
【Past Story of Kadai】Ding Jian He Shou Turmoil Episode 4

author:Yibu tells stories

The fourth episode of "Ding Jian Birthday Storm" of "Once Upon a Time in Kadai".

In the nightclub, Ding Jian enjoyed a few hours of fun with friends. They ordered several songs, including songs by Ma San and Ghost Crab, as well as a drunken passion performance. In order to make Lao Ding happy, a young man performed a "invincible in the world" dance, which made Lao Ding smile and close his mouth. Lao Ding sighed with emotion: "This life has not come in vain, I have already enjoyed it." At this moment, suddenly the lights became bright, the music stopped, and Asir rushed into the nightclub.

The girls were startled, but stood up calmly and waved to signal that everyone was okay. Song Wei also said: "Don't panic, everyone sit down." ”

It turned out that an Asir had received a report that there was rock sugar in the nightclub. All were asked to show their identity cards and prepare for inspection. The leading Asir said: "Everyone, we are the city head office, and we have received a report that there is rock sugar here. Please cooperate with our inspection. ”

【Past Story of Kadai】Ding Jian He Shou Turmoil Episode 4

Under Asir's command, one group blocked the back door, two went upstairs, three blocked the gate, and four took control of everyone in the venue to prevent them from escaping or creating chaos. Kayo saw the strict management of Anshan. Song Wei said: "Brother, it should be fine. Lao Ding said to the girl sitting on his lap: "You go down first." ”

Asir asked, "How did it get on my lap?" The girl replied, "I'm so old, he's so young, he doesn't look appropriate." ”

【Past Story of Kadai】Ding Jian He Shou Turmoil Episode 4

The girl sat back on the sofa, and Ah Si quickly completed the examination, there were only seven or eight people. Ah Si looked at the card bag and asked, "Why are there so many of you?" ”

【Past Story of Kadai】Ding Jian He Shou Turmoil Episode 4

The girls were asked to go to the front and crouch in a row to be examined. The girls squatted as requested, and one of the girls was Ding Jian's daughter. Ah Si asked, "Who are you?" The girl replied, "I am Ding Jian's daughter, and I came to celebrate my father's birthday." ”

Ah Si said, "Then these are your friends." The girl said, "They all came to celebrate my dad's birthday." ”

Ah Si asked, "What's your name?" The girl replied, "My name is Jia Dai." Ah Si said, "Aren't you from Beijing?" ”

The girl said, "I'm here for my dad's birthday, I'm not here to play." ”

The words with the belt attracted Zhao Lei's attention. Zhao Lei asked, "Who are you?" The girl replied, "I am Ding Jian's daughter, and I came to celebrate my father's birthday." ”

Zhao Lei said: "Then why are you here? The girl said, "I'm here for my dad's birthday." ”

Ding Jian said: "I came to sing and drink. ”

Zhao Lei said: "Then you are quite good. ”

Ding Jian said: "I came to celebrate my father's birthday. ”

Zhao Lei said: "Then you bring your father with you." ”

Ding Jian said: "My father is too old to go to nightclubs. ”

Zhao Lei said: "Okay then. ”

Zhao Lei said, "You come with me first." ”

Zhao Lei said: "Please show your ID card." ”

Ding Jian said: "I didn't bring it. ”

Zhao Lei said, "Then you have to go to the police station with me first." ”

Zhao Lei said: "We must abide by laws and regulations. ”

Ding Jian said: "I will cooperate. ”

Zhao Lei said, "Then you come with me." ”

