
Is it true that "Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er was made into a specimen by the Eight-Nation Alliance?

Is it true that "Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er was made into a specimen by the Eight-Nation Alliance?

"Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er is a mysterious figure, she led the "red light illumination" to cooperate with the Boxer Rebellion to help the Qing Dynasty, and was famous in modern Tianjin. She left behind many magical legends, but the statement that "specimens were made into specimens and sent to various countries for exhibition" should be the words of unreliable novelists.

The origin of Lin Hei'er is a mystery in itself. Some people say that she is a jianghu artist who knows martial arts and is good at performing, some people say that she is a local witch in Tianjin, some people say that she is the daughter of a boat family, and some people say that she is a good-looking prostitute. She used some of her magic tricks to conquer many people, making herself a "Yellow Lotus Virgin" revered by thousands of people, and attracting local women to participate in the "Red Lantern Illumination" (said to be named after the red light).

Is it true that "Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er was made into a specimen by the Eight-Nation Alliance?

It is said that Lin Hei'er usually lived on a large boat, and in addition to some cronies on the ship, there were several other women who were named "Fairy Gu", and the believers decorated the big ship with red cloth and hung the banner of "Yellow Lotus Virgin" on the mast of the ship, which was very imposing in the wind. This ritualistic approach has made the believers even more fanatical, and many people burn incense and bow down on the banks of the river every day.

The Boxer Rebellion was raging, and the threat of the Eight-Nation Alliance was close at hand, and these internal and external factors made Lin Hei'er's momentum even more powerful, and even local officials felt pressure. At that time, Yu Lu, the governor of Zhili, invited Lin Hei'er to the Yamen, very politely asked about the safety of Tianjin, and then sent her to a special shrine to be raised.

Empress Dowager Cixi wanted to use the power of the Boxers to fight against the foreigners, and officials from all over the country naturally treated the Boxers with courtesy, and at the same time, the leaders of the Tianjin Boxers, who were valued by YuLu, the governor of the Directly Subordinate Governory, and Zhang Decheng, who appointed himself as the altar master of the "First Altar of the Boxers in the World". This Zhang Tan Lord was even more magical, claiming that he could take away the foreigner's gun out of the blue, so that yulu, who had the ability, naturally wanted to rely on Gancheng.

Is it true that "Our Lady of the Yellow Lotus" Lin Hei'er was made into a specimen by the Eight-Nation Alliance?

Although Zhang Decheng and Lin Hei'er have tens of thousands of people under them, after all, they are not really invincible, and the Yuan God is also nonsense, although some churches and foreign companies have been destroyed, they are still vulnerable to the real guns of foreigners. After the failure of the Boxer Rebellion, Zhang Decheng was said to have been killed by tianjin's local "assholes"!

However, there are several different accounts of Lin Hei'er's whereabouts, some people say that she was betrayed by traitors and heroic righteousness, some people say that she cast spells to escape without a trace, and some people say that she was humiliated after being captured, and after being killed, she was soaked in formalin and sent to the great powers for exhibition. Her whereabouts, like her origins, ended up being a mystery, but the spells were certainly nonsense, and the specimens were made without formal records or physical evidence, which should be equally absurd. I think the biggest possibility is that they have fled in the chaos!

This short-lived woman in history is indeed a legend!

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