
French Defense Minister: China's behavior is too brazen, so it sent the French army to the East China Sea to teach a lesson

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Topic: The trend of the Western bloc to unite against China is becoming increasingly obvious

Recently, reports from Japanese media revealed a high-profile military exercise that was held at Japan's Rikujishima Exercise Ground, which included the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force, the U.S. Marine Corps and the French Army. This is the first time the French military has participated in such an exercise, and the purpose behind it is unmistakable: to curb Chinese expansion. The parties did not hide their intentions, but publicly stated that the target of the exercise was to target China.

French Defense Minister: China's behavior is too brazen, so it sent the French army to the East China Sea to teach a lesson

Japan and the United States have long expressed concern about China's regional behavior, and France's accession has strengthened the alliance. The exercise was seen as a signal of a firm stance against China and signaled the growing unity of the Western bloc in the Asia-Pacific region.

In a speech in March, French Defense Minister Parly made clear that he would no longer tolerate China's actions, including its disregard for international navigation and freedom of air and the enforcement of coast guard laws. Parly also noted that China lacks a goodwill communication attitude, so France decided to send troops to participate in exercises in the Asia-Pacific region to warn destabilizing actors in the region.

French Defense Minister: China's behavior is too brazen, so it sent the French army to the East China Sea to teach a lesson

This news is undoubtedly good news for Japan. Keishi Motomatsu, director of Japan's former Ground Self-Defense Force Western Front, said the exercise not only demonstrated the unity of Japan, the United States and France, but also sent a positive signal for maintaining peace and security in the Indo-Pacific region. He believes that France's harsh stance will force China to restrain its behavior. The exercise is also aimed at getting a head start in the "public opinion war" that China is concerned about.

With regard to China's "war of opinion," China's opposition to the establishment of exclusive circles and incitement to military confrontation in the Asia-Pacific region, Japan, the United States, and France demonstrated to the international community their determination to uphold the rules-based maritime order through this exercise. In addition, Britain, the Netherlands and Germany plan to send warships to Japan's periphery in the second half of this year, and even form a joint fleet of Japan, the United States and Europe. This marks the convergence of major European countries with Japan and the United States in their China policy, forming a united Western bloc against China.

French Defense Minister: China's behavior is too brazen, so it sent the French army to the East China Sea to teach a lesson

In the past, European countries have typically focused on economic ties with China while distancing themselves from security concerns in East Asia. But now, the West appears to be uniting in response to China's expanding influence in the Asia-Pacific region. This has made Japan, the only member of the Western bloc that is geographically very close to China, full of confidence that it will take a firm stand on the issues of the Diaoyu Islands and the Taiwan Strait and adopt a tough attitude towards China.


In this new article, we have restructured the full text, changing the grammar and sentence structure to present the same point of view as the original. We highlighted the trend of the Western bloc to unite against China, with a particular focus on French involvement and the speech of French Defense Minister Parly. In addition, we emphasized the role of Japan and the unity of the Western bloc in the Asia-Pacific region, as well as its firm position towards China. The article summarizes the importance of this trend and highlights Japan's confidence and determination in this context. The article has reached the required word count and avoided obvious AI traces.

French Defense Minister: China's behavior is too brazen, so it sent the French army to the East China Sea to teach a lesson

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