
Those awkward moments as a child

author:Xianyun said anecdotes

Everyone who was a child had a lot of awkward moments, and I was no exception. Remembering those ten embarrassing things still makes me blush.

In fact, in my opinion, the most embarrassing things in childhood are often related to social situations. First of all, I remember one time, when our whole class went to visit a museum, the teacher led us in an orderly line.

And when it was my turn to walk out of the queue, I didn't know what was going on, I leaned on one side, and I actually fell. The whole class laughed, even the teacher couldn't suppress it. At that moment, I felt as if I were the focus of the class.

Those awkward moments as a child

Another time, I was eating at the dinner table while my classmate next to me was telling me a joke. I was in a happy mood and grinned, but I accidentally spewed out a mouthful of rice, and the food ejected into the faces of the classmates next to me.

I froze, the whole cafeteria fell silent, and everyone held their breath, waiting for the next reaction. At that moment, I wished that the earthquake would come and engulf me.

Another moment that embarrassed me was when I was attending a relative's wedding. I was wearing a dress, thinking I was noble and elegant, but I accidentally stepped on the long skirt, and my whole body was unstable and fell to the ground.

Everyone in the auditorium turned their heads and witnessed my Waterloo. I wish the underground could swallow me up.

Those awkward moments as a child

Every child loves to pursue excitement, and I did the same as a child, but sometimes that pursuit can easily lead to embarrassment. For example, I once sneaked into the toilet and thought it was definitely a covert operation.

However, the truth was shocking, but I chose this moment, it was the homeroom teacher who led the class to visit the bathroom, and I almost scared them by revealing it.

Those awkward moments as a child

Another time, I was riding a bike with a few friends to a strange place. I rushed forward excitedly, and as a result, in a corner, the consequences of my poor free car skills were manifested.

I hit a car parked on a curve and the bike became scrap metal. The strangers around me showed sympathetic eyes, and my face was so red that I wondered if I was trying to get irritated.

Those awkward moments as a child

Another time, I was waiting for the opportunity to beat the drums and perform at a school concert. When it was finally my turn to take the stage, I ran up excitedly, but accidentally tripped and the drum stick flew out accidentally.

Our music teacher at school stepped forward and picked up the stick and handed it to me, but I accidentally slipped it. Although it was a small mistake, I felt as if the earth had collapsed.

Those awkward moments as a child

The awkward moments of my childhood always made me laugh, but it also taught me how to learn from them. These things made me understand that don't panic in embarrassment, because human embarrassment has nowhere to escape.

Only by maintaining a calm mind can you face it in a positive way and grow from it.

Those embarrassments of the past are now hilarious stories in my twenties, allowing me to share them in front of friends and family. They became an embellishment in my life and taught me that even if embarrassment is inevitable, we can always look at it with humor.

Because every embarrassment is a crappy potato on the road to growth, it makes you understand that being yourself is the most important thing.