
Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

author:Xixi talks about the world
Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era
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Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

In the Chinese entertainment industry, Chen Baoguo used to be a shining name. The image of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty created by him is domineering, Xu Tieying in "No War in Peking" is deep, and Li Xidong in "Public Security Bureau" is upright and resolute.

, a national first-class actor who won the Feitian Award, the Golden Eagle Award and the Magnolia Award, was once a benchmark for acting skills in the hearts of the audience.

However, in recent years, Chen Baoguo's figure has gradually faded out of public view. He used to appear frequently on the screen, but now he rarely appears. Why did this old actor in the entertainment industry suddenly disappear? Does what happened to him reflect some kind of change in the entertainment industry? Let's unravel this mystery and explore the sorrow of the times hidden behind Chen Baoguo's story.

Chen Baoguo's life started from an uneven start. Although born in the bustling city of Beijing, his family struggled financially. The burden of life weighed on the young Chen Baoguo, who had to drop out of school and leave school in the third grade of primary school.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

After leaving school, Chen Baoguo began his path to earn a living. At first, he could only do simple household chores, such as washing dishes. As he grew older, he learned to repair various household appliances and bicycles, showing extraordinary hands-on skills.

No matter what the problem is, he always finds a solution quickly.

At the age of 14, in order to supplement his family, Chen Baoguo stepped into the door of an auto repair factory. Here, his hands are no longer limited to repairing small objects, but he begins to challenge more complex machinery.

The inner turmoil and the desire for a better life became the driving force that propelled him forward. He began to re-examine his life and explore what kind of profession would make him truly feel passionate and passionate.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

In the process, he recalled his brief experience of studying and realized that self-improvement can only be achieved through knowledge.

With a thirst for knowledge and a vision for the future, Chen Baoguo set his sights on the Central Academy of Drama. The decision is undoubtedly bold, and for a person who has been out of the learning environment for a long time, getting into this prestigious institution is a huge challenge.

However, Chen Baoguo's efforts were not in vain. During the interview, this handsome and steady young man showed himself with all his might, winning the favor of the judges.

When the glittering admission letter came to him, Chen Baoguo felt a twist of fate.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

From an ordinary repairman to a student of central opera, this huge transformation marks a new chapter in Chen Baoguo's life. A spark of hope ignited in his eyes, as if he saw a new future beckoning him.

Little did he know, however, that more hard work and greater challenges awaited him. This young man from a poor family is about to embark on a road full of opportunities and challenges.

Stepping into the door of the Central Academy of Drama is not only the beginning of a dream for Chen Baoguo, but also the beginning of a test. When he first entered the campus, he felt uncomfortable because he had been away from the learning environment for a long time.

The strict management system of the school made him a little unaccustomed to it, and even skipped class at one point. However, a harsh criticism from a teacher woke him up suddenly.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

This awakening became a turning point in Chen Baoguo's life. From that moment on, it was as if he had changed as a different person. He began to devote himself to his studies, using every moment to make up for his shortcomings.

With his exceptional talent and hard work, he quickly mastered the essence of acting and stood out in his class.

In order to hone his acting skills, Chen Baoguo did not hesitate to try a variety of different types of roles. Whether it's sadness or joy, hero or villain, he puts his heart and soul into it.

He believes that only by truly experiencing each character can the performance be more vivid and realistic. This dedication quickly caught the attention of the directors, and invitations followed.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

Chen Baoguo's level of dedication is admirable. In one shoot, in order to create a character with an eye disease, he actually took the risk of putting a thin slice in his eye. You know, there were no contact lenses at that time, and this practice would undoubtedly be extremely uncomfortable.

However, Chen Baoguo persevered, just to present the most real and moving performance to the audience.

This kind of persistence and persistence made Chen Baoguo quickly emerge in the entertainment industry. He has participated in one work after another, and each character is lifelike, as if a real person has come out of the screen.

The audience was so impressed by his performance that they fell in love with it. The broadcast of "Mansion Gate" pushed him to the pinnacle of his career, and the role he created became a classic in the history of drama.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

However, success did not stop Chen Baoguo. He has always maintained his love and awe for performance, constantly challenging himself and pursuing a higher artistic realm.

From youth to middle age, Chen Baoguo has been immersed in the entertainment industry for more than half of his life.

Chen Baoguo's success lies not only in his talent, but also in his dedication and love for acting. As Guo Baochang, the director of "Mansion Gate", said: "Chen Baoguo is an extremely outstanding actor, and in today's entertainment industry, it is rare for an actor to work hard like him."

However, just when Chen Baoguo's career was in full swing, the changes in the entertainment industry brought him new challenges. The emerging "traffic star" phenomenon and some confusing behaviors have puzzled this old actor.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

In the face of these changes, Chen Baoguo chose to speak out, but he didn't realize how this frankness would affect his acting career.