Zhao Lei left the nightclub with Ding Jian, while the others remained in place to wait for processing. Zhao Lei initially thought it was just a joke between friends, but soon found that the situation was not good. Jia Dai glanced at Ding Jian, who muttered in a low voice: "I didn't deal well with him since I was a child, his family was very rich, and he later became a policeman." After hearing this, Jia Dai knew that Ding Jian was a little dissatisfied with his attitude, but he didn't care. Zhao Lei felt that Ding Jian's behavior was somewhat suspicious, so he asked him to show his ID card, but Ding Jian said that he did not bring it. Inspections could not be carried out without ID cards, so Zhao Lei ordered them all to crouch down, holding their heads in their hands, and waiting for further investigation. During the examination, Jiajia, Dai Zuo, Chen Yaodong and others were emotional, but Ding Jian seemed very calm. Zhao Lei asked Ding Jian who he was talking to, but Ding Jian said he did not know. Ding Jian's answer caused Zhao Lei's dissatisfaction, and he shouted loudly: "Ding Jian, who are you talking to?" Not to be outdone, Ding Jian responded, "Who are you talking to?" At this time, Ding Jian was ready to make a move, but was stopped by Jia Dai in time. Jia Dai said to Zhao Lei: "Buddy, what can you tell me, I am his brother, and you are also his friend." Hearing this, Zhao Lei took out his own documents, but Ding Jian did not. Jia Dai knew that there was a conflict between Ding Jian and himself, so he did not want to interfere too much. Zhao Lei offered to let Ding Jian talk to him alone, but Ding Jian was unwilling to cooperate. Zhao Lei said a little angrily: "Ding Jian, what do you want?" Ding Jian said: "I don't want to do anything, but I won't give in easily." Zhao Lei said: "Do you think you are very powerful? Ding Jian said: "I don't think I did anything wrong. Zhao Lei said: "Do you think you are amazing? Ding Jian said: "I am just defending my own rights and interests. Zhao Lei said: "Your rights? Are your rights and interests a crime? Ding Jian said: "I didn't break the law and commit a crime, I was just protecting my own safety." Zhao Lei said: "You protect your own safety? Then why are you stealing someone else's stuff? Ding Jian said: "I didn't steal anything, I borrowed it." Zhao Lei said, "You borrowed it?" Then why are you throwing it away? Ding Jian said: "I'm not throwing it away, I'm trying to give it back to others." Zhao Lei said: "You want to return it to others?" So why are you hiding it? Ding Jian said: "I didn't hide it, I just didn't want to be discovered by others." Zhao Lei said: "You don't want to be discovered by others? So why did you bring it here? Ding Jian said, "I'm not bringing it here, I want to ask you to help me keep it." Zhao Lei said, "You want us to help you keep it?" Then why don't you give it to the owner? Ding Jian said: "I have already contacted the owner, but he has already left. Zhao Lei said, "The owner has left? Then why don't you leave it to the police? Ding Jian said: "I have handed it over to the police, but they have not found it." Zhao Lei said: "You have already handed it over to the police? So why did you bring it here? Ding Jian said: "I just want to find a safe place to store it." Zhao Lei said: "You just want to find a safe place to store it?" Then why are you deceiving us? Ding Jian said: "I didn't deceive you, I told the truth. Zhao Lei said: "You are telling the truth? Then why are you stealing someone else's stuff? Ding Jian said: "I didn't steal anything, I picked it up." Zhao Lei said, "You picked it up?" So why are you hiding the truth? Ding Jian said: "I didn't hide the truth, I just didn't want others to know." Zhao Lei said: "You don't want others to know? So why are you bringing it home? Ding Jian said: "I didn't bring it home, I just wanted to store it there temporarily." Zhao Lei said: "You just want to store there temporarily? Then why didn't you tell us? Ding Jian said: "I don't want you to know because I don't want you to worry." Zhao Lei said, "You don't want us to worry? So why are you hiding the truth? Ding Jian said: "I didn't hide the truth, I just didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble." Zhao Lei said: "You don't want to cause unnecessary trouble? Then why are you stealing someone else's stuff? Ding Jian said: "I didn't steal anything, I picked it up on the road." Zhao Lei said: "You picked it up on the road? Then why didn't you tell me? Ding Jian said, "I thought you already knew. Zhao Lei said, "What do I know? Ding Jian said, "You already know about me. Zhao Lei said: "Your business? Then why are you stealing someone else's stuff? Ding Jian said: "I didn't steal anything, I picked it up." Zhao Lei said, "You picked it up?" So why don't you give it back to someone else? Ding Jian said: "I have already returned it to others, but they don't want it." Zhao Lei said: "They don't want it? Then why don't you leave it to the police? Ding Jian said: "I have handed it over to the police, but they have not found it. Zhao Lei said: "You have already handed it over to the police? Then why are you bringing it home? Ding Jian said: "I just want to store it temporarily." Zhao Lei said, "You just want to store it temporarily?" Then why didn't you tell us? Ding Jian said: "I don't want you to know because I don't want you to worry." Zhao Lei said, "You don't want us to worry? So why are you hiding the truth? Ding Jian said

【Past Story of Kadai】Ding Jian He Shou Turmoil Episode 4

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