
It was also the horse courtyard, and the first dean of Beihua sexually harassed a female teacher, asked her to accompany her to drink, and was named and exposed by her husband

author:Humorous facts
The harassment scandal at Beijing University of Chemical Technology raises concerns: the indifference of the academy leaders and the misfortune of the victims

Recently, an incident about the harassment of a teacher at Beijing University of Chemical Technology has aroused widespread attention and discussion. According to screenshots circulated online, the teacher's husband accused Jia Moumou, the dean of a college at the school, of harassing his wife in a WeChat group. It is alleged that Jia asked the female teacher to accompany her to dinner on weekends, and repeatedly harassed her by calling her at 12 o'clock in the middle of the night in the name of talking about work, which caused great harm to her life and family, and even caused her to fall into severe depression.

It was also the horse courtyard, and the first dean of Beihua sexually harassed a female teacher, asked her to accompany her to drink, and was named and exposed by her husband

The incident drew attention to the academy leadership's focus on victim issues. According to reports, college leaders were not only indifferent to the teacher's condition, but even removed him from the work group. This indifference undoubtedly exacerbated the suffering of the victims and raised questions among the public about the handling ability and human care of the academy leadership.

It was also the horse courtyard, and the first dean of Beihua sexually harassed a female teacher, asked her to accompany her to drink, and was named and exposed by her husband

Addressing gender harassment, particularly in the field of education, is a serious challenge. Power and gender inequalities in academic settings make vulnerable groups, such as teachers and students, more vulnerable. A few years ago, #MeToo运动在世界范围内曝光了大量类似的性骚扰事件 uncovered the tip of the iceberg. However, we still need to do more to address and prevent such incidents from occurring.

It was also the horse courtyard, and the first dean of Beihua sexually harassed a female teacher, asked her to accompany her to drink, and was named and exposed by her husband

Universities should pay full attention to this incident and conduct a thorough investigation. Relevant authorities should take the necessary measures to ensure that victims are dealt with fairly and that perpetrators are held accountable. At the same time, colleges and universities should also strengthen gender equality education and increase awareness and respect among teachers and students. Only in this way can we create a safe, caring, and just pure land for the educational environment.

It was also the horse courtyard, and the first dean of Beihua sexually harassed a female teacher, asked her to accompany her to drink, and was named and exposed by her husband

Finally, we call on students, staff and the general public to pay attention to and support the victims. By working together to drive change, we can eradicate gender harassment as a serious social problem and create a more just and equal society for everyone.