
Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

author:Grape micro-reading
Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident
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Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

On the dazzling stage of the entertainment industry, 66-year-old Chen Baoguo was a well-deserved protagonist. This "national first-class actor" has won the Golden Eagle Award many times and conquered countless audiences with his superb acting skills.

However, time flies, and the former actor can now only play an inconspicuous supporting role on the screen. What's even more embarrassing is that his outspokenness about the current situation in the entertainment industry, especially his sharp criticism of the phenomenon of "traffic stars", has not caused the industry to reflect, but has made him the target of public criticism.

was once an admirable acting superstar, but now he has become a laughing stock in the eyes of everyone.

Chen Baoguo's childhood was not all smooth sailing. Born into a poor family in Beijing, he experienced the hardships of life early on. While other children were still enjoying a carefree study time, the young Chen Baoguo had already had to shoulder the burden of the family.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

Due to the family's financial constraints, his parents had to go out to earn a living, leaving the young Chen Baoguo alone to guard the empty home.

Faced with an embarrassing family situation, Chen Baoguo was forced to drop out of school and began a long working career. He tried all kinds of tedious jobs, from dishwasher to maintenance worker, and toiled around to survive.

Although this experience was difficult, it also allowed the young Chen Baoguo to learn to be independent and strong early.

Twists of fate often come unexpectedly. One day, a movie poster caught Chen Baoguo's attention, instantly igniting his inner enthusiasm for acting. He suddenly realized, "This is the life I want!" From that moment on, Chen Baoguo was determined to pursue his dream of being an actor.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

In order to improve his acting skills, he began to frequent major dance halls and silently hone his skills.

The opportunity has finally arrived. When he learned that the Central Academy of Drama was recruiting newcomers, Chen Baoguo did not hesitate to sign up. Despite his lack of formal education, he bravely embarked on this uncharted path.

In the face of competitors from all over the country, Chen Baoguo successfully won the favor of the judges with his unique temperament and frank attitude.

However, life after entering the academy was not as smooth as imagined. Due to the long-term lack of formal education, Chen Baoguo felt uncomfortable with the strict management of the school. He often skips class, which makes the teachers who are responsible for guiding him very anxious.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

These words were like a slap in the face, which made Chen Baoguo wake up suddenly. He realized that this was not a playground, but a battlefield to realize his dreams. From that moment on, Chen Baoguo began to work hard and study his acting skills hard.

He no longer wastes his time, but seizes every opportunity to hone his acting skills.

Chen Baoguo's story, from a poor boy to a freshman in the drama academy, is a difficult but inspiring counterattack. It not only shows his tenacity, but also lays a solid foundation for his future achievements in the entertainment industry.

After graduating from the Central Academy of Drama, Chen Baoguo did not immediately become a star in the limelight. On the contrary, he started from the most basic group performances, accumulating experience step by step.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

Each small role is a valuable learning opportunity for him, and he carefully understands the characteristics of each character and strives to interpret it vividly.

As time went on, Chen Baoguo's efforts finally paid off. His performances began to attract the attention of more and more directors. Those details that were once overlooked are now his trademark.

Every look, every action, contains a deep understanding of the character. Gradually, he began to get more invitations to important roles and made a name for himself in the film industry.

However, what really makes Chen Baoguo a leader in the entertainment industry is his breathtaking professionalism. In a critically acclaimed work, he decided to put a transparent plastic sheet on his eyes in order to interpret a character with "eye problems".

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

This seemingly simple decision brought him great discomfort and potential health risks. But Chen Baoguo persevered until he perfectly portrayed the role.

This dedication and dedication to art has won unanimous praise both inside and outside the industry.

While his career is thriving, Chen Baoguo's private life is also getting better. He fell in love with his classmate Zhao Kui'e, and the relationship between the two went through eight years of testing and finally came to fruition.

Soon after their marriage, they welcomed the birth of their beloved son. Despite his busy schedule, Chen Baoguo always strives to balance career and family, and in his spare time when he is not busy with work, he devotes himself to family life.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

It is this attitude of striving for excellence in work and managing with heart in life that has created Chen Baoguo's brilliant career. He has won the Golden Eagle Award for Best Actor many times and has become a well-deserved "national first-class actor".

In that golden age that belonged to him, Chen Baoguo used his own strength to interpret what a real acting school is.

However, success did not stop Chen Baoguo. He still maintains his love and dedication to acting. Even after the age of sixties, as long as there are suitable roles and works, he is still willing to challenge himself.

For him, acting is an art that requires a lifetime of study.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

Chen Baoguo's acting career peaked not only showed his personal talent and hard work, but also set an example for the entire entertainment industry. He proved with practical actions that real acting skills require long-term accumulation and unremitting efforts.

In this ever-changing entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo's story undoubtedly provides valuable inspiration for those who come after him: only by truly loving and devoting himself can he have a place on this highly competitive stage.