While Chen Baoguo's acting career is booming, his love life has also ushered in a turning point. He met Zhao Kui'e, who also loves acting. In order to perfectly interpret a role, Zhao Kuie resolutely cut off her cherished long hair.

Chen Baoguo was deeply moved by this move, and he saw in Zhao Kui'e a soul who was as passionate about art as himself, and he sincerely respected him.

However, the pursuit of Cho has not been easy. In the past three years, Chen Baoguo finally won Zhao Kui'e's heart with his sincerity and persistence.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

The combination of the two seems to be a perfect fusion of art and life.

After marriage, the two had to face the balance between career and family. Due to their busy schedules, they have to entrust their children to their parents. As time went on, Zhao Kui'e realized that she didn't pay enough attention to her children, and resolutely decided to devote more energy to family life and become Chen Baoguo's strong backing.

The decision could not have come at a better time. Chen Baoguo began to face the dilemma of insomnia all night due to work pressure. It was Cho's patience and care that helped him get through the difficult times.

Her support has allowed Chen Baoguo to re-devote himself to his acting career and create more classic works.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

This emotional experience not only enriched Chen Baoguo's life, but also injected new vitality into his acting career. The character he created on the screen seems to have become more plump and moving because of this sincere love.

The story of Chen Baoguo and Zhao Kui'e shows how an actor seeks a balance between career and family, and also explains the importance of love in artistic creation.

As he grows older and has more experience, Chen Baoguo's observation of the entertainment industry has become more and more profound. He has witnessed many worrying phenomena: actors using numbers to replace their lines when performing, people who can run rampant in the circle with just a handsome face, and many people who are not from professional backgrounds are pouring into the ranks of actors.

In the face of these phenomena, Chen Baoguo chose to speak out. In public, he criticized mercilessly: "It's shameless! How can an actor's profession be reduced to such a point that he can even read his lines according to numbers? His words were sharp and direct, like a sharp sword stabbing at the chaos of the entertainment industry.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

Chen Baoguo's criticism is not only aimed at the actors, but also at the atmosphere of the entire industry. He pointed out that the current actor seems to have become vulnerable, and he will cry out for the sky and the ground at the slightest skin injury.

They even disliked the actress, who weighed just over 80 pounds, was too heavy to pick it up. This phenomenon left Chen Baoguo confused and disappointed.

What worries Chen Baoguo even more is that many people who should have been singers, dancers or other fields, and even ordinary people who are not from professional backgrounds, have poured into the ranks of actors.

He believes that this phenomenon may lead to a decline in professionalism in the industry as a whole.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

Chen Baoguo's remarks undoubtedly touched the nerves of many people. His original intention was to sound the alarm for those traffic stars and provide useful advice. He hopes that young actors will understand that the path of an actor should not be limited to faces, but must be supported by solid acting skills.

However, his outspokenness led to unintended consequences. Those who used to be respectful to him began to treat him coldly. Chen Baoguo found that he seemed to be slowly marginalized by the industry.

His frank words, although they tell the truth about the industry, also brought a lot of cost to himself.

This kind of cold reception is not only reflected in public, but also affects Chen Baoguo's career development. The number of high-quality scripts he received began to dwindle. Sometimes, even if the play is received, part of the plot in the work is still inexplicably deleted.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

This situation reminds people of what Sun Li once said: "Chen Baoguo, who 'disappeared' from the entertainment industry, is the sadness of this era."

Faced with such a predicament, Chen Baoguo deeply felt that his personal strength could not resist this powerful force. He chose to take the initiative to quit and gradually faded out of the acting stage he once loved.

This decision makes people sigh.

Chen Baoguo's experience reflects some problems in the contemporary entertainment industry. In this era of "traffic first", honest and sharp criticism seems to have become unpopular.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

Those actors who rely on their strength to create roles are not as good as those "big guys" who have strong financial resources and can lead investment into the crew.

However, as industry insiders commented: "From the unpretentious peasant Niu Daring to the majestic and dignified Emperor Liu Che of the Han Dynasty, Chen Baoguo is able to control a variety of roles."

He gave life to the script, bringing ordinary little people to life, as if they were the heroes of that era. "Such an actor is exactly what is needed in this era.

Chen Baoguo's "disappearance" is not only his personal loss, but also the loss of the entire entertainment industry. It reveals a harsh reality: in today's entertainment industry, truth may be more difficult to survive than falsehood.

Sun Li is right, Chen Baoguo, who "withdrew" from the entertainment industry, is sad in this era

This is perhaps the greatest sorrow of our time.

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