
How did the cities of Central Asia continue to flourish in the 10th century?

author:Quiet and elegant

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Urban Prosperity in Central Asia: Latitude and Water Influences

In Central Asia, cities flourished in the 10th century, growing significantly in number and size. According to geographers such as Ibn Hakal and Muqadass, the number of cities in the region has reached hundreds, some of which are large and prosperous in Bukhara, Samarkand, Neshapur, Balkh, etc.

The development of the city has taken on a pattern of castles, inner cities and outer cities. The castle served as the foundation of the city, and its location remained stable, while the outer city expanded as the city expanded. There are also well-defined functional divisions within the city, including various urban facilities such as palaces, mosques, residential areas, bazaars, commercial streets, and bathhouses.

How did the cities of Central Asia continue to flourish in the 10th century?

The prosperity of the city is inseparable from the natural environment. Factors such as latitude, water, climate, vegetation and resources all profoundly affect human life and activities, and then shape the distribution and shape of cities.

The mid-latitude distribution of Central Asia makes its climate mild and humid, making it the main area of human activities. Latitude is negatively correlated with temperature, with higher temperatures at lower latitudes and lower temperatures at higher latitudes. This geographical phenomenon was recognized by Arab geographers in the 10th century. They believe that the Earth is a sphere with two poles, and that the equator divides the Earth into two hemispheres, north and south. The northern part of the equator is only inhabited beyond 24 degrees north latitude, while the southern part is sparsely populated due to the hot weather. The main human settlements are located in temperate regions of the Northern Hemisphere from 30 degrees north latitude to 45 degrees north latitude.

How did the cities of Central Asia continue to flourish in the 10th century?

The Khorasan region, located between 30 degrees north latitude and 45 degrees north latitude, is considered to be an area with a favorable geographical location and a pleasant climate. The region is rich in products and densely populated, with a large number of cities, including Neshapur, Sabuzavar, Herat, Balkh and other large cities. In the high latitudes north of 45 degrees north latitude, the number of cities decreased sharply, such as the Oghuz Kingdom, where people lived in yurthouses, and cities were rare. This difference is closely related to the change in latitude and directly affects the distribution of cities.

How did the cities of Central Asia continue to flourish in the 10th century?

On the other hand, the prosperity of cities is also inseparable from water sources. Central Asia has arid climates, so cities often rely on rushing rivers. The river not only meets the living needs of city dwellers, but is also used for agricultural irrigation and production. In addition, rich lakes, animal resources and mineral resources offer great prospects for the development of fisheries, salt and mining.

Samarkand is located on the banks of the Bukhara River, on which Termez depends on the Amu Darya River and on the Syr Darya River. Both rivers are the largest in Central Asia, and there are countless cities along them. The Amu Darya River flows through several regions and there are countless riverside cities. Since its origin, the Syr Darya River flows through several cities, including small towns.

How did the cities of Central Asia continue to flourish in the 10th century?

Combined, the urban boom in Central Asia reached its peak in the 10th century, and this prosperity was closely related to geographical factors, including latitude and water. The temperate region in the mid-latitude zone has become the main area of urban distribution, and the abundance of water sources is one of the key factors of urban development. The prosperity of cities during this period left a strong background for the historical and cultural inheritance of Central Asia.

How did the cities of Central Asia continue to flourish in the 10th century?

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