a new historical chapter in the fire and rescue cause of the whole region. Zhou Kun, member of the Standing Committee of the Yuhua District Party Committee, member of the Party Group of the District People's Government and deputy head of the district, attended the unveiling ceremony.

Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

The addition of the brand of the local fire and rescue bureau to the fire and rescue teams below the corps is an important measure of the Party Central Committee on the integration and reform of the national comprehensive fire and rescue team. The team at all levels has always resolutely unified their thoughts and actions to the decision-making and deployment of the Party Central Committee, kept in mind the entrustment, forged ahead with gratitude, better shouldered their responsibilities and missions, and focused on forging a strong team. The county-level fire and rescue team is the closest and most closely connected with the people, fighting on the front line of protecting the safety of the people and benefiting the people, always maintaining a state of readiness and rapid response, insisting that the police must be issued and act immediately upon hearing the order, and have made new achievements in serving to ensure people's livelihood and maintain social stability, so that the "flame blue" is more deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

Zhou Kun said that he hoped that the fire rescue team of Yuhua District would take this listing ceremony as an opportunity to accelerate the transformation and upgrading of the fire rescue team and better serve the high-quality economic and social development of Yuhua. First, we must take the initiative to integrate and gather consensus. Be a good "staff assistant" of party and government leaders, deeply integrate fire safety, production safety, public safety and other work, and make unified deployment, unified promotion and unified implementation; Establish and improve emergency response information sharing, joint logistics and joint training, and coordinated combat mechanisms to ensure rapid response and efficient rescue. It is necessary to gather the consensus on fire safety group prevention and treatment, earnestly perform the comprehensive supervision function, rely on the safety committee, consumer safety committee and other platforms, improve the mechanism of research and judgment, consultation, assessment, supervision, accountability and other mechanisms, and form a linkage pattern of multiple co-governance. Second, it is necessary to transform and upgrade and promote development. It is necessary to take "specialization, professionalism, and precision" as the goal, focus on the characteristics of typical disasters and accidents, adhere to the difficult and strict, and vigorously carry out actual combat training for earthquake, high-rise, water, bridge and tunnel and other professional teams. It is necessary to implement the "two-year action" of the provincial government's fire infrastructure construction and the planning and construction tasks of fire rescue professionals, further optimize the layout of fire protection stations in the whole region, and improve the ability of urban areas to resist fires. Third, it is necessary to accurately prevent and control and strengthen supervision. Further tighten the responsibility of local fire supervision and management, promote the transformation of fire safety governance mode to pre-prevention, and fully implement the system of recording the whole process of fire law enforcement, legal review, and law enforcement publicity. It is necessary to actively respond to the new requirements and expectations of the people for fire safety, implement the separation mechanism for the investigation and rectification of fire hazards in urban operation safety, carry out the work of "prevention and elimination joint service", promote the "full coverage" of fire hazard investigation in the whole region, establish a closed loop of fire hazard investigation and rectification, and form a "Yuhua experience" and "Yuhua model" as soon as possible.

The person in charge of the District Fire and Rescue Bureau said that he would take the listing as a new starting point, better integrate into the overall situation of local economic and social development, better undertake the important task of reform and development, and earnestly assume the political responsibility of "promoting the development of one party and ensuring the safety of one party", and show the new atmosphere, new responsibility and new actions of the team with the practical actions of protecting the safety of the people and benefiting the people.

Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

Source丨District Rong Media Center reporter Tang Jie correspondent Yang Hui

Editor-in-charge丨Zhou Zhewen Editor丨Fu Xing

Deputy Editor-in-Chief on Duty丨Li Lei

Editor-in-Chief丨Xiong Qiyu

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Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

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Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

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Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed
Yuhua District Fire and Rescue Bureau was officially listed

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