
With the Three Kingdoms of Cao Wei in front of him, why did Tuoba Jue set the name of the country as (Northern) Wei?

author:Lone traveler map emperor

There are many dynasties in China's history that begin with the word "Hou", such as the Five Dynasties of the Late Tang Dynasty, such as the Later Liang, Later Tang, Later Jin, Later Han, and Later Zhou, and Later Zhou, as well as the Five Hu And Later Yan, as well as the Later Zhou and Later Wei. The second Later Zhou refers to the Northern Zhou of the Southern and Northern Dynasties, which was actually established by Yuwen Tai. Which dynasty was the Later Wei Dynasty? In fact, it is the famous Northern Wei Dynasty, founded by the Xianbei Tuoba clan. The reason why the Tang people called Northern Zhou Later Zhou was because King Wen of Zhou and King Wu of Zhou established the Zhou Dynasty first. Later, due to the emergence of the Five Dynasties Later Zhou, in order to show the difference, historians referred to Yuwen Zhou as Northern Zhou. The same was true of the Northern Wei Dynasty, because the Northern Wei already had a Wei before, that is, the famous Three Kingdoms Cao Wei. The Tang people rarely had the habit of referring to Tuoba Wei as Northern Wei, and generally referred to them as Later Wei. The question is, when Tuoba Jue, the Emperor of northern Wei Daowu, established the country, why did he set the name of the country as Wei? Before the name of the country was Wei, they already had a choice of country name that most people recognized.

With the Three Kingdoms of Cao Wei in front of him, why did Tuoba Jue set the name of the country as (Northern) Wei?

We all know that Tuoba Jue was the founding emperor of the Northern Wei Dynasty, in fact, strictly speaking, Tuoba Jue was a restoration, not a founding country. In 383, when the Former Qin soldiers were on the verge of shuishui, Emperor Jian Jian attempted to destroy the Eastern Jin Dynasty and unify the world. As a result, former Qin was defeated, and former Qin, whose internal situation was already unstable, collapsed. Murong Chui, the former Yan's vassal murong chui, who was destroyed by Former Qin, established Later Yan, and this was also the case with Tuoba Jue.

The first state established by the Xianbei Tuoba clan was not the Northern Wei Dynasty, but a daiguo, and the last monarch was Tuoba Shiyi, who was Tuoba Jue's grandfather. In the history of Wuhu, there were more than sixteen countries, and the strength of the daiguo was not weak, but it was not among the sixteen countries. Why? Quite simply, the Sixteen Kingdoms are not orthodox, and after the Northern Wei Dynasty, which set the tone for the Sixteen Kingdoms, was the ruler of the Sixteen Kingdoms, it certainly would not include the Sixteen Kingdoms in the list of the Sixteen Kingdoms.

Dai guo was active in hohhot in present-day south-central Inner Mongolia, Datong City in northern Shanxi Province, and Zhangjiakou in northern Hebei Province. The capital of the daiguo was in Shengle, near Helinger County, under the jurisdiction of Hohhot, Inner Mongolia. Sheng Le is located in the eastern part of the Hetao Plain, very close to the "horizontal" of the Yellow River. This section of the Yellow River has not yet passed through the Loess Plateau, so it is not "yellow", the water source is not a problem, and the water and grass are abundant, so it is the preferred choice for the capital of the dynasty where the territory is not large.

With the Three Kingdoms of Cao Wei in front of him, why did Tuoba Jue set the name of the country as (Northern) Wei?

