
Yellow and violent Hong Kong films I didn't expect that the old routines left over from Hong Kong films were actually filmed into a commentary

author:Casual wayward rappers

Recently, the high-profile Korean drama "The Evil of the Wicked" was released on global video platforms. The play amazes audiences with its dark, ferocious, crazy style. Director Han Dongxu's talent has once again been proven, and the performance of starring Ji Changxu is even more amazing. This drama has not only received high praise abroad, but also scored more than 9 points on IMDb, which shows its super popularity.

"Evil of Evil" is set in a gangster theme and tells the story of a young policeman Park Junmo (played by Ji Chang Wook) who decides to join the police undercover program in order to improve his status. He lurks next to Zheng Qitie, a new gangster drug lord in Jiangnan District, trying to find evidence of incrimination. To protect his identity, his partner disposes of his file and reshapes his experience, disguising him as the cousin of Zheng Qitie's sacrificial gangster.

This setting is reminiscent of the classic Hong Kong film "Infernal Affairs", and the undercover plot makes people seem to see the shadow of "Disciple". The gangster atmosphere in "Confused Boy" also runs through the entire series. This Hong Kong-style crime plot makes this Korean drama more enjoyable for foreign audiences. However, it is this Hong Kong flavor that makes "Evil Spirit Possessed" synonymous with local flavor in the eyes of some mainland audiences.

Hong Kong-style crime dramas have always been controversial in the mainland market. Some people feel tired of watching such a plot. However, the success of "Evil of Evil" proves that this kind of plot still has a market today. The innovation of its plot and the superb acting skills of its actors are the key to its success. First of all, in terms of plot, "Evil of Evil" does not take an unusual path.

Although gangster-themed dramas are endless, the show combines the storyline of undercover cops and gangsters with the plot of two heroes competing against each other to create a unique sense of tension. Each episode is full of suspense and excitement, leaving viewers holding their breath and following the development of the plot. In addition, "Evil of Evil" also has a dark, ferocious, and crazy style, which makes the audience feel a kind of cruelty. This ruthlessness is not only reflected in the development of the plot, but also in the shaping of the characters.

Ji Changxu's performance in the play is very good. He vividly showed the contradictions and complex emotions of the character Park Junmo, which moved the audience. In addition, this drama also shows the creative strength of the Korean entertainment industry. Director Han Dongxu has successfully created an amazing work with his solid directing skills and unique creativity.

His previous works "New World", "When Men Are in Love" and "War with Criminals" have won the love of the audience, and this time "The Evil of the Wicked" has brought his talent to the extreme. At the same time, Ji Chang Wook also showed his strength as an actor. His character shaping and emotional expression in the play are very good, which makes people admire his acting skills. In addition, the other actors in the play also performed well and worked together to create a rich plot.

Overall, "Evil Possessed" is a Korean drama full of surprises and innovations. The play attracts the attention of the audience with a dark, fierce and crazy style, showing the strength of the Korean entertainment industry in the field of crime dramas. Although some viewers have questioned that this Hong Kong flavor is outdated, the success of the series proves that there is still a market for this style. Whether at home or abroad, the audience's demand for such crime dramas is still strong.

I believe that in the future, Korean dramas will continue to create more wonderful works in this field to make the audience enjoyable. Confused Boy: A new force in the entertainment industry of undercover gangsters. In the entertainment industry, there are always some new forces that attract people's attention in unique ways. Recently, Park Junmo, the creator of "Confused Boy" self-media, quickly became popular in the entertainment industry with his unique style and professionalism and won the love of fans.

Inspired by Quizzy Boy films, Park Jun-mo incorporated his experience and expertise in the entertainment field into his work to create a series of unique content. He mainly focuses on action scenes, showing super "hands-on ability" and "love and justice" personality, and quickly won the favor of fans.

In the work, he plays an undercover policeman who takes the protection of society as his own responsibility, and fights with the gangster Zheng Qitie in a life-and-death duel. The storyline is reminiscent of the classic movie "Disciple", in which an undercover cop wins the trust of his boss and finally achieves his purpose. Park Junmo reinterpreted this classic plot in his own unique way, bringing a different entertainment experience to the audience.

