
Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground

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Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. In the ground attack, Hamas Pickup rapid reaction forces stormed the downtown square of Israel's sixth-largest city, Ashkelon, leaving the entire Israeli intelligence agency, the Mossad and the Israel Defense Forces, completely defenseless, a major intelligence blunder.

Hamas commandos stormed the border area, and large numbers of Israeli soldiers slept in dormitories without weapons at all. Israel was a little fierce at first, but I didn't expect the scope of all-round attacks to be so large.

The Israeli counterattack team hurried into the battlefield and found that the Hamas anti-tank missile team specially trained by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard had broken through the blockade line in the Gaza Strip and took a vantage point to ambush the reinforced ant army. The attack was carefully planned and was not a minor fight of the past.

In an undeclared raid, Hamas raids captured American-made Humvee military vehicles and dragged the bodies of dead ant soldiers back to the cassocks. The Israeli Defense Ministry issued a statement calling for all reservists to return to the unit, asking civilians in central and southern Israel to enter or stay near bomb shelters, and stating that Hamas would bear full responsibility and consequences for the attack.

Judging by the pictures and videos that are now circulating, Israel has lost at least 6 Merkava main battle tanks and 17 armored personnel carriers. Others did not know the situation, and when they were dragged away by Hamas personnel, they laughed and filmed, probably mistaking it for the hospitality of the locals. And Filipinos and Thais working in Israel have been detained by Hamas. The number of reservists recruited by the IDF has increased by about 80,000, with more than 150,000 reservists now receiving reports.

The Israel Defense Forces were ordered to launch raids on military positions belonging to Hamas and jihad in the Gaza Strip. A state of emergency was declared within 80 kilometres of the Gaza border and all road crossings and bridges near the Gaza Strip were closed.

IDF Major General Ghassan Aliyan sent a message to Gaza Hamas that Hamas had opened the gates to hell in the Gaza Strip. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanya Tiger said that Israel's war against Hamas will take time and difficult, and the Israeli army will immediately use all its strength to destroy Hamas, calling on the residents of the Gaza Strip to leave the territory ready for war immediately. He said Israel would avenge this black day and turn Gaza into a city of ruins.

Overseas Israelis returned to fight, 20 planes took off from the top of a Greek cliff to transport about 5,000 Israeli reservists home to join the army, Israel's energy ministry cut off the power industry in the Gaza Strip, and Apache helicopters participated in the battle to launch air strikes. Now that Syria's Fourth Armored Division and Seventh Infantry Division are on high readiness, TL issued a statement saying they support the Palestinians.

If countries neighbouring Israel were to conquer Jerusalem if they granted the right of way, Canada condemned the attack against Israel and supported Israel's counterattack in self-defence. A spokesman for the White House National Security Council said: The United States unequivocally condemns Hamas and stands firmly with the Israeli government and people in its attacks against Israeli civilians. France sent a message to the Allah not to intervene in Israel's war with Hamas. Biden warned Iran, Lebanon, Iraq, Syria and Yemen not to try to use the situation to open another front against Israel. The United States will defend Israel when necessary, and if the war spreads to the Middle East, other countries, the United States is ready to provide Israel with long-range missiles.

The world pattern really feels like it's going to change.

Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground
Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground
Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground
Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground
Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground
Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground
Look at today's video and may all innocent civilians be safe. Palestinian Hamas commander Dave said the Al-Aqsa flood operation had begun with thousands of rockets shelling Israel. On the ground

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