
In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

author:Susu sauce talks about the past and the present

A fateful encounter

In the autumn of 1995, Xiao Hua walked alone on the campus boulevard of the University of California. She had just finished a day of research and was exhausted, but she was also in a good mood because the work was going well.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

At this time, the sound of reading aloud came into my ears. Xiao Hua followed the prestige and saw a handsome boy who looked like a scholar, sitting cross-legged under a tree and reading seriously. The boy's focused side face was well-defined, and the sunlight cast dappled shadows on his face through the leaves.

Xiao Hua's heartbeat couldn't help but skip a beat, and this boy gave her the feeling of love at first sight. She came forward to talk to her like a ghost, it turned out that the boy's name was Ding Jian, and the two soon found out that they were both alumni of Peking University.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

After coming and going, the relationship between the two quickly warmed up.

Many years later, Xiao Hua still remembers that golden autumn afternoon vividly. The sun is warm, the breeze is gentle, and the sound of books is melodious. At that moment, she seemed to hear time whispering, this was the love of her life.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

From acquaintance to acquaintance, from acquaintance to love, Ding Jian and Xiao Hua seem destined to meet in this foreign country. They fell in love and embarked on a 13-year emotional journey.

There is a successful career, and the road to love is confused

In 1995, Ding Jian was determined to return to China to start a business, and Xiao Hua resolutely gave up a lucrative job in the United States and chose to return to China to accompany him. At first, the two started from scratch, and the road to entrepreneurship was difficult and their lives were poor.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Fortunately, Xiao Hua cut down on food and clothing and cared about Ding Jian's work in every detail.

After years of hard work, Ding Jian finally succeeded in his career, and he and Xiao Hua witnessed a legendary entrepreneurial myth. Xiao Hua has always been silently with Ding Jian, and she has nurtured the glory of Ding Jian's business empire with her youth and passion.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

However, the good times did not last long, and on the emotional road, subtle cracks began to appear between the two. After Ding Jian's career was in full swing, his personality became strong and arrogant. He and Xiao Hua drifted apart, and frequently quarreled over trivial matters.

"We just don't fit, let's break up. After a quarrel, Ding Jian blurted out this sentence.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Xiao Hua's face turned pale, and tears came out of his eyes. She was stunned and asked, "After so many years of affection, are you just erased?"

Ding Jian was speechless, he was at a loss, and he didn't know how to explain the changes that were fermenting in his heart - he decided that he and Xiao Hua were destined to be a deformed relationship.

Meet your "soul mate"

In the spring of 2002, after participating in a salon event, Ding Jian met Xu Gehui, a female anchor of CCTV. Xu Gehui is very smart and charming, and she always has a gentle smile on her delicate little face.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Ding Jian fell in love with her at first sight.

The two of you are nong, I am nong, Ding Jian found that Xu Gehui is not only outstanding in appearance, but also different in her interior. She is erudite and sleek, and she is always speculative and intimate when chatting with Ding Jian.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

"She's the other half of my dreams. Ding Jian thought to himself.

In order to curry favor with Xu Gehui, Ding Jian began to give gifts frantically. Expensive brands, rare treasures, you name it. The most powerful one was to give away a limited edition sports car.

Ding Jian said: "I know you, this car must be very suitable for your taste."

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Xu Gehui pretended to be reserved: "This is too precious, I can't ask for it." ”

Ding Jian insisted on letting her accept it, and even delivered the car key to her palm in front of Xu Gehui.

When Xiao Hua learned of this, he was filled with grief and indignation. She questioned Ding Jian: "How can you betray me like this!"

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Ding Jian is right, he believes that Xu Gehui is the true love of his life.

Ruthless abandonment of moral turpitude

One day in 2004, Xu Gehui called Ding Jian and cried that he was pregnant. She sobbed and said, "I really can't bear such pressure alone, I hope you can divorce Xiao Hua as soon as possible, and then marry me as a regular wife."

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Ding Jian was overjoyed, and he immediately agreed to Xu Gehui's request. There is only one thing left in Ding Jian's mind: marrying Xu Gehui. For this, he can sacrifice and abandon everything.