At the same time, Park Junmo also added elements of love to his works, making the whole story more colorful. In the play, he embarks on a journey of pure love with his police wife. In order to complete the task, they had to fake a divorce, giving the gangsters hope and suspense. Such a plot makes people can't help but be more interested in their emotional development. Expectation.

In the development of the plot, Park Junmo shows his ingenuity. Through a series of clever plans and actions, he managed to win the trust of the gang boss and obtain the core information. This process is reminiscent of another classic movie "Infernal Affairs", in which the protagonist finally achieves his goal through a battle and strategy with the boss.

Park Junmo showed his unique charm with his own innovation and wisdom in the play, allowing the audience to know a brand new self-media creator. Park Junmo's works not only have a unique plot, but also have their own characteristics in the presentation of action scenes. He handles the action scenes very professionally, and each action scene is carefully designed and prepared so that the audience can enjoy a true visual feast.

His action scenes are full of power and passion, and his every move is impressive, making people praise his performance level. In addition to the action scenes, Park Junmo also added some elements of the entertainment industry to his works to make the whole story more interesting. Through the depiction of the entertainment industry, he showed his understanding and insights into the entertainment industry, allowing the audience to have a deeper understanding of the entertainment industry.

Park Junmo's work is a new attempt. He brings his experience and expertise in the entertainment sector to his creations to create a range of unique content. His works not only have their own innovations in the plot, but also have their own characteristics in the presentation of action scenes. Through his depiction of the entertainment industry, he shows his knowledge and insights into the entertainment industry. The combination of these elements makes his works unique and has become a beautiful scenery in the entertainment industry.

Park Junmo's success is an affirmation of himself and a breakthrough and innovation in the entire entertainment field. He showcased his talent and creativity in his own unique way, bringing a whole new entertainment experience to the audience. I believe that in the near future, he will have more wonderful works presented to everyone and become a new star in the entertainment industry. Let's wait and see! In this play, although he is an undercover police officer, he is also deeply attracted to this dark world.

He began to become more and more dangerous, more and more, because he was already trapped in this world and could not extricate himself. The second madness: crazy love. Love has always been an important element in Korean dramas, but in this drama, love becomes more twisted and complex. The male protagonist's wife was originally a woman he came into contact with during the mission, but he had to fake a divorce because his identity was exposed. However, when she began to approach the gangster, the male protagonist had to help the gangster hunt down the woman.

This plot setting is both dramatic and tense, and can arouse the curiosity and emotional resonance of the audience. The third type of madness: madness and cruelty. The violent and bloody scenes of this show are comparable to Hollywood blockbusters, and even more brutal and terrifying. In this dark world, human nature is distorted, morality is chaotic, and evil deeds are condoned. Therefore, every violent scene is full of blood and cruelty, making the audience sad for the fate of these characters.

In short, this drama is not only an entertainment work, but also a profound reflection on society and human nature. It reveals the weaknesses and distortions of human nature through elements such as gangsters, police, undercover, love, etc. At the same time, it also shows us a twisted and beautiful world, leading the audience into a thrilling emotional journey. "Gangster War: Power Struggle": Zheng Qitie's Counterattack In the entertainment industry, there is nothing that attracts the audience's attention more than gangster-themed movies.

A gripping gangster movie that always brings endless surprises and excitement. The recently released movie "Battlefield: War of Thrones" has undoubtedly become one of the hottest topics this summer. The protagonist of the story is a young man named Zheng Qitie who lives in an ordinary family in Jiangnan District. He has loved gangster-themed movies since he was a child. He is very ambitious and aspires to become a real gangster and control the underground world of Gangnam District.

