
Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

author:Xiaoyi seeks knowledge
Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now
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Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

In a small town in northeastern China, the legend of Ge Shuzhen is quietly circulating. This once unknown rural woman has experienced the ups and downs of life.

She accompanied Zhao Benshan through 12 years of hard years, but was ruthlessly abandoned when he became famous. However, the cruelty of fate did not break this strong woman.

Starting as an ordinary dishwasher, Ge Shuzhen gradually established her own career with her own efforts and wisdom. Today, she has become a restaurant owner with millions of assets.

Ge Shuzhen's story shows the extraordinary resilience and courage of an ordinary Chinese woman, which is both embarrassing and admirable. Her life experience seems to be an inspirational legend, inspiring countless people facing difficulties.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

In 1979, 19-year-old Ge Shuzhen met Zhao Benshan, who was 3 years older than her, through a matchmaker. Two young people who were also from poor backgrounds and experienced ups and downs soon developed feelings.

Ge Shuzhen was born in poverty, lost her parents at a young age, and was raised by her older brothers and sisters. Zhao Benshan also had a bad fate, losing his mother when he was 6 years old, and his father also left him.

This shared life experience allows them to understand each other and support each other.

Their wedding was poignantly shabby. The new house was a simple mud house, and the new bedding needed for the wedding was scraped together. However, it was under such difficult conditions that they transformed a modest room into a loving new home in just three days.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

On the wedding day, the groom Zhao Benshan went up the mountain alone to chop wood, a seemingly strange move that reflected his sense of responsibility and responsibility for his new life.

Soon after marriage, Ge Shuzhen gave birth to a daughter Zhao Yufang for Zhao Benshan, and a son Zhao Tiedan three years later. However, fate once again presented the family with a problem: the youngest son was born deaf and mute and suffered from congenital heart disease.

The blow is undoubtedly heavy for the young couple.

In order to treat his son, Zhao Benshan began to run around to perform. He is eager to raise awareness through his efforts and earn more to pay for his son's medical bills.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

During this period, Zhao Benshan devoted himself to the study of rural operas in Liaoning Province, laying the foundation for future success.

Ge Shuzhen took on the responsibility of taking care of the family. Not only does she have to take care of her two young children, but she also has to take care of the household chores and find ways to support the family. Despite the hardships of life, she never complained and always silently supported her husband's career.

As Zhao Benshan's career gradually improved, the distance between the couple widened unconsciously. Zhao Benshan has more and more performance activities, and the time is getting tighter and tighter, and the communication with his wife is gradually decreasing.

This sense of distance is like an invisible rift that affects their marriage little by little.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

In 1992, Zhao Benshan met Ma Lijuan, who was teaching at the Liaoning Opera School, and they quickly fell in love. This marriage, which lasted for 12 years, finally came to an end.

Faced with Zhao Benshan's divorce, Ge Shuzhen just nodded silently and said "good". Her silence contains too many complex emotions: disappointment, helplessness, and confusion about the future.

The end of this marriage marked an important turning point in Ge Shuzhen's life. Although she lost Zhao Benshan's support, she was not crushed by life. Instead, it became the starting point for her to reinvent herself and prove herself.

After the divorce, Zhao Benshan gave Ge Shuzhen a lot of compensation, including a Xiali car, a commercial house and more than 200,000 yuan in deposits. However, this unpretentious woman was not satisfied with this.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

Ge Shuzhen knows that no amount of wealth will be exhausted one day. She is determined to rely on her own hands to create a stable future for herself and her daughter.

In the face of strong opposition from her family, Ge Shuzhen resolutely embarked on the road of part-time work. However, the cruelty of reality soon became apparent. As a middle-aged woman with an ordinary appearance, introverted personality and low educational qualifications, she has hit a wall everywhere in the job market.

After countless failures, Ge Shuzhen finally found a job as a dishwasher at a newly opened hot pot restaurant.

Whenever her daughter Zhao Yufang objected, Ge Shuzhen always shook her head lightly and said firmly: "I go to work in a hot pot restaurant, not only can I help you subsidize your family, but more importantly, I can learn to cook from the chef there."

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

She even told her daughter not to let Zhao Benshan know that she was working, for fear that her ex-husband would dislike her even more. Although this job is hard, Ge Shuzhen sees it as an opportunity to learn and accumulate experience for future entrepreneurship.

However, fate does not seem willing to give Ge Shuzhen a chance to breathe. In the winter of 1994, her youngest son died of a heart attack. This blow almost destroyed Ge Shuzhen, she hugged her daughter and cried, and her tears contained the bitterness and helplessness of the past ten years.

However, life did not give Ge Shuzhen much time to grieve. In order to survive, she had to quickly pick herself up and continue to fight for life.

In the following days, Ge Shuzhen worked in many jobs. She used to work as a salesperson in a self-owned shop in Tieling City, and later tried to set up a stall to sell small goods.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

However, due to his introverted personality and being driven out by the chengguan, the job was also unsustainable. In the end, she got a job as a handyman at a dumpling shop, earning only 200 yuan a month.

