
Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

author:Hangzhou Net

Haining Daily

It came it came and it came again!

Yesterday, Mr. Gao, a citizen, broke the news to the newspaper sister

The eggs of the Fushou snail appeared in pieces again!

Yesterday evening after dinner, the citizen Mr. Gao was walking, in Maqiao Street Maqiao Village Wildcat Cave, found the traces of Fushou snail, according to Mr. Gao, before the walk has not been found, but now has begun to appear one by one!

Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

It is understood that March to November every year is the breeding season for Fushou snails, of which May to August is the peak of breeding. And the reproductive ability of Fushou snail is extremely strong, a female snail will lay about 10,000 eggs a year! Therefore, you will often see them by the river and Tanabe in the near future.

Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death
Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

In August last year, there were also citizens who broke the news

On the banks of the river near Inclined Bridge Middle School

There are traces of a wide range of Fushou snails!


Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death
Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

Thousands of parasites can be hidden in the body!

Fushou snails are very harmful to aquatic crops such as rice, lotus, russet, taro, water chestnut, diamond horn, mustard fruit, and cabbage. Even more frightening is that the snail is also an intermediate host for a large number of zoonotic parasitic diseases, and according to the global invasive organism database, the snail is one of the 100 most serious invasive organisms in the world.

Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

(Image source: People's Daily Weibo)

Eating raw or not fully heated Fushou snail, may cause Guangzhou tube strong nematode and other parasites infected in the human body, very easy to cause foodborne Guangzhou tube strongyloidiasis, infected with this disease, nematode larvae will invade the human brain, damage the central nervous system, cause eosinophilia meningitis, can cause headache, fever, neck stiffness and other symptoms, severe can cause dementia, and even death!

Although the Haining area has always been

There is no habit of eating Fushou snail

But the heart of prevention is indispensable

There is a good chance of accidental ingestion!

So how to distinguish between Fushou snail and other snails?

→ from the appearance point of view:

There is a big difference between Fushou snail and field snail. First of all, from the perspective of size, the adult Fushou snail is much larger than the field snail, "and then from the color point of view, the color of the Fushou snail is yellow, and the field snail is bluish brown." ”

→ from the structural point of view:

Even if it is a field snail and a Fushou snail of the same size, there will be a big difference in structure. The tail of the snail is vertebral in shape, and the cap is round, while the tail of the Fushou snail is very short, the lid is flattened, and the whole is disc-shaped.

Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

Snail meat without shell

How do you tell the difference?

This is actually not difficult, and distinguish the color of the shell a routine: the two snail theme colors are not the same!

The snail meat is white, cyan and bluish-gray ▽

Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

Fushou snail, on the other hand, is yellowish brown ▽

Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

Cooked can also be distinguished!

The key is to look at the size! Fushou snail is large because Fushou snail has two pairs of antennae, and field snail has only one pair. So when you see that there are more granulations on the snail and are messy, it is that the Fushou snail is not bad!

Table to distinguish Fushou snail from common field snail:

Haining blockbusters appear! One hides 6,000 parasites, and eating them may cause dementia and death

Whether it is Fushou snail or field snail, can be infected with Guangzhou tube roundworm and other parasites, therefore, whether it is eating Fushou snail or field snail, must be cooked, must not eat raw or semi-raw, especially cold mix snail meat or barbecue snail, must not eat.

You must remember

Fushou snails can not eat without eating

If you want to eat it, be sure to cook it at high temperature for more than 15 minutes!

And these are also dangerous!

Pinworm disease: children susceptible to beware

The main cause of pinworm disease is: if people drink some unclean water in ordinary times, or the family environment is relatively poor, once they touch the eggs, they may be infected. Secondly, if the habit of washing hands before meals is not developed, then once the hand touches the eggs, it is very easy to cause the human body to suffer from pinworm disease.

Children are a high incidence of pinworm disease, and if parents find that their children have symptoms such as night terrors biting their fingers, scratching their anus, or even heterophilia, they should be wary of being infected with pinworms.

Taeniasis: Pork beef should be cooked

Tapeworm disease is a collective name for taeniasis of pigs and taeniasis of cattle, as the name suggests, this parasite mainly comes from pork and beef, people with tapeworm disease will have abdominal pain, itching and other symptoms, and white worm body segments will appear in the feces. Some people like to eat six or seven ripe steaks, but they don't know that it is easy to eat the tapeworm larvae that are still alive in beef into the stomach, so experts suggest that between taste and health, health is more important.

Hepatic fluke disease: do not be careless with aquatic products

Floral testicles are also mostly parasitic in aquatic products, parasitizing in the human biliary system after entering the human body through the mouth, and severely infected people may have symptoms and signs such as diarrhea, pain in the liver area and liver enlargement, and serious ones can also lead to hepatobiliary duct cancer, especially residents living by the sea and riverside need to pay attention.

Experts suggest that although fresh is delicious, it also gives the parasite an opportunity to take advantage of it, and it should be carefully chosen.

If you've seen it by the river lately

These pink patches of "little things"

Don't be afraid!

You can crush and peel them off!

That's foolproof!

Spread tells everyone to eat with caution!

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