However, the reality was not what he had hoped. Zheng Qitie works as a DJ in a nightclub and lives an ordinary life. Until one day, he was discovered by gang leader Brother Zhang and asked to join the gang. Zheng Qitie was very excited about this. After all, it was an opportunity to fulfill his dream. However, it's not that simple. Brother Zhang is not a person to mess with. On the surface, he was respectful to Zheng Qitie and allowed him to be humiliated, but secretly he was cultivating his own power.

Zheng Qitie gradually discovered Brother Zhang's conspiracy and was determined to fight for his dream. Inside the Shenshan Hotel, Zheng Qitie set a trap on the grounds of drug trading and prepared to attack Brother Zhang. At night, in the empty resort-style hotel, a fierce battle between black and white begins. Zheng Qitie showed amazing strength and defeated his opponent with a vicious blow. However, he did not expect that the other party would send his brother to fight head-on, and a fierce battle ensued.

The battle begins with a sneak attack on the guest room, goes to the staircase corridor, and then goes to the hotel lobby after Brother Zhang is defeated. The fight is like a standard Hong Kong film-style gangster fight, leaving the audience stunned and holding their breath. After getting rid of Brother Zhang, Zheng Qitie immediately rushed to Busan, expressed his loyalty to the gang boss, and said that as long as he agreed to take over the Jiangnan District, he would provide the boss with 50 million every month. The boss obviously knew that Zheng Qitie killed Brother Zhang, but he turned a blind eye for the sake of money.

However, the boss did not really believe Zheng Qitie. He secretly supported other forces and also wanted to kill Zheng Qitie. The development of the plot is full of reversals and surprises. Audiences who love Hong Kong-style gangster movies will definitely love this movie. For example, Park Junmo eventually became Zheng Qitie's personal bodyguard. I thought that secretly photographing Zheng Qitie's office would successfully complete the task. However, when he used his wife's birthday to open Zheng's password lock and see the core information, he found that there was no evidence of Zheng Qitie trafficking drugs.

Because you never know if it's a level or a trap set by someone on purpose. Another twist in the play is the undercover male protagonist. You will think that Zheng Qitie's suspicions of the male protagonist have reached their peak and will take action against him. However, traitors appeared within the gang. The male protagonist and Zheng Qitie went fishing, but were ambushed. In the melee, the male protagonist was seriously injured in order to protect Zheng Qitie. Zheng invited the killer foreign aid Brother Xu to come and break through.

The male protagonist at this time not only completely cleared his suspicions, but also entered the core layer of the gang. Behind the multiple twists and turns of the plot is the exploration of the characters' hearts. In Hong Kong gangster films, it is often difficult to tell whether the protagonist is good or evil. The police can be bad guys, and killers and good cops can also be sympathetic to each other. In "Gang War: Power Struggle", Zheng Qitie and the male protagonist also cherish each other.

At first, Zheng Qitie was just a DJ. Gang leader Brother Zhang wanted him to join the gang and promised to make him a nightclub owner in the future. I thought I got the counterattack script, but I didn't expect that Brother Zhang was an excellent pancake painter. In order to reach the top, Zheng Qitie showed his killer skills: using nightclubs as cover, selling drugs, finding his own sources and channels, and gangs sitting to make money. However, Brother Zhang did not take his advice, but humiliated him in public.

In the face of interests, people can cooperate at any time or betray in an instant. Since that's the case, let's break up. Zheng Qitie is determined to fight for his dream. He wants to control the underground world of Gangnam District and become a real gangster. "Gangster War: Battle for Power" not only brings thrilling plots and gripping action scenes to the audience, but also makes the audience think about the boundaries of good and evil and the complexity of human nature through the exploration of the characters' hearts.

For audiences who like Hong Kong-style gangster movies, "Gangster War: Battle for Power" is definitely a movie not to be missed. It will bring you a new visual and story experience, allowing you to fully experience the cruelty and splendor of the gangster world while watching the movie. If you want excitement and surprise, then hurry up and buy a ticket and fight back with Zheng Qitie! The male protagonist plays a small policeman in the movie. His career development was influenced by his drug-addicted father.