With the rapid changes in the entertainment industry, an emerging phenomenon has gradually risen - "traffic stars". In the face of this trend, Chen Baoguo, who is an old actor, has his own unique and sharp opinions.

In a public interview, Chen Baoguo mercilessly criticized all kinds of chaos in the current entertainment industry. He bluntly pointed out that the behavior of some "traffic stars" is "shameless and unbearable".

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

In his opinion, these new-generation stars rely too much on their appearances and completely ignore the importance of acting skills and lines.

What angered Chen Baoguo the most was that some actors openly replaced their lines with "numbers". He said sarcastically: "How relaxed and complacent are today's actors, can they even skip the basic skills without practicing?" This remark undoubtedly hit the sore spot of many people.

Chen Baoguo also sharply criticized the lack of professionalism of some actors. He recalls his own time, when actors scrambled to grab every opportunity to perform, and never gave up, no matter how difficult it was.

But now, there are actors who shout because of a small injury, and often ask for a substitute. This phenomenon made Chen Baoguo feel extremely angry and regretful.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

In Chen Baoguo's view, these "traffic stars" treat themselves as beautiful vases and completely ignore the importance of acting skills and lines. He believes that the job of an actor is not only to show his appearance, but more importantly, to interpret the character and convey emotions through superb acting skills.

Chen Baoguo's remarks are undoubtedly a slap in the face of the current impetuous atmosphere in the entertainment industry. However, his outspokenness also attracted a lot of criticism for him. Some people think that he is arrogant and unwilling to accept the changes of the times.

But in Chen Baoguo's view, he is just doing his duty as a senior, hoping to awaken the conscience of the industry and make more people pay attention to the basic skills and professionalism of actors.

Although Chen Baoguo's views may seem a bit extreme, it reflects the concerns of the older generation of artists about the current state of the entertainment industry. They believe that too much pursuit of "traffic" and neglect of strength will only lead to a decline in the quality of the entire industry.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

Chen Baoguo's criticism, to a certain extent, is also a wake-up call for the entire industry, calling on everyone to rethink what is the real acting career.

With the passage of time, the pattern of the entertainment industry has quietly changed. The older generation of actors, such as Chen Baoguo, who were once dominant, gradually faded out of the public eye.

Instead, there are young and beautiful faces - those new generations known as "traffic stars".

This change has left Chen Baoguo deeply worried. He has witnessed more and more film and television works beginning to pursue "appearance" rather than real acting skills. Some young people who lack line skills and acting skills can cause an uproar in the entertainment industry just by virtue of their appearance.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

This phenomenon makes Chen Baoguo sigh that the road to star creation is too easy today.

In a variety show, Chen Baoguo witnessed a scene that shocked him. When the plot requires the actresses to show real emotional crying, these young actors did not hesitate to use eye drops instead.

This approach not only disappointed Chen Baoguo, but also surprised other senior artists such as Andy Lau present.

However, Chen Baoguo is not blindly denying the new generation. He believes that the root of the problem lies in the impetuous atmosphere of the entire industry. Those young people who have risen by "traffic" could have gotten rid of the label of "traffic stars" by constantly learning and improving, and became truly powerful actors.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

But unfortunately, many people choose to be content with the status quo and indulge in the pursuit of nihilistic fans.

This process of alternating between the old and the new not only affects personal destiny, but also profoundly changes the ecology of the entire entertainment industry. Mr. Chen's criticism reflects to some extent the pains that the industry is experiencing.

It reveals a harsh reality: in this era of rapid change, how to adapt to the needs of the market while maintaining the essence of art has become a challenge that every actor needs to face.

Although he has entered his old age, Chen Baoguo still maintains a fiery enthusiasm for his acting career. He firmly stated that as long as there are suitable roles and works for him, he is still willing to take on the challenge.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

For him, acting is an art that requires a lifetime of study, and this attitude reflects his dedication and respect for the performing arts.

However, reality hit him hard. As his former glory fades, Chen finds it increasingly difficult to find a foothold in this fast-changing entertainment industry.

But even so, he still adheres to his own philosophy and hopes to contribute to the healthy development of this industry.

Chen Baoguo's experience reflects the changes in the entire entertainment industry to a certain extent. From his story, we see the glory of the industry, but also the dark side in it.

Good and evil will be rewarded! Chen Baoguo, a 66-year-old "national first-class actor", was destroyed because of this incident

As for the future of the entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo has his own expectations: he hopes to see more truly powerful actors being taken seriously, and hopes that the industry can regain its respect and pursuit of art.

In this rapidly changing era, Chen Baoguo's persistence undoubtedly provides us with a perspective for thinking: should we also keep the essence of art while pursuing traffic? This question may be worth pondering for everyone in the entertainment industry.

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