
The latest news on July 3, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed, and Gou Taiming was "surrounded and suppressed" by Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe

author:Focus on your own piece of the sky

In today's ever-changing world, various global challenges are constantly intensifying, only our own strength is the foundation of our stable development, the strength of the motherland is inseparable from the efforts of each of us, let us pay attention to the major events of the motherland, and grow together with the motherland.

The latest news on July 3, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed, and Gou Taiming was "surrounded and suppressed" by Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe

If you have time, let's take a look at what news it is, welcome to comment and follow.

The first news, Gou Taiming was embarrassed, and as soon as he released the news of his independent candidacy, he was "surrounded and suppressed" by Ke Wenzhe and Hou Youyou

The latest news on July 3, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed, and Gou Taiming was "surrounded and suppressed" by Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe

The 2024 Taiwan leadership election is fiercely fighting, the three camps are Lai Qingde of the Democratic Progressive Party, Hou Youyi of the Kuomintang, and Ke Wenzhe of the People's Party, they are all doing their best to win the support of voters, but there is one person who did not participate in the election, but also attracted everyone's attention, he is Gou Taiming who lost the Kuomintang primary election.

According to various sources, Gou is plotting to run independently and intends to "buy" the People's Party in order to achieve a combination of "Gou Kepei". However, just when Gou was about to announce his candidacy, candidates from both the Kuomintang and the People's Party came out against Gou's independent candidacy, accusing him of not keeping his promises.

According to media reports, Hou Youyi's support rate is currently low, and he has been ranked last among the three candidates, and Gou, who once competed with him for the nomination of the Kuomintang, not only did not give him support, but wanted to run on his own, which would lead to the scattered source of votes for the Kuomintang, so Hou Youyi's campaign team expressed confidence that Gou would abide by his previous promise and support Hou Youyi's candidacy.

The latest news on July 3, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed, and Gou Taiming was "surrounded and suppressed" by Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe

On the other hand, Ke Wenzhe of the People's Party also denied the rumors of "Gou Kebei", emphasizing that Gou had made it clear during the KMT primary election that he would support Hou Youyi if he failed, and pointed out that these have video evidence, that is, Ke Wenzhe did not agree with Gou's independent candidacy.

In fact, Gou's independent candidacy has a negative impact on both Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe, which will weaken their support ratings, and once Gou runs, then Lai Qingde, who is now leading in the polls, may easily win, so both are against Gou's independent candidacy.

The second news is that mainland fighter planes patrolling the Taiwan Strait on the occasion of US arms sales to Taiwan

The latest news on July 3, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed, and Gou Taiming was "surrounded and suppressed" by Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe

According to Taiwan media sources, the defense department of the Taiwan authorities said that it found 24 sorties of J-10, J-16, H-6 and other types of aircraft cruising in the Taiwan Strait, and at the same time, five Continental Army ships conducted joint combat readiness patrols. This is when the United States announced a new round of arms sales of $440 million to Taiwan, strengthened the PLA's military presence in the Taiwan Strait region, made a powerful response to the collusion between Taiwan independence elements and external forces, deterred Taiwan independence elements, and declared China's sovereignty over Taiwan. The United States has constantly arched its fires in the Taiwan Strait to provoke and renege on its political commitment to the one-China principle, sending a wrong signal to Taiwan independence elements, resulting in continued tension in the Taiwan Strait region in recent years. China has clearly seen the sinister face of the United States, and we are determined, confident, and capable of resolving the Taiwan issue, and we advise the United States to stop provoking trouble in the Taiwan Strait and stop arms sales to Taiwan, otherwise it will eventually shoot itself in the foot.

The third news is that people from all walks of life on the island are worried that the DPP will turn Taiwan into a minefield

The latest news on July 3, the situation in the Taiwan Strait has changed, and Gou Taiming was "surrounded and suppressed" by Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe

According to Taiwan media sources, the military department of the Taiwan region spent NT$4.54 billion to purchase a mobile minelaying system on land from the United States, and the Taiwan military exaggerated, saying that this system can establish a barrier circle on the island of Taiwan, which can help stop or delay the enemy's landing force, so that the garrison force in the Taiwan area can concentrate more on firepower to annihilate the enemy. And former DPP legislator Guo Zhengliang said that this minelayer is a slow-selling commodity of the US military industry, and no one in other regions buys it at all, and what is even more ridiculous is that the whole system will not be delivered in full until 2029.

More importantly, the Taiwan people are worried that the DPP will turn Taiwan into a "minefield" and a "minefield," and that the island will be terrified in the future. Moreover, this method will only increase the DPP's desperate thinking of Taiwan independence elements, will not bring real peace to Taiwan, and in the end, it is the Taiwan people who will pay for Taiwan independence. The people of Taiwan should clearly understand the reality, let the DPP step down, and have more communication and exchanges between the two sides of the strait, which will help the people on both sides of the strait to eliminate the estrangement, enhance understanding, and bring peace and stability to the two sides of the strait.

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