His wife came from a family with a strong sense of family and often scolded him at the dinner table. Under pressure, he participates in an undercover mission, motivated not by justice, but by improving his status. Therefore, everything he did during the undercover mission was fake, but what he said to Zheng was true: "I want to succeed, I don't want to be the son of a drug addict." The change of fate plunged him into the abyss.

In order to overcome the darkness, he must become darker. However, gangsters also have a serious side. Zheng originally wanted Brother Zhang to live because his good brother Taihu was killed by Brother Zhang. He was angry with Brother Zhang and killed him. His repeated attacks on the male protagonist were not harsh enough, because the male protagonist repeatedly impersonated Taihu's cousin so that he could escape. As the hero goes undercover, there is another scene where the gangster spends the night in the hospital bed of an injured plainclothes policeman.

The gangster values friendship, but for the boss of the undercover police, the male protagonist said: "I am the tool of the rise of the two of you, and I am the only one who sacrificed this time." Who is the ruthless and who is the merciful? A righteous man? Hong Kong-style crime films have never had a clear content. The fast-paced pace, unexpected reversals, exploration of human nature, and secret battle scenes between two protagonists who are bound to each other and suspect each other are addictive.

This film is not the only work that grasps the core code of Hong Kong cinema. If you look closely at Korean crime action movies over the years, you will find that they are very skilled in the use of "exploitationism". It can be said that their ability to copy Hong Kong films is unparalleled. For example, the 2013 movie "New World" directly combines elements of "Infernal Affairs" and "The Legend of the Dragon". "The True Color of Heroes" starring Song Seung-hyun also directly copied the classics of Hong Kong movies. The film also plays on the drama of Hong Kong cinema.

The excessive borrowing of Hong Kong film elements has also brought about the problem of outdated stories and clichéd plots. Some of the design details are also a bit outrageous. For example, a gangster can find out that the heroine is a police officer, but can't find out that her marriage partner is the male protagonist? The male protagonist has always had shortcomings since he went undercover. In "New World", he has long been exposed, but the cold boss at the center of this film has repeatedly chosen to ignore it?

What's more, the police wife of the male protagonist turned out to be the gangster's first love, and he drove to watch the two dating. But why do mainland audiences collectively give bad reviews, while global audiences unanimously give positive reviews? One of the reasons is that today's Korean dramas can be popular around the world, and the most important reason is not the novel plot, but its mature genre film system. "Evil of Evil" is not a very good work, but it has maintained a certain success in all aspects. Grade.

"Evil of Evil": Korean dramas inherit the glory of Hong Kong films and become more violent and dark. Since the great success of Korean dramas on the international stage, the Korean drama industry has ushered in wave after wave of craze. In this competitive market, a series called "The Evil of the Wicked" has won the attention of the audience with its unique style and plot. "Evil of Evil" not only perfectly inherits the various elements of Hong Kong crime films, but also carries them forward.

The play is set in the 90s of the 20th century, and the picture style has strong characteristics of the rivers and lakes of the golden age of Hong Kong films. The director defined the retro style of the 90s as the dark tones and neon lights of Hong Kong film noir. This style of painting is really Hong Kong style. However, Korean dramas add something unique and present a unique aesthetic of violence. Compared with the violent aesthetics of Hong Kong films, Korean crime dramas are more cold and realistic.

The fight scenes in "Evil of Evil" mainly use cold weapons, such as clubs, knives, fists, etc. The fighting style is primitive and cruel, competing with who has more people, who fights more fiercely, and who is ruthless. From large-scale armed brawls to lynchings, all kinds of violence are vividly displayed in the play. The core of Korean dramas is dark. The Gangnam district in the play has a hazy tone, and the whole city seems to be in a state of revelry.

Becoming a Jiangnan native became the common goal of the two male protagonists and the underworld, and the imbalance of resources and opportunities led to a surge in desire, which is also the origin of the story. The alienation of evil from good is the fate of the protagonists. At the same time, Korean dramas have also made great breakthroughs in acting. In the play, the male protagonist Ji Changxu showed his most explosive acting skills in a scene.

