
From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

As the most successful film in this year's National Day file, although "Predecessor 4" did not do much publicity before its release, it became the runner-up at the box office as a "dark horse", which is really rare.

Even Han Geng, one of the leading actors, has changed from a handsome teenager to a blessed middle-aged beautiful man.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Of course, behind this achievement, it is inseparable from the foreshadowing of the first three films and the complex of some netizens.

In addition to actors such as Han Geng, Zheng Kai, Yu Wenwen, and other female characters such as Liu Liu played by Liu Yase, Xiao Ai played by Zhang Tianai, and Huang Yue played by Zhu Yan Manzi were added, adding freshness to the story.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Among these actresses, Zhu Yan Manzi has the smallest splash.

But in fact, although she is not famous for 9 years since her debut, she has many excellent works and roles.

Her acting skills are solid and steady, her appearance is beautiful and natural, and she is deeply loved by many netizens, especially the role of "Luo Feng", who was successfully portrayed in "Secret Love Orange Born Huainan", and is still the "white moonlight" in the hearts of many fans.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Now, Zhu Yan Manzi has walked to the big screen with his own efforts, being recognized by more people, and ushering in his own spring.

1. "Literary dancers" break into the entertainment industry

Zhu Yan Manzi was born in Hohhot, Inner Mongolia in 1993, because his parents loved each other too much and both wanted to bring their love to their daughters, so he added his mother's "Yan" surname after his father's "Zhu" surname.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

In the tradition of the Inner Mongolian people, "Manzi" symbolizes good hope, so he named his daughter Zhuyan Manzi.

And her parents paid great attention to her training, and took her everywhere to learn to dance and draw at a very young age.

Until he graduated from elementary school, by chance, Zhu Yan Manzi was successfully admitted to the song and dance major of Beiwu Affiliated High School.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

But the parents were very hesitant about this, on the grounds that their daughter had to "drift north" at a young age, and no one in the family was engaged in literary and artistic work.

However, after weighing up, Zhu Yan Manzi still successfully entered the North Dance to start professional learning.

At first, she didn't pay attention to her studies, and only knew how to hang out and play all day, so her grades could only be described as average.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

But when Zhu Yanmanzi came into contact with the acting course, he unexpectedly found that this was his interest, so he made up his mind to develop into the actor industry.

In 2010, only 17 years old, she was admitted to Chinese opera and became classmates with Qiao Xin, Qin Junjie and others.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

This time, Zhu Yanmanzi cherished the opportunity to study, stayed in the rehearsal room every day to study his acting skills hard, gradually caught up with his grades, and became a class leader.

During her studies, she and her classmate He Fengtian, who was one year older than herself, were suspected of being in love for a long time, and there was an ambiguity.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

He Fengtian had taken Chen Xiao's performance guidance course before taking the Chinese drama exam, and chose the art examination under the recommendation of the other party.

Later, he debuted as a model of Rao Xueman's "Freckles" and received Yu Zheng's popularity, but his development can only be regarded as average.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

The reason why netizens picked up two young people suspected of being in love was mainly because they had posted a lot of intimate photos back then, and the two always stood together and were very right.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

In 2014, Zhu Yanmanzi, who was about to graduate, stood out from hundreds of competitors and served as the female number one Zhang Fang of the inspirational movie "Goodbye Giant", and made her debut smoothly.

After that, she participated in the love movie "Love in the 1980s" directed by Huo Jianqi.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

It was also this year that the relationship between Zhu Yan Manzi and He Fengtian seemed to gradually flatten, and as they graduated, there was no more interaction.

And after her debut, her initial resources were quite okay, and she soon acted in TV series such as "Women Are Not Strong and Heaven Is Not Allowed" and "Left Ear".

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

However, Zhu Yan Manzi's appearance is definitely not a beauty at first sight, although her facial features are not bad, especially her bone appearance is very superior, but she is very beautiful, and she is more intellectually restrained.

Overall, he is very recognizable in your circle, but because he is too literary and artistic, he may only be able to rely on acting skills to get out of the circle if he meets a character that suits him very well.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

In the process of "waiting" for the role, Zhu Yanmanzi also tried many different styles, such as Ye Hongying, who has a cold personality in the youth movie "Little Love Letter", and Song Yi, a boyish female patrolman in the online drama "The Hypnotized Hypnotist", and so on.

But these roles have no splashes, but they also make her potential be valued by industry insiders.

In 2018, Zhu Yan Manzi was signed by Yao Chenxiang and signed a contract under it, so he has more room to play in his career.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

2. Be seen by the audience with "Luo Feng"

The year after the contract, she appeared in the campus drama "Orange Birth Huainan Secret Love", and broke into the public's field of vision with the role of the cold and withdrawn Luo Feng.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Until now, 4 years have passed, and many netizens still miss the "Luo Feng" played by Zhu Yan Manzi and sincerely praise:

She is the best Luo Feng.

The character "Luo Feng" comes from the second part of August Chang'an's "Zhenhua Trilogy", which tells a long secret love story.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

The heroine Luo Feng has performed a complex and pure secret love one-man show for the male protagonist Sheng Huainan in her own world for 15 years.

