
Ranking of the 100 calligraphers and painters in modern times, Qigong actually ranked 50th! Who is number one?


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The ranking list of China's modern painting and calligraphy industry has been released a few days ago, which has attracted widespread attention. Among them, Mr. Xu Beihong topped the list, which may be unexpected by some people, but it is also reasonable. As an outstanding calligrapher, Mr. Xu Beihong's artistic achievements and personal experience are awe-inspiring.

Ranking of the 100 calligraphers and painters in modern times, Qigong actually ranked 50th! Who is number one?

Xu Beihong's artistic road can be described as magnificent. He is good at drawing horses and is known as "Xu Beihong's horse, Qi Baishi's shrimp". From his horses, we can see his unique insights and profound knowledge of art. Xu Beihong's life is full of dedication and pursuit of art, and also carries ardent expectations and efforts for social change.

Ranking of the 100 calligraphers and painters in modern times, Qigong actually ranked 50th! Who is number one?

As a literary artist who has studied both Chinese and Western languages, Mr. Xu Beihong not only has profound achievements in art, but also shows extraordinary personality charm. His calligraphy and Chinese painting works show his enthusiasm and unrestrainedness, reflect his life and passion, and highlight his youth and vitality. This positive energy is fully displayed in his works and makes people fall for it.

Ranking of the 100 calligraphers and painters in modern times, Qigong actually ranked 50th! Who is number one?

The story between Xu Beihong and his original wife Jiang Biwei is even more moving. As his confidant and partner, Jiang Biwei played an important role in Xu Beihong's life. Together, they have created a wonderful world of art and faced many challenges and difficulties in life together.

Ranking of the 100 calligraphers and painters in modern times, Qigong actually ranked 50th! Who is number one?

Xu Beihong's artistic ideas have influenced countless people, and his persistent pursuit of art and unremitting transformation of society have made people sigh at his pride and unyielding spirit. The white space in his works exudes a unique sense of beauty, and this unique style also influences the artistic pursuit and creation of future generations.

Ranking of the 100 calligraphers and painters in modern times, Qigong actually ranked 50th! Who is number one?

Mr. Xu Beihong's life is full of bitterness and glory, he has created a colorful life with his art, and also left a valuable artistic legacy for future generations. His artistic achievements and noble personality will always be remembered and admired by future generations.

Ranking of the 100 calligraphers and painters in modern times, Qigong actually ranked 50th! Who is number one?

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