The Daiguo was officially established in the third year of the Reign of Emperor Jianxing of the Western Jin Dynasty (315 CE), and Tuoba Erlu, the leader of the Xianbei Tuoba clan, was made the Acting King for helping the ruined Western Jin Dynasty against Former Zhao (Han Zhao). The throne of the Daiwang passed to Tuoba Shiyi, and the Daiguo obviously shifted from the original tribal alliance form to a feudalized state. In the twelfth year of Former Qin Jianyuan (376 AD), the daiguo was destroyed by Former Qin. Tuoba Jue was only six years old at the time. Since he was the grandson of Tuoba Shiyiqian, daidai took advantage of the collapse of Former Qin and restored the kingdom in 386 AD, the name of the country was very simple, that is, Dai. The Book of Wei - Emperor Ji II records that "in the spring of the first year of the first year of the ascension of the kingdom, the emperor (Tuoba Jue) is the substitute throne, the suburban heavens, Jianyuan, and the assembly in Niuchuan." In Tuoba Bu's view, it is a matter of course that the name of the country will be designated as a generation after generations. However, only a few months after the name of the country was set as Dai, Tuoba Jue issued an edict to remove the name of the country and change the name of the country to Wei.

With the Three Kingdoms of Cao Wei in front of him, why did Tuoba Jue set the name of the country as (Northern) Wei?

At the beginning, the title of acting king was actually a temporary move, and in the summer of April, the group of courtiers played the name of the country. However, the attitude of the group of subjects is very clear, that is, after the king, he is also called the king of the dynasty, and the name of the country is of course the generation. Tuoba Jue had his own ideas, he told everyone: "Although my ancestors became the acting kings, they only lived in a single place, and did not unify the world. After becoming the acting king, but with the ambition of the world, I personally led the sixth army to sweep the Central Plains, so it was most appropriate to set the name of the country as Wei. In this way, there is one less "descendant (country)" in history, but one more Northern Wei that has been "strong and prosperous for generations". Tuoba Jue's idea is very simple: if I want to unify the world and be the co-lord of the four seas, I can't use the one who lives in the middle of the world as the name of the country. Then, why did Tuoba Jue set the name of the country as Wei? This matter is directly related to Cui Xuanbo, a famous minister in the early Northern Wei Dynasty.

With the Three Kingdoms of Cao Wei in front of him, why did Tuoba Jue set the name of the country as (Northern) Wei?

Cui Xuanbo believed that if daiguo wanted to learn from Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gao, to fix the world, he should set the name of the country as Wei. As for the reason, Cui Xuanbo said: "The name of the state of Wei is the Shangguo of Shenzhou, and Since His Majesty has great ambitions, he should imitate the former Wei." "The so-called Former Wei is the Three Kingdoms of Cao Wei. As we all know, the historical influence of the Han Dynasty was extremely great, and it was also the case during the two Jin And Sixteen Kingdoms period at that time. To whom did the Han Dynasty die? Cao Cao and Cao Pi father and son who founded the State of Wei. The Shu and Wu states of the Three Kingdoms did not recognize Wei's orthodoxy, but the Western Jin and Eastern Jin Dynasties of Wei, as well as most of the Sixteen Kingdoms, did. Cui Xuanbo meant to tell Tuoba Jue: You don't want to think about being Han Gaozu, it is impossible to pacify the world in a few years. However, you can learn from Emperor Wen of Wei (Cao Pi), inherit the orthodoxy of the Han Dynasty, and take it step by step to annex the world.

With the Three Kingdoms of Cao Wei in front of him, why did Tuoba Jue set the name of the country as (Northern) Wei?

There is another reason. Cui Xuanbo became famous in the Wei and Jin dynasties- the Qinghe Cui clan, which was a first-class and first-class magnate at that time. Tuoba Jue is a humble person, playing on horseback riding and beating rabbits on the grassland, which is a joke in the eyes of the Zhongyuan Scholars, represented by Cui Xuanbo, who believes that if you want to become orthodox, you must first sinicize. The so-called Sinicization is mainly the system since the two Han Dynasties, Wei and Jin (referring to the Western Jin Dynasty), and only in this way can you win the hearts and minds of the Central Plains. Tuoba Jue is not stupid, he understands this truth, in order to rule the Central Plains, you must sinicize, otherwise there is no need to play. Tuoba Jue accepted Cui Xuanbo's suggestion and decided to set the name of the country as Wei. For more historical map articles, please pay attention to the WeChat public account: Map Emperor

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