She was admitted to the best university for him, and finally the two met and knew each other by various coincidences and came together.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

As a very mass-based IP, Luo Feng has been presented in different film and television works, such as in the online drama "The Best of Us" broadcast in 2016, actress Chao Ran emerged because of this role, becoming an "unforgettable" in the hearts of many netizens.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

But it's a pity that Chaoran did not continue filming after that, but transformed into an Internet celebrity live broadcast with goods, and because of the controversy caused by the lack of words, the popularity of passers-by declined rapidly.

After Zhu Yan Manzi, Hu Bingqing also played Luo Feng in the 2021 TV series "Secret Love Orange Born Huainan", but the response was not good.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

The following year, Zhang Xueying also restored Luo Feng in the movie of the same name, and also fell in love with the actor Xin Yunlai in the play, but the film still ended with a fight on the street.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

It can be said that so far, only Zhu Yan Manzi's version is the most exciting for book fans.

Luo Feng in the original work is sensitive, cold, and wise, but he gave his enthusiasm to the male protagonist Sheng Huainan, but more often he also wore a mask in front of the other party.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Zhu Yan Manzi completed the shaping of the characters with a seemingly plain, but actually heartfelt performance.

Although some people questioned her pale appearance at that time, some people even thought that "her appearance can't support the heroine of an idol drama".

But in fact, in contrast, Luo Feng, played by Zhu Yan Manzi, is completely victorious - because of her version, it reflects the template of thousands of secret love stories, although ordinary but real.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

This is because of this work, she began to emerge, and the resources also increased.

Also this year, Zhu Yan Manzi played the villain, transfer student Tang Xiaomi with strong possessiveness and self-esteem in the romantic drama "Flowing Good Times".

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

This is a completely different image from Luo Feng, she is two-sided - one second she is aggressive, the next second she is weak to the point that the whole world has owed.

But in fact, Tang Xiaomi has a sensitive and sharp personality because of the serious lack of love caused by his mother's departure and his father's busy work.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Therefore, from the performance point of view, Zhu Yan Manzi needs to use deeper subtle changes to restore many reactions to the characters' emotions.

Similarly, in an interview, she bluntly said that she would also write a short biography for Tang Xiaomi, digging into the meaning behind each act of the character in an all-round way.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

At the same time, she also said that she would not worry about this negative role, what impact it would have on her, and bluntly said:

"Having a different role to find is both a challenge and a gift, and I went to film with this mentality."

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

This is true, because soon after, Zhu Yan Manzi challenged to play the role of a "junior" in the life drama "Dear Child", which caused heated discussions.

3. Strong plasticity, the future can be expected

In "Dear Child" starring Qin Hao, Ren Suxi and other excellent actors, Zhu Yan Manzi played Zhu Zhu, a paranoid girl deeply affected by her original family, just because of a little warmth, she jumped into a love that was destined to have no ending.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Because her mother's possessiveness is too strong, Zhu Zhu also has a paranoid love, and after many times of suppression and restraint, it has become a broken cauldron-like resistance.

And the male protagonist Xiao Lu unexpectedly became that exit.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

This love came surging and irrational, especially after learning that the other party loved his wife and family very much, Zhu Zhu actually went to the 100-day banquet of his daughter.

In this scene, Zhu Yan Manzi played very well:

Her soft and weak appearance and expectant and resentful eyes suddenly let the audience enter the inner world of the characters, which are both hateful and pitiful.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

And this role made many viewers refresh their impression of her, and also broke Luo Feng's filter.

In the same year, Zhu Yan Manzi participated in "Obsession Like a Shadow" and "Our Decade", and at the end of the year, he also joined Yang Zi's new drama "To Love for a Long Time", playing the female number two Fang Mingyu in the play.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

This is a gentle, virtuous, empathetic girl with medical ideals.

In the play, at the age of nearly 30, she put on a school uniform again, and together with Huang Yingzi, Jiang Yi, Zhuang Yuan, Lan Yifei, and Guan Chao, 5 little friends, she opened a growth story about the 6 children of the family home of state-owned enterprises, with warmth, tears, love and hate.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s
From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

And this year, Zhu Yanmanzi's resources have been upgraded again.

At the beginning of the year, she starred in the Spring Festival blockbuster "The Wandering Earth 2" as the newcomer diplomat Hao Xiaoxi, and played against the old actor Li Xuejian, and there were many scenes, and her acting skills did not pull her crotch.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Now, Zhu Yan Manzi has appeared in the "dark horse" "Predecessor 4" of the National Day file, although there are not many scenes, but it is enough to attract attention.

Perhaps the audience is not familiar with her name, but when her face appears, there will always be an image in the memory fragment, maybe Luo Feng, maybe Zhu Zhu, maybe Hao Xiaoxi.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s
From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

Because he has not been limited to playing only one role for many years since his debut, Zhu Yan Manzi is also known by fans as a "drama face-throwing" actor and "the bearer of post-90s acting skills".

And this year, she is only 30 years old, and there are many possibilities in the future.

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

In the hit "Predecessor 4", Huang Yue, played by Zhu Yan Manzi, is a lively and unrestrained Kochi woman, although she is only a passerby, but it has also become a unique scenery.

Do you like such a good actress?

From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s
From Luo Feng to "Predecessor 4", Zhu Yan Manzi was finally seen? A pearl in the sea of small flowers after the 90s

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