
Sinister! Kublai Khan's move! Successfully solved hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops

author:Fun talk 5218590

Title: "The tragic situation after the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty: The Yuan Dynasty's poisonous plan against the surrendered army - exhausted by war!"


Since the end of the Battle of Yashan, the little emperor followed Lu Xiufu to commit suicide by jumping into the sea, and the Southern Song Dynasty eventually perished, and the Yuan army received hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops. However, this gave Kublai Khan a great headache.

During the years of war, the Southern Song army once became an important combat force of the Yuan army, fighting together with the Mongols. Now that the whole country has been unified, Kublai Khan faces a serious problem, that is, how to deal with these hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops.

In the time of Genghis Khan, prisoners in general were not kept, except for craftsmen. However, Kublai Khan realized that he could not directly kill these Southern Song troops, because this could cause popular discontent and resistance. Moreover, the newly conquered Han areas are likely to rise up because of this. On the other hand, it would be too burdensome to raise them at the court, and sending them home would not ensure that they would not rebel.

Therefore, Kublai Khan and his ministers, after much deliberation, decided to adopt a poisonous plan: exhaustion by war!

After the fall of the Southern Song Dynasty, Kublai Khan quickly launched a conquest of Japan, recruiting 100,000 Southern Song troops to participate in the war against Japan, but only a few of this army were Mongols. Unfortunately, just as they were on their way, they suddenly encountered a typhoon and most of the army drowned in the sea. Even when the survivors eventually landed, they were counterattacked by the Japanese nation, and only a few escaped by chance.

After that, the Yuan Dynasty launched successive wars against Annam, Champa, Burma, Java and other Southeast Asian countries. The Southern Song army was always sent to the front line to fight, and they became the main force of the Yuan Dynasty in the war, but the price was that hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops were gradually exhausted.

Although Kublai Khan made great contributions to the unification of the country, his practice of solving the problem of the surrender of the Southern Song Dynasty by means of war exhaustion was really cruel. This also reflects the astonishing scale of the Yuan Dynasty's surrender army to the Southern Song Dynasty at that time, as well as their strength and threat level.

Both Kublai Khan and the Southern Song Dynasty experienced a tragic war. The tragic situation after the demise of the Southern Song Dynasty and Kublai Khan's poisonous plan to surrender the army have become witnesses of history, and also make us deeply reflect on the irreparable losses caused by the war to individuals and the whole society.

Sinister! Kublai Khan's move! Successfully solved hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops
Sinister! Kublai Khan's move! Successfully solved hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops
Sinister! Kublai Khan's move! Successfully solved hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops
Sinister! Kublai Khan's move! Successfully solved hundreds of thousands of Southern Song troops