
There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

author:However, under the bridge, the Lethe River

Summer is a good time to eat fish, fish can not only clear away heat and relieve heat, but also provide rich nutrients for the human body.

Therefore, many families often eat a variety of fish in the summer.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

But, you know what? Not all fish can be eaten with confidence, and some of them may pose a certain threat to human health.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

Moreover, these fish are also some very common fish, such as silver carp, yellow bone fish, tilapia, and so on.

Next, let's take a look at why these kinds of fish have an impact on health, and what parasites will appear in these fish.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

1. Silver carp

Silver carp is a fish that we are very familiar with, and it is also a fish with very high economic value.

However, the tarpon is no longer wild, but is artificially farmed.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

In order to make silver carp grow faster and produce higher yields, some farmers may use some chemical feeds, such as fertilizers, feed additives, etc., when feeding silver carp.

In addition, when the silver carp is sick, in order to make it better resistant to the disease, farmers will also inject the silver carp with antibiotics.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

These antibiotics and chemical feeds will have a certain impact on the body of silver carp, and silver carp is also very susceptible to bacteria and parasites, once there is a disease, farmers will also use a large number of fungicides and anthelmintic drugs, these drugs remain in the body of silver carp, will cause harm to human health.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

In addition, the current silver carp will also be raised in the more polluted waters, it likes to eat phytoplankton, and the requirements for water quality are not very high, so a lot of silver carp are found at the outlet of the sewer and next to the septic tank.

Therefore, if you want to eat silver carp, you must choose a regular channel to buy it, and when cooking, you must also thoroughly process it to ensure that the mucus and internal organs on the surface of the body are cleaned, so that you can eat it with confidence.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

2. Yellow bone fish

I believe that many friends are very fond of eating yellow bone fish, its meat is very delicious, and there are no spines, very suitable for the elderly and children.

But, you know what? Yellow bone fish is a carrion fish, its living environment is very special, generally live in the silt accumulation of waters, and these waters, often affected by human activities, water quality is very poor, there may be a variety of harmful substances and bacteria.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

Therefore, a large number of bacteria and parasites are attached to the surface of the body of the yellow bone fish, and it may also parasitize liver flukes, hookworms and other parasites in its body, which will cause harm to human health once it is eaten.

Moreover, in the current market, for the sake of beauty, some unscrupulous businesses will also treat the yellow bone fish with additives, such yellow bone fish looks very beautiful, but it is full of various chemical ingredients, and it is very bad for health after eating.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

Therefore, when buying and eating yellow bone fish, you must be extra careful, choose a regular channel to buy, take a look at its appearance, if you find anything unusual, you must not buy it, in addition, when cooking, you must also thoroughly process the yellow bone fish to ensure that the mucus and internal organs on the surface of the body are cleaned, so that you can eat it with confidence.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

3. Tilapia

Tilapia is a very famous ornamental fish, its body is very beautiful, and the vitality is very tenacious, whether in fresh water or seawater, can survive.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

Still, you know what? Tilapia is an extremely active ornamental fish, its swimming space is very large, once it is kept in a small tank, it will cause harm to other ornamental fish, and even kill each other, so it is not suitable to be kept as an ornamental fish.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

Also, when it comes to eating, tilapia also has a certain impact, did you know? Nowadays, some tilapia are kept in very dirty waters, such as the outlet of sewers and the side of sewage treatment plants, the water in these places is very dirty, and may be polluted by some harmful substances, such tilapia, once eaten by people, will cause certain harm to human health.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

Therefore, in the current market, you should rarely see people selling tilapia, and even if someone does, no one will buy it, because people are very repulsive to tilapia, and even think that it eats human feces for food, so it is not suitable for consumption.

There are several kinds of fish full of "parasites", and the fish seller never eats them himself, so don't ask for them for free

Therefore, in the summer, no matter what kind of fish, you must be extra careful, choose regular channels to buy, in addition, when cooking, you must also thoroughly process the fish to ensure that its surface mucus and internal organs are cleaned, so that you can eat it with confidence and protect your health.

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