
Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

author:Jie Shao entertainment industry

Guo Baochang, the director and screenwriter of the classic TV series "Mansion Gate", passed away, revealing the past of "Mansion Gate". The news undoubtedly heart-wrenching, and his passing reminds people of the glory days of this classic TV series.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

Looking back on the filming process of "The Gate of the Mansion", it can be said that there have been many twists and turns, and there have been many unexpected difficulties and challenges. Before the official start of filming, the play encountered a triad threat, which put the director Guo Baochang in a huge predicament at the time. This threat not only made director Guo Baochang feel pressure, but also brought huge trouble to the entire crew. However, in the face of the threat of dark forces, Guo Baochang chose to persevere, he did not flinch, did not fear the vicious threat of the underworld, and moved forward.

Just when the crew experienced great difficulties, the investor suddenly asked for a change of director. This news shocked the entire crew, and everyone was full of respect and support for Guo Baochang. The famous actor Chen Baoguo of the male number one even threw the 90,000 salary in front of him angrily, "If I change Guo Baochang, I won't act either!" These words spread throughout the crew, and Chen Baoguo's resolute attitude gave Guo Baochang great support and encouragement.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

This incident shocked the entire entertainment industry and made the audience respect Chen Baoguo. He starred in the male number one of "The Gate of the Mansion", playing an honest and kind character who is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. And the righteousness and courage he showed at this moment made the audience even more impressed by him. In that dark moment, Chen Baoguo became Guo Baochang's strong backing and a hero in the hearts of all people who were not afraid of hardships and dangers.

Guo Baochang's persistence and courage eventually moved the investors, who realized that Guo Baochang is the soul and core of this TV series and is indispensable. As a result, the investor withdrew its request to change the director and re-gave Guo Baochang trust and support. This decision is undoubtedly wise, and Guo Baochang has proved his talent and ability with outstanding performance. He integrated his own experience and perceptions into the play, making "The Gate of the Mansion" more real and touching.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

Mr. Po Chang is a talented director full of inspiration. With his virtuosity and keen tentacles, he has captured various phenomena and characters in society. "The Gate of the Mansion" occupied an absolute advantage in the TV drama market at that time, not only because the plot was fascinating, but also because it profoundly presented the universal fate of the Chinese people. In that closed and conservative era, "The Gate of the Mansion" showed the living conditions of people of different classes through the shaping of the family, and also revealed the shortcomings and problems in society.

In Guo Baochang's pen, the characters are lifelike and colorful. Each character has a distinct personality and a unique destiny, which is Guo Baochang's observation and reflection on society, and also his in-depth exploration of human nature. It is precisely because of this insight and revelation of human nature that "The Gate of the Mansion" has become a touching classic.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

Guo Baochang's death is a journey of farewell, but his works will always be remembered. "The Gate of the Mansion" has become a memory for a generation, and this classic TV series immerses the audience in it by showing the rise and fall, honor and disgrace of an ordinary family, feeling the warmth of the family and the depth of emotions.

"The Gate of the Mansion" is undoubtedly a bright pearl of Chinese TV dramas, which not only shows the glory and loss of an era, but also shows all aspects of the society at that time through the portrayal of the plot and characters. This TV series uses real stories to outline the social and historical background of that special period, so that the audience feels the common memory of that era.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

Guo Baochang used his intelligence and perseverance to create a classic, and "The Gate of the Mansion" became his masterpiece. His passing made people realize that we should cherish every talented creator and appreciate their work with our hearts, not only to respect them, but also to reward them with the best reward.

Guo Baochang was an excellent director and screenwriter, and his work will live on forever on the occasion of his death. The warmth and family emotions conveyed by "The Gate of the Mansion" are moving, and it triggers the audience to think about and touch their own family and affection.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

"The Gate of the Mansion" touched the hearts of hundreds of millions of viewers with its true portrayal and delicate emotional depiction. Its success is Guo Baochang's success and the success of everyone involved. This TV series became a symbol of the times and paved the way for Chinese TV dramas to glory.

Today, Guo Baochang has left us forever, leaving behind classic works, including "The Gate of the Mansion" in my mind. His departure makes people recall this past, and they cherish the TV series of that era even more.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

Guo Baochang is a person who dares to pursue dreams and dare to persevere. His life was full of inspiration and emotion. And the success of "The Mansion Gate" also tells us that as long as we stick to our dreams, do not shrink, and bravely meet in the face of difficulties, we will definitely be able to create our own brilliance.

May Guo Baochang's soul rest in peace, and his works will always shine in our hearts. We always remember that unique Guo Baochang, a legend of Chinese TV dramas.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

Guo Baochang's death reminds people of the past of "The Gate of the Mansion", a TV series that will forever become a classic in people's hearts. Although Guo Baochang has passed away, his contribution to the TV drama career will always be remembered by those who love TV dramas.

On the occasion of Guo Baochang's death, let us miss this excellent director and screenwriter, and at the same time miss the touching and thinking brought to us by this classic TV series "The Gate of the Mansion". May his soul rest in eternal peace and may his works live on forever.

Chen Baoguo angrily fell 90,000 salaries! Guo Baochang's death reveals the past of the mansion: he was intimidated by the underworld

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