
Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

author:Deadwood Kunlun

Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University, a well-known medical expert, had to suspend medical treatment because of some school regulations. As soon as this incident came out, it really set off a lot of waves, and the desire for fairness and justice in many people's hearts was alive again. Let's take stock of what the hell is going on, where should this big ship of education go?

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Professor Yu Li, who has been known for her medical excellence and selfless dedication for many years, has her departure made people ponder: in the medical front line where life is paramount, has the indifference of the system and the suppression of official authority overwhelmed the benevolence of doctors?

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

The trigger for the incident was an emergency operation, and Professor Yu Li immediately took over the treatment of a critically ill patient, but this act of kindness was punished by the school. The school insisted on the supremacy of procedures, believing that she had disrupted the management of the hospital by failing to follow the prescribed procedures. This approach has sparked a backlash inside and outside the university, with many questioning why the system overrides the mission of saving lives at a time when lives are at stake.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Professor Yu, that's a powerful person who is both a doctor and a teacher. But not long ago, she encountered a big problem and made an amazing choice! What was the situation at that time? There was a life-and-death medical emergency, and Professor Yu went to save the patient first without saying a word, but he was 29 minutes late for class. This time, the school will not do it, and it will be fined and criticized. This thing has exploded on the Internet!

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

This incident has aroused widespread concern from all walks of life. In this incident, we can not only see the professional ethics and humanitarian spirit of doctors, but also reflect on the impact of rules and regulations on professional ethics, as well as the pursuit of justice and conscience in society. Starting from the Yu Li incident at Southern Medical University, this article will discuss the issues of rules and regulations, professional ethics and the concept of justice, hoping to arouse more people's attention to the educational environment and social atmosphere, and jointly speak out for justice and conscience.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

In the resignation of Professor Yu Li, the most shocking and heart-wrenching thing is that she made a desperate decision to save the lives of patients. Under the constraints of medical ethics and laws and regulations, Professor Yu Li still chose surgery without hesitation, and this kind of doctor's benevolence and reverence for life is really awe-inspiring.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Professor Yu Li, who left the company, is the noble person who really practices what it means to put life first, and gave her students a vivid lesson in words and deeds, teaching and educating people is the mission, and it is the duty to save lives and help the wounded.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

We all know that some of the doctors in the hospital are also teachers at the medical university. There is bound to be a conflict between teaching and rescuing patients. Doctors are not only busy but also hard, and sometimes they are on duty and take care of teaching, which is even more difficult. Especially in the event of an emergency, the doctor must be able to rush to the first time, which is to rush to the death with time. Where else to take care of. Shouldn't there be a flexible mechanism? If this is the case, can the penalty be waived?

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

In fact, all walks of life have some unspoken rules, and as an adult out of society, you must have a mirror in your heart. But as a medical professional, I have always believed that curing diseases and saving lives is far above all else.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

However, as a leader and management, facing intrigue every day, it is difficult to ensure the original intention, and it is difficult to withstand the pressure of a higher level, so that he always cares about some illusory titles, and finally forgets the original intention, leading to such a "tragedy". As for the style of the official master's faction, he can ignore it at all, it doesn't matter, I think his approach is right!

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Recently, Professor Yu Li of Southern Medical University was criticized by the whole school for choosing to save people and being 29 minutes late for class, and the cancellation of the annual evaluation and the deduction of bonuses rushed to the hot search. Most of the news media and the public chose to side with Professor Yu Li and asked Southern Medical University to give an explanation. But not long after this incident, it was discovered that Professor Yu Li had stopped the clinic, and she was nowhere to be found on the schedule.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Then, we ushered in the "Silence is Golden" performance of Southern Medical University. In the face of the storm of public opinion, the school chose to close the microphone, as if to say: "Let the bullets fly for a while." "But you know what, silence is sometimes more deafening than thunder, it's conjuring, it's speculative, it's disappointing.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Have you ever thought about a question, if Professor Yu Li had not resigned from Southern Medical University, then she would have to accept such a punishment? This means that she cannot work against the leaders in the future, nor can she challenge the authority of the school leaders, let alone disobey the orders of the school leaders.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Professor Yu Li's resignation has become a hot topic of public discussion. Southern Medical University's handling of the situation has aroused strong dissatisfaction from all walks of life, and everyone has called for more flexible mechanisms and humanized management in the medical and education fields in order to truly serve the people and protect the dignity and value of every life.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Since ancient times, Chinese people have known that "human life is a matter of heaven" and "saving people's lives is better than creating a seven-level floating slaughter". Not only did not vigorously praise the behavior of saving lives and helping the wounded, but made this kind of bloody treatment! This thing really makes people angry, I don't know what the final direction is, isn't the doctor the first priority to treat the disease and save people, and show the students what is patient first?

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

According to Zhang Yuzhen, president of Southern Medical University, "the quality of teaching is an absolutely unshakable bottom line. From the perspective of the head of a school, this sentence is not criticized. But from the perspective of a doctor, this sentence is unreasonable, the bottom line of a doctor should be life, what is more important than life? And in the eyes of the outside world, maybe your bottom line is your unshakable power!

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

On June 28, Professor Yu Li thought twice and finally chose to resign, leaving this place of right and wrong, and leaving this position full of unfairness. There is no place to stay here! He was born to heal and save people, but he paid a heavy price. As soon as this incident came out, it really set off a lot of waves, and the desire for fairness and justice in many people's hearts was alive again.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

A netizen commented: "This is really forced to leave, such a trouble, the leader wears small shoes, colleagues avoid it, and they can't stay." This reflects the individual's sense of helplessness and helplessness in the face of unfair treatment and pressure from the leadership, which ultimately forces the protagonist of the incident to leave.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Another person said: "Saving people should be praised, but they will be punished." was punished and wronged again, and now he has resigned, how can this make the people of the country embarrassed? ! This sentence speaks to the hearts of many people who believe that when faced with heroic behavior, praise should be given rather than punishment, and the current way of dealing with it is unacceptable.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Netizens are also full of speculation about the possible hidden reasons behind the incident: "What is hidden behind Yu Li's resignation? Why did he resign, and did he receive a sustained blow? This comment sparked a discussion about the underlying causes of the incident, and it was suspected that there may be a more complex internal struggle behind the resignation.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Another netizen bluntly said: "It's a trivial matter. Infinite expansion online. This time, it's good. The protagonist's job is gone.。 It's not that easy to work within the system. He believes that the incident could have been calmed down, but under the amplification effect of the network, the incident became out of control, which eventually led to the loss of the protagonist's job.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

Finally, some netizens expressed regret and support for the resignation of Teacher Qianli: "Dr. Qianli should be proud to leave Southern Medical University, because they don't deserve to have a good doctor like you!" Kudos to you, good people have a safe year! This sentence not only expressed his reluctance and respect for Teacher Qianli, but also criticized the mistakes of Southern Medical University in handling this matter.

Professor Yu Li resolutely bid farewell to Southern Medical University! Is life paramount, or is the official authority of the leader supreme?

This incident made a big fuss, and everyone was upset about Professor Yu, feeling that she should be praised rather than punished. This also makes people start to reflect on what is most important in the face of life. What do you think? Welcome to leave a message below to discuss.

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