
The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

author:lx Wakamon

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During the reign of the Kuomintang Ma Ying-jeou, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait ushered in a honeymoon period of spring blossoms, and economic and trade exchanges between the two sides of the strait continued. Cultural exchanges and political activities also became more frequent, and many people at that time were very confident about the future situation in the Taiwan Strait. However, such a group of people has also appeared, who, under the banner of Taiwan compatriots, enjoy the various measures taken by the mainland to benefit Taiwan and earn a lot of money on the mainland. However, they are dignitaries and die-hard supporters of the Green Camp on the island of Taiwan, and they use the money earned in the mainland to return to Taiwan to support Taiwan independence. These people, known as "two-faced people", have begun to be widely spurned and criticized by the mainland people in recent years.

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

Taiwan independence politician Ho Zhiwei, formerly known as Ho Chi-wai, and the high-ranking Democratic Progressive Party political family came to power after Ma Ying-jeou came to power in 2008, and tourism, economic and trade and cultural exchanges between the two sides of the strait have been increasing. At that time, the mainland also paid wholehearted care and love to the Taiwan compatriots, and all the guests came and felt absolutely at home. During that period, we even downplayed the colored glasses of political ideology, and even some bigwigs in the Taiwan independence camp were very welcome as long as they were willing to come to the mainland. In 2012, Xie Changting, the founder of the Democratic Progressive Party, returned to Tonglu Village, Dongshan County, Zhangzhou City, Fujian Province, to worship his ancestors and find his roots, and we treated him as a guest. When Taiwanese enterprises come to the mainland to develop, we have also issued a series of preferential measures to benefit them.

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

However, in 2013, Taiwan's Yangxin Bank entered the Shanghai market under the name "Yangxin Financial Leasing (China) Co., Ltd.", which caused a series of antipathy. The bank's entire family were heavyweights in Taiwan's Democratic Progressive Party, including Xue Ling, then Taiwan's institutional public opinion representative, his husband Chen Shenghong, a member of the Democratic Progressive Party judge, and his son He Zhiwei, the current public opinion representative. The predecessor of Yangxin Bank is Taiwan Yangmingshan Credit Union, established in 1957. In 1997, Yangmingshan Credit Union was officially restructured into a bank and began to operate under the name of "Yangxin Commercial Bank" Co., Ltd. The bank was originally established to serve rural areas in Taiwan and provide credit support. However, when Yangxin Bank landed in the Shanghai market, it caused a series of controversies. Zhao Tianlin, a "legislator" of the Democratic Progressive Party, said: "The Xue Ling family is not the first person in the party to go to the mainland to do business. Xue Ling also delivered a speech in Shanghai at that time, claiming: "Cross-strait economic and trade exchanges should not be interrupted, and the people's stomach food and clothing is the most important." Green Camp General Zheng Xinzhu bluntly said on the radio program: "Of course, the Xue Ling family has no objection to going to the mainland to do business, but they should not use the DPP's political resources to play duplicity." ”

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

The behavior of the Yangxin Bank family has also been questioned by the mainland people, who have taken the mainland dividend and returned to Taiwan to support the typical representative of Taiwan independence. This fully shows that Ho Zhiwei and his entire family have lost their basic principles of being human and are political brokers who seek only profit. Just like mosquitoes and flies chasing blood, where there is good, it will fall to wherever it is, and there is no bottom line and lower limit. The political stance of Taiwan independence politician He Zhiwei is more inclined to Taiwan independence than the position of many elders, so everyone has no way to take him. His idea of Taiwan independence is mainly embodied in the principle of "opposing China whenever it comes," and many issues that do not involve politics, as long as they are related to the mainland, immediately become political events related to "reunification and independence" in his mouth. He Zhiwei has also become a small leader of many young people for Taiwan independence, and some people have begun to gather around him and constantly provoke cross-strait relations.

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

Just when the mainland people are increasingly disappointed with these "two-faced people", the bad words and deeds of Zhao Mingwei, associate professor of the Department of Biotechnology of Chung Yuan University in Taiwan, have caused more anger. Under the new crown epidemic, many mainland students can only continue their studies through online courses, but Zhao Mingwei openly insults these mainland students in class, mocking them for eating bats and mice, and spreading misinformation about the epidemic. Zhao Mingwei's harsh comments sparked widespread outrage on the mainland, with students reporting his actions. After the incident was exposed, Zhao Mingwei pretended to apologize in class in a struggling tone, but many people thought that he was touching the porcelain continent.

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

Ho Zhiwei immediately intervened in the matter, trying to raise this incident of linguistic and geographical discrimination to the height of the "reunification and independence" issue, hoping to arouse the support of green campers in Taiwanese society. However, together with Wang Shijian, the public opinion representative of the Democratic Progressive Party, he could not stand it, and said bluntly: "It is clear that he has committed his own crimes, and as a teacher, he has misspoken words, but he wants to pull out unification and independence." ”

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

The Yangxin Bank family has typically linked politics and economics closely. The couple not only saved the day, but also made their wealth prosperous. However, their approach has aroused widespread resentment, not only from the people, but even within the DPP for their "duplicity." The Yangxin Bank family presents themselves as "persecuted" and claims to "defend Taiwan's dignity," but in fact they are only touching the porcelain mainland. The conspiracy of this practice has been revealed, but for the mainland people, the Yangxin Bank family has lost its integrity.

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

Yangxin Bank has obtained generous dividends in the mainland, but He Zhiwei has constantly made provocative remarks, trying to maintain the so-called "equal status", but is unwilling to recognize the benefits of the mainland. This is also the hateful nature of the "two-faced people" in the Taiwan Strait, and the mainland sincerely welcomes them, but it has a counterproductive effect on the great cause of reunification.

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

The phenomenon of "two-faced" represented by Ho Zhiwei and his family requires widespread vigilance. Such politicians and entrepreneurs who put their interests first not only make cross-strait relations worse, but also fill the future of the Taiwan Strait with more uncertainty. How the situation in the Taiwan Strait develops in the future, let us wait and see.

The history of Taiwan's two-faced man He Zhiwei, his parents are high-ranking officials in the green camp, and he opened a bank in the mainland to suck money

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