Although these difficult years were full of bitterness and frustration, they also exercised Ge Shuzhen's will and cultivated her independent spirit. These experiences laid a solid foundation for her future entrepreneurial journey, and also made her understand a truth: only by relying on herself can she truly control her own destiny.

In 2003, Ge Shuzhen's life ushered in an important turning point. Her daughter, Zhao Yufang, graduated from university and successfully entered the public security system. Watching her daughter gradually grow up and become an independent professional woman, Ge Shuzhen's heart surged with unprecedented courage and strength.

She decided it was time to start a new chapter in her life.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

With years of experience in the F&B industry and a keen business acumen, Ge Shuzhen found a rare opportunity. Near the neighborhood where she lives, there is a restaurant that has been losing money and is looking to lease it.

Although everyone around her was skeptical of the idea, Ge saw the potential. She did not hesitate to invest her only 20,000 yuan in savings and bravely rented the store.

In the early days of the business, Ge Shuzhen almost single-handedly supported the operation of the entire restaurant. She cooks the dishes herself and ensures that the quality of each dish is of the highest standard; She warmly receives every customer and wins their trust and praise with sincere and high-quality service.

Ge Shuzhen's hard work soon paid off, and the restaurant's reputation gradually spread in the local area, and business flourished.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

As the business continued to expand, Ge Shuzhen began to hire a professional team of chefs and service staff. Her management skills have been on full display in the process.

She is not only good at selecting and employing talents, but also can effectively stimulate the enthusiasm of employees. Under her leadership, the restaurant has grown steadily in size and revenue.

When her daughter Zhao Yufang suggested that she give up the restaurant and look for an easier job, Ge Shuzhen shook her head firmly: "This is a business I founded with my own hands, and it has condensed too much of my hard work, and I can't let it go."

Now the restaurant's annual income is very stable, and I have become a restaurant owner with millions of assets.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

Ge Shuzhen's success is not only reflected in the accumulation of wealth, but more importantly, she has rediscovered the value and meaning of life. From an abandoned housewife to a successful female entrepreneur, Ge Shuzhen has proved with her own actions that as long as there is courage and determination, anyone can change their destiny.

Her story has become an inspirational role model for many women in difficult situations. Ge Shuzhen interprets the life creed of "don't abandon, don't give up" with practical actions, showing the amazing strength that ordinary Chinese women can burst out in the face of adversity.

While her career is thriving, Ge Shuzhen has always maintained her own unique principles of life. Although she was Zhao Benshan's wife, she never used this relationship to benefit herself, nor did she ask Zhao Benshan for help.

She often said: "Zhao Benshan is Zhao Benshan, I am me." I can't damage his reputation, and I can't ruin my reputation as Ge Shuzhen. This sentence not only reflects her self-esteem, but also shows her insistence on self-worth.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

This spirit of independence stems from the tenacity and self-improvement in Ge Shuzhen's bones. She proved with practical actions that even if she lost the protection of Zhao Benshan, she could still live a wonderful life with her own efforts.

Her success is not only the accumulation of wealth, but also the realization of self-worth.

For the career development of her daughter Zhao Yufang, Ge Shuzhen also gave full support. When Zhao Benshan proposed that Zhao Yufang resign from public office and join Benshan Art Academy, Ge Shuzhen respected her daughter's choice, but at the same time warned her to rely on her own strength.

This attitude of both support and not excessive interference reflects Ge Shuzhen's wisdom.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

Ge Shuzhen's attitude towards life shows the virtues of traditional Chinese women: tenacity, diligence, and self-improvement. But she is not limited to tradition, but has found her place in modern society.

She is both a successful entrepreneur and a conscientious mother. She uses her actions to explain what a true independent woman is.

Ge Shuzhen's story is not only a legend of personal struggle, but also a microcosm of an era. Her experience reflects the changes in Chinese society and the important role that Chinese women play in this era of change.

Now, Ge Shuzhen, who has entered the age of sixtieth, has finally ushered in another beautiful stage of her life. She became a kind grandmother, taking care of her grandson and enjoying the joy of family.

Zhao Benshan's ex-wife Ge Shuzhen: Accompanied Zhao Benshan to endure hardships for many years, was tragically abandoned, what is life like now

Looking back, there is no resentment in her eyes, only peace and indifference.

Ge Shuzhen's story is a microcosm of thousands of Chinese women. They are unknown but have shown amazing resilience under the weight of life. From an ordinary rural woman, to Zhao Benshan's wife, to an abandoned single mother, and finally to a successful female entrepreneur, Ge Shuzhen has used her life to interpret the tenacity and wisdom of traditional Chinese women.

Her experience is not only a legend of personal struggle, but also a witness of an era. Ge Shuzhen's story deserves to be remembered and celebrated by more people, and it inspires everyone who is facing difficulties: as long as you don't give up, there will always be hope.

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