
Urgent! The hot-selling food was exposed to contain 6,000 parasites, and the sales volume reached hundreds of tons? Quick look!

author:Liu Jiahan popular science


Food safety has always been a concern of all sectors of society, after all, it is related to everyone's vital interests. Even on such an important issue, there will still be some lawless elements who take risks and unscrupulously carry out all kinds of illegal operations in order to make huge profits, bringing potential threats to the health of the people.

Urgent! The hot-selling food was exposed to contain 6,000 parasites, and the sales volume reached hundreds of tons? Quick look!

Event recap

Recently, the Market Supervision and Administration Bureau of Hanshou County, Hunan Province received clues that some companies were suspected of using Fushou snails to pretend to be snail meat for sales. At the mention of such a situation, the staff was very indignant and shocked, because such behavior is not only a serious challenge to food safety, but also a great violation of the consumer's right to know.

As a special aquatic product, snail meat has always been loved by consumers, and it also has quite good market demand and sales prospects. Criminals see the business opportunities and try to carry out illegal operations in order to obtain ill-gotten gains.

It is understood that in order to pursue huge profits, these two companies actually processed Fushou snails into finished products that are very similar to snail meat, and then sold them in the name of snail meat, and they also poured into the market in the form of low prices, so that it is difficult for consumers to distinguish from the appearance and price, and it is easy to be deceived.

Once the snail is eaten directly without strict quarantine and processing, then it will pose a potential threat to human health, because the snail is an alien species, which may parasitize various parasites, and if it is not fully cooked, it will cause irreversible effects on human health.

After receiving the relevant clues, the local market supervision department immediately attached great importance to it, acted quickly, and set up a joint law enforcement team composed of multiple departments to conduct a comprehensive investigation and investigation of the enterprises involved, and also sealed the enterprises on the spot, sealed all the finished products, semi-finished products and raw materials, and also summoned the legal representative of the enterprise, requiring it to cooperate with the investigation and truthfully explain the relevant situation.

Urgent! The hot-selling food was exposed to contain 6,000 parasites, and the sales volume reached hundreds of tons? Quick look!

Special operation

In order to further protect the food safety of the people, the Hanshou County Market Supervision and Administration Bureau acted quickly and decided to carry out a special action involving the illegal sales of Fushou snails.

In such a special action, on the one hand, the market supervision department will carry out surprise inspections on various markets, especially some aquatic product wholesale markets and farmers' markets, if it is found that there are some problems in the sale of snail meat or other aquatic products, they will immediately carry out on-site treatment, seize the relevant products, and require the operators to cooperate with the investigation.

On the other hand, the market supervision department will also strengthen the publicity and education of practitioners, requiring them to enhance their awareness of food safety, not to carry out various illegal operations for the sake of immediate interests, and to produce and sell in strict accordance with relevant laws and regulations, only in this way can they win the trust of consumers and gain a long-term foothold in the market.

Urgent! The hot-selling food was exposed to contain 6,000 parasites, and the sales volume reached hundreds of tons? Quick look!

The companies involved

For the illegal acts of the two companies involved, the market supervision department will seriously deal with them in accordance with laws and regulations, and once verified, they will be given corresponding administrative penalties, and they will also be publicly exposed, so that they can bear the double pressure from public opinion and the market, and can also sound the alarm for some other enterprises, so that they can take warning and dare not have the slightest luck.

In addition, if the situation is serious and constitutes a criminal act, then the market supervision department will also immediately transfer it to the public security organ, let it conduct a criminal investigation in accordance with the law, and investigate the relevant responsible persons.

For some other enterprises that have not participated in illegal operations, it is also necessary to pay enough attention, because once a similar case occurs, the reputation of the entire industry will be affected, and it will also bring certain troubles to the normal operation of other enterprises, so they must take this as a warning, strengthen internal self-examination and self-correction work, and make timely rectification if there are hidden dangers, and cannot give illegal elements an opportunity.

Urgent! The hot-selling food was exposed to contain 6,000 parasites, and the sales volume reached hundreds of tons? Quick look!

Consumer Alerts

Once such a case is exposed, it will also sound the alarm for the majority of consumers and friends, reminding them that they must pay more attention in their daily life, and not easily believe in some too low-priced snail meat or other aquatic products, but also choose formal channels to buy, carefully check the outer packaging and product labels of the product, and if there are any problems, they must report to the relevant departments in time.

It is also necessary to improve the awareness of self-protection, and in the usual dietary life, the food must be thoroughly heated, especially some raw aquatic products, such as clams, oysters and snails, etc., only after sufficient heating, can effectively kill various pathogens and protect the health of themselves and their families.

Urgent! The hot-selling food was exposed to contain 6,000 parasites, and the sales volume reached hundreds of tons? Quick look!


Food safety has always been a long-term and severe challenge, the case of Fushou snail pretending to be snail meat is just the tip of the iceberg, in the face of such a situation, each of us has their own responsibilities and obligations, I hope that through such a case, we can attract more people's attention and attention, not only to require the relevant departments to strengthen supervision, but also to require enterprises to consciously abide by laws and regulations, but also to require the majority of consumers to improve food safety awareness, and jointly maintain a safe eating environment.

In this process, the supervision and reporting of the media has played a very key role, and it is hoped that the media can continue to increase the exposure of food safety issues, so that more people can understand the risks and hidden dangers, and can also promote all sectors of society to pay more attention to this issue, work together for it, and contribute to the development of food safety.

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