
Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!

author:Wujin today

Recently, the media's "secret visit to the Fushou snail industry chain" attracted attention on June 28

After the surging news reported on the problem of Xiangyuan Special Aquatic Products Co., Ltd. and Hongtai Food Factory in Hanshou County, Changde City, Hunan Province, using Fushou snails to sell as snail meat, Hanshou County immediately established a relevant law enforcement team, and the law enforcement team has sealed the enterprises involved

Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!

Previously reported

According to reports, a processing plant in Huanglushan Village, Yanwanghu Town, Hanshou County, Changde City, Hunan Province, mainly sells shelled frozen meat of Fushou snails, selling several hundred tons a year, mainly to restaurants and prefabricated vegetable factories, and the person in charge of the processing plant said: "Fushou snails, as many as you want, as many as you want, as many as you want, ten tons, twenty tons, whatever you want." ”

Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!

Near the Heping Bridge in Hanshou County, the frozen meat of Fushou snails displayed by "snail" dealers. Photo by surging news reporter Xia Ruchu

In recent years, disease control departments in many places have called for advice not to eat Fushou snails

The hazards of snails

According to statistics, there are 3,000 fewer parasites in a snail, and more than 6,000

Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!

Many snails have parasites such as Angiostrongylus cantonensis in their bodies, if they are not fully cooked during cooking, the parasites will easily enter the human body after eating, and may damage nerve tissue, and in severe cases, it will lead to dementia and even death

In addition, the Fushou snail has a strong reproductive ability, can lay eggs 20~40 times a year, the annual spawning volume of 3~50,000 grains can spread rapidly, and it eats miscellaneous habits, once the outbreak will destroy the surrounding ecosystem, every year in April to June and August to October is the peak period of spawning and hatching of the Fushou snail, once found, it must be dealt with immediately, so as not to reproduce and spread in a large area

Netizen comments

If you like to eat snails, you must be careful

Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!
Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!
Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!
Up to 6,000 parasites! Wujin people, don't eat indiscriminately!

Source: The Paper, China News Weekly, Qilu Evening News

Produced by the Propaganda Department of the Wujin District Committee of the Communist Party of China

Wujin District Rong Media Center operates

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