
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

author:Youth Shenzhen

"It's so beautiful..."

"The first time I have seen such a stunning scenery!"

"I'm going to film all of this!"

What makes them marvel again and again

Took out the shooting equipment?

"Red, yellow, orange, green, white

Are these colors all naturally formed? ”

And what makes them become "curious babies"?

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

"Summer in the Textbook" study summer camp

Came to Damei Zhangye, located in Gansu Province

There are both Danxia and Caiqiu here

It is famous all over the world because of its warm red


A large wave of beautiful pictures is about to "strike"!

Danxia in the textbook has a "hundred million points" shock

What is the landscape of Danxia?

Previously, the camp students

I have only seen it in textbooks

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Under the guidance of the research teacher

The camp went to the Colorful Danxia National Geopark

Go deep into the hinterland of the scenic area

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

"This mountain is like a whale!"

"Wow, look over there, doesn't it look like a fairy?"

Camels, monks, fairies, whales...

Uniquely shaped peaks are also given meaning by them

The students who first saw Danxia were shocked by "100 million points"

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

As far as the eye can see

Countless cliffs and mountains stretch out

Overlapping, looping

Some are bright red, reddish-brown, and pink

Some are dark blue, dark brown, dark gray

Reflect each other and shine

Walk slowly up the stairs

The rich treasure trove of the Geopark slowly opens

Cliffs, mountains, dunes, valleys

Heroic, dangerous, strange, secluded and beautiful

What a great photo spot!

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Look around

Like a rainbow appearing on the earth

Another example is the streamers solidifying on the ridge

Sero Wodan, bright as a bright glow

Like a painted geology textbook

The chapters are orderly and the sections are novel

The drawing is evenly distributed, and the picture is clear and delicate

Slowly unfolded in front of the students' eyes

Start class! Walking geography class

Walk in it

The students were all on the same page

The same question was asked

"Such an amazing landscape

How did it come about? ”

The research teacher immediately answered

"Water is the sculptor of the landscape

As early as the Cretaceous period more than 100 million years ago

This is where the river converges to form a lake

and formed huge thick red formations

This followed by 100 million years of wind and rain erosion

A special landscape was born

- Colored hills

And harder red sandstone and conglomerate

After weathering, it leaves behind four steep peaks

will form a typical Danxia landscape."

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

The trainees enjoyed the wonders of Danxia

While interacting with the research teacher

In his simple and simple way

"Crustal movement", "red layer", etc

Unfamiliar technical terms come alive

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Zhangye Danxia is an arid region in northern China

The most typical Danxia landform for development

It is the only one in the country

Danxia landform and colorful hilly landscape highly complex area

As a national 5A-level tourist scenic spot and a global geopark

Won one of the "Seven Most Beautiful Danxia in China"

and other reputations

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

This is a masterpiece of nature

It has attracted countless Chinese and foreign tourists

Servants of the wind and dust, wading through mountains and rivers

Beautiful lines, beautiful shapes

Colorful colors, moving stories


It's like an intoxicating visual feast

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

One "dazzling", one "atmospheric desolation"

If the colorful danxia is gorgeous

Then the Grand Canyon is atmospheric desolate

As soon as you walk in, you can feel the vicissitudes of history

Some students asked, "The same Danxia landscape."

Why is there such a big difference between this place and the colorful Danxia? ”

The research teacher answered patiently

Take you to understand the different geological formations of the two attractions

You can see it here

Represents the warm and brave ochre red

Decorate the rolling hills

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

The canyon is deep and the peaks are peculiar

Nature works with creative ideas

Engrave the colorful mountains

An unparalleled and breathtaking picture

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

The research teacher introduced

Special geographical formations were formed

Unique hydrodynamic conditions

It has created a unique canyon mountain geography

So that it has the majesty of the north and the spirit of the south of the river

There are "comparable to Zhangjiajie" and "comparable to the Grand Canyon of Colorado"

"New Discoveries of the Silk Roads" and other accolades

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Under the guidance of a research teacher

The trainees took a closer look

It was found that most of the soil in the Grand Canyon was brown

When bathed in sunlight

The colors of the rocks are endless

Highlight the mysteries of nature

It's as colorful as a fairyland

It's psychedelic and unforgettable

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Follow the hillside boardwalk

The trainees had a try

The green clouds are straight up

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Kowloon Huihai, General Stone, Sacred Turtle Birthday...

The scenery of the canyon, unique attractions

Attract enthusiasm to "check in"

They all took photos with their friends

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Have you ever seen "Journey to the West" on the mural?

"This is a big trouble in the Heavenly Palace!"

"Look here, is this the country of daughters?"

"Journey to the West" in the mural made everyone stop

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

This mural is mottled and has an area of about 15 square meters

It consists of several separate stories

The picture shows dangerous mountains and rocks and towering ancient trees

Rushing streams, clouds and mist...

Sun Wukong, Tang Monk, Zhu Bajie

Sand monks, Avalokiteshvara, Red Son, etc

The characters are meticulously portrayed

It may be moving or static, or hidden or present

Light or dark, extremely expressive

The mural originated from the Zhangye Big Buddha Temple

This thousand-year-old temple was built in 1098

It was the starting line of the Silk Road

and important historical and cultural relics of the Tianshan Corridor section

It is the culture and art of ancient dynasties

Exchange and mutual learning historical testimony

It is also the ancient ethnic groups in the territory of Zhangye

Outstanding creation of integrated development

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Mountain gate, archway, bell tower

Drum tower, main hall...

Under the guidance of the research teacher

The participants admired the ancient buildings inside the Great Buddha Temple

Visited the Heritage Exhibition Hall

I saw the Ming and Qing dynasties

All kinds of exquisite cultural relics

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

In the most intuitive, immersive way possible

The trainees learned

History and culture of the Ming and Qing dynasties

Casting process, painting features

I felt the excellent history and culture of the Chinese nation

At the end of the visit, the participants were still unsatisfied

"I didn't expect the ancients to be so powerful!" "I felt like I was taking a history lesson"

Gorgeous and stately architectural layout

Profound artistic heritage

A distinctive regional culture


It shocked everyone

Waved goodbye to colorful Zhangye

The next stop, the camp will go to Lanzhou again

Eat the most authentic "Lanzhou beef noodles"

Visit the unique Watermill Expo Park

And hold a closing ceremony

Conclude your study journey

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Thousands of books

Travel with the textbook, "Mangrove" magazine 30th anniversary special planning "Summer in the textbook" study summer camp Lanzhou, we are back!

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

Stay tuned to "Mangrove Children and Youth"


Editors: Zhu Jiang, Lin Qiaoting

Reviewer: Tao Zheng

Review: Liu Hao

Source: Some graphic materials come from the Internet

Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true

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Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true
Beautiful wallpaper is taken casually, "Journey to the West" in the mural... Everything in the textbook is true