So, Ding Jian ignored his love for many years and announced his divorce from her in front of Xiao Hua. With a wave of his hand, he gave Xiao Hua a breakup fee of 100 million, and forced Xiao Hua to get out of the house immediately with his two young children.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

"Our marriage was destined to come to an end. Hurry up and agree to the divorce, don't delay my wedding day. Ding Jian's tone showed no remorse or reluctance.

Xiao Hua's face was like ashes, and she couldn't cry: "Our promise to grow old together was ruined by you like this."

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Ding Jian turned a deaf ear, he was busy preparing for the marriage of his new love all day long. Finally, in the midst of everyone's criticism, he married Xu Gehui as he wished.

Public opinion condemned a different kind of retribution

The hasty combination of Ding Jian and Xu Gehui immediately sparked public outrage on the Internet. Many netizens have condemned Xu Gehui as a third party who destroys other people's families.

Xu Gehui was labeled as a "little three" and became the target of public criticism.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

"I want to be a star, I want to go crazy, and I will do whatever it takes to seduce a married man. This kind of woman is too shameful!"

"Breaking up a family is inhumane. ”

In response to the insults from netizens, Xu Gehui was in pain and exhausted all day long. She regretted it, and it was really hard to say it. This has become a stain on her acting career, and Xu Gehui can no longer host positive energy programs.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Ding Jian was also pressured by public opinion and had to come forward to explain. He said that he and Xiao Hua had long been drifting apart, and the relationship was doomed.

finally prevaricated through this catastrophe, and Ding Jian and Xu Gehui's lives gradually returned to the right track. However, this unwarranted disaster has become a big stain on Xu Gehui's life.

This is the path she chooses for herself, and the price she is destined to bear.

The wife is tolerant of the husband's guilt

Time has passed, and many years later, Ding Jian and Xiao Hua's children will study in the United States, and parents are required to attend the ceremony when the school opens.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

In order to give the child a complete family, Xiao Hua ran into the previous suspicions and generously invited Ding Jian and Xu Gehui to go to the United States to participate.

Ding Jian was terrified, he was afraid that Xiao Hua would fiercely accuse him of his scumbag behavior in front of everyone. Before leaving, he trembled like he was on pins and needles.

However, to Ding Jian's surprise, on the day of the meeting, Xiao Hua's attitude was unexpectedly friendly and enthusiastic. She patiently introduced the school situation to Ding Jian and Xu Gehui, and explained the children's daily life in detail, calmly and calmly.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

"The children are still young, and I don't want them to lose their father. Anyway, let it pass. Xiao Hua said happily.

Ding Jian was ashamed of himself, and he realized how broad-minded Xiao Hua was and how broad-minded he was. In the face of such generous forgiveness, Ding Jian was not only ashamed, but also revered from the bottom of his heart.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Maybe lovers can't grow old together, but the most precious thing about feelings is that it makes people better. Xiao Hua used her tolerant and kind soul to influence Ding Jian and teach him what true love is.

The warning should not be repeated

After this incident, we should not turn a blind eye, but deeply learn the warning.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

First of all, you can't just decide to "break up" with your partner who has been with you for many years on impulse. The formation of a marital relationship requires both parties to get along and run in for a long time, and it cannot be severed in a few words.

We must learn to appreciate the person around us who gives and cherish the feelings in our hands.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Second, don't be easily fooled by the superficial charm of the opposite sex. That kind of love at first sight can ignite an instantaneous spark, but it is difficult to warm a family consistently.

In contrast, the days of mutual affection make the feelings radiate lasting warmth, which is based on the long-term.

In order to marry the former CCTV hostess, the wealthy Ding Jian gave the original partner a divorce fee of 100 million, and even abandoned his relatives

Thirdly, we must not wantonly hurt the feelings of others for the sake of selfish desires. Such an act is tantamount to undermining the bottom line of morality. Not only does it cause unnecessary damage, but it will also invite the backlash of fate, leading to the disrepute of itself.

At the beginning of man, nature is good. I hope that through this incident, we can cherish the people in front of us more and live out the temperature of life. Don't repeat the mistakes of the past and hurt any heart that truly loves you.

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