When he learned from Zheng Qingfei that his mother-in-law had died, but he could only watch his wife and rival attend the funeral from afar, his anger, jealousy, inner struggle, and unspeakable pain were perfectly expressed in his eyes. Unlike Xiao Xianrou, who is immersed in Chinese TV dramas and romantic dramas, South Korea's "top Xiao Xianrou" is not only willing to challenge these humble characters, but also has the ability to interpret them well.

Ji Changxu showed rare rough acting skills in the play. Ordinary viewers do not need to rely on the support of fans to see his strength. Although there are some loopholes and loopholes in the plot, "Evil in Evil" still extracts the essence of all Hong Kong films and makes a hodgepodge.

Even if the audience can guess all the routines, the TV series can still firmly grasp them, because the reason why Korean dramas are so successful on the international platform is not because of how amazing and perfect it is, but because it combines the advantages of genre films. The film is played to the extreme. The biggest advantage of "Evil in Evil" is that it has turned the advantages of previous Hong Kong films into its own advantages. In short, "The Evil of the Wicked" not only inherits and develops the glory of Hong Kong crime action movies, but also becomes more violent and dark.

It not only shows the style and characteristics of Hong Kong films, but also shows the unique charm of Korean dramas through its unique violent aesthetics and dark themes. The success of the series lies not only in its well-crafted production and compact storytelling, but also in its inheritance of the core fine traditions of Hong Kong cinema. The development of Korean dramas is inseparable from such inheritance and innovation, and "Evil of the Wicked" has achieved great success in this regard.

Hi everyone! Today we will talk about the action scenes in the play and the charm of the Hong Kong-style duo, and why Koreans love Hong Kong gangster movies in the 90s of the 20th century so much. First, let's take a look at the shocking action scenes in the play. In many Korean dramas, we can often see wonderful fight scenes and wonderful chase scenes.

These action scenes not only show the actors' excellent acting skills and professional training, but also bring visual and psychological impact to the audience through the advancement of the plot and the interweaving of emotions. This improvement in the quality of action scenes makes the audience more immersive and can enjoy the thrill and excitement of action movies. In Korean dramas, we can often see some elements of Hong Kong-style duos.

Hong Kong-style heroes are classic gangster hero images in Hong Kong movies. They are usually brave, strong, loyal, and masculine. The image of this Hong Kong-style duo also deeply attracted Korean audiences. The sense of honor, loyalty and justice they show in the play is consistent with the pursuit of heroism in Korean culture. At the same time, the images of these Hong Kong-style heroes also give people a romantic feeling, which resonates and loves the audience.

Why do Korean audiences love such Hong Kong-style duos and action scenes? This may have something to do with the influence of Hong Kong gangster movies in Korea in the 90s of the 20th century. In the 90s of the 20th century, Hong Kong films enjoyed great influence all over the world, especially in Asia. Hong Kong films are known for their unique shooting techniques, tight plots and gripping action scenes. These films were not only a huge commercial success, but also recognized artistically.

After being exposed to these films, Korean audiences were naturally attracted by their charm and began to incorporate them into their own TV dramas. Of course, we also have to admit that the Hong Kong-style duo and action scenes are somewhat old-fashioned. But why are these elements in Korean dramas more popular than our own Chinese-language action movies? Maybe it's because our Chinese action movies have developed a bit slowly in recent years.

In contrast, fresh Korean actors perform better in action scenes. Through rigorous training and professional skills, they take the quality of action scenes to the next level. This not only makes the audience more interested in the series, but also wins them more fans and attention. To sum up, the action scenes and Hong Kong-style duo of the play bring endless joy and excitement to the audience. These elements have attracted the attention and love of global audiences, especially Korean audiences.

Although these elements may be a bit old-fashioned, they can show a new charm in Korean dramas. Let's look forward to more exciting plots and action scenes! Today's topic is the action scenes and Hong Kong-style duos in the play. I hope you enjoyed this article, and you are welcome to leave a comment to discuss your thoughts on these elements. See you next time! #影视连载计划#