
Accidentally! Yao Ming probably did not expect that it was the head coach Jordjevic who blew himself up

author:Dreams of Kobashi

In this competition, the performance of the Chinese men's basketball team can be described as jaw-dropping. Before the game, people had high hopes for this Chinese team, but on the field, they completely collapsed. This catastrophic defeat was not just a loss, but a mirror of management and training, a mirror that was distorted, blurred and shattered. Throughout the game, it was clear that there were serious problems with the Chinese team's defense. Their defense is full of holes, unable to defend three-pointers, and unable to secure the outside. The opponent's core players showed impeccable technical proficiency with 21, 22 and 34 points, respectively. These figures are commendable in any case, but for the Chinese team, they are doomed numbers, revealing a huge gap between the two sides.

Accidentally! Yao Ming probably did not expect that it was the head coach Jordjevic who blew himself up

There is a popular adage in basketball: "Offense wins games, but defense wins championships." "Offense relies on individual skills of players, while defensive discipline requires collective cohesion and clever strategy. However, in this game, the Chinese team had serious problems both technically and strategically. Their defense has collapsed, and the drop is so drastic that the impact cannot be eliminated simply by blaming the player's ability. In basketball, the upper limit of defense depends on the strength of the player, while the lower limit depends on the level of the coach. However, the Chinese men's basketball team not only lost the game, but also lost confidence and national trust in this competition. It was a heartbreaking, dream-shattering experience.

Accidentally! Yao Ming probably did not expect that it was the head coach Jordjevic who blew himself up

In future games, the Chinese men's basketball team needs to re-examine itself and make comprehensive improvements and enhancements. Only in this way can the strength and style of Chinese basketball be displayed on the global stage. Yang Jian and Du Feng hugged affectionately after the game, although they were speechless, they expressed their deep loss and regret in their hearts. This is not just a game won or lost, but also a failure of the country's hopes and dreams. The future fate of current head coach Qiao Shuai also hangs in the balance. Many people began to question, if Du Feng or Li Nan led the team, would the situation be different? At least they know the pulse of the team better. Qiao Shuai's rigid style and capricious temper made him criticized. Obvious tactical flaws cannot be ignored either. The problem is not just his ability, but also his ability to adapt and understand his own team.

Accidentally! Yao Ming probably did not expect that it was the head coach Jordjevic who blew himself up

Commentator Su Qun believes that in the long run, coach Qiao Shuai has the potential to transform the Chinese men's basketball team into a European-style strong team. The bigger question, however, is, can we afford this time and loss? The upcoming Asian Games in Hangzhou will only exacerbate this uncertainty. The tragedy of the Chinese men's basketball team is not just an incident, but a string of failures that reflect poor strategy, inconsistent performance, and inadequate leadership. Broken strings can be replaced, but broken team dynamics are harder to repair. Can Qiao Shuai solve this problem? At this time, the ball was on the basketball association's court, on Yao Ming's court. Will they continue to trust him? Time is ticking, and as fans and stakeholders, we can only wait, hope, and most importantly, seek answers.

Accidentally! Yao Ming probably did not expect that it was the head coach Jordjevic who blew himself up

At present, the Chinese men's basketball team is standing at a crossroads: one road leads to transformation, the other is unknown. Choose wisely and watch over the country.


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