
Putin's visit to China, talent out of the upper link: Putin came to China to shock the world, and the lower link of talented women showed the style of a big country

author:The breeze is lonely

Couplet, a traditional culture unique to China, originated from peach characters.

The couplet is short and precise, neat, elegant, and beautiful in rhythm, which is a treasure of Chinese language art. After thousands of years of inheritance and development, the couplet is also constantly changing, ranging from one-character to multi-character link.

From ancient times to the present, countless talented and beautiful people have competed for their talents through couplets and reflected their literary accomplishment, so they have left countless classic couplets, which are still being praised by people.

Putin's visit to China, talent out of the upper link: Putin came to China to shock the world, and the lower link of talented women showed the style of a big country

Speaking of couplets, I have to mention Qianlong, in addition to being very good in politics, Qianlong is also quite powerful in literary and artistic careers, Qianlong wrote more than 40,000 poems in his life, which can be called "the best in writing poetry"! Qianlong also loves pairs, and often comes out with a sentence to test the ministers in the joint examination when he is fine.

It is said that when Qianlong returned to the temple examination, the questions were basically couplets.

During the Qianlong period, Liu Fengxuan, the "talented son of Jiangxi", was humiliated by Qianlong out of the couplet during the palace examination, and under Liu Fengxuan's witty response, he finally won the rank of Tanhua.

Liu Fengxuan, also known as Chengmu, was a native of Chishan Town, Shangli County, Jiangxi Province, and because of his outstanding talent and talent, Qianlong called him "Jiangxi Daqi" and the people called him "Jiangxi Talent". His appearance is not pretty, he is still a one-eyed person, and he is disliked by Qianlong.

Before Qianlong saw Liu Fengxuan's true face, he appreciated this famous talent very much, but after seeing him at the palace examination, Qianlong was greatly disappointed, Liu Fengxuan's appearance made Qianlong very disliked, and Qianlong was difficult to say directly, so he used a couplet to make Liu Fengchen difficult.

Putin's visit to China, talent out of the upper link: Putin came to China to shock the world, and the lower link of talented women showed the style of a big country

Qianlong looked at Liu Fengchen and said, "There is an upper link, can you match the lower link?" ”

Liu Fengchen responded: "Please long live the question"!

Qianlong's uplink is: "One-eyed does not appear on the Dragon and Tiger List." ”

Liu Fengchen naturally heard Qianlong's meaning, and Liu Fengchen had to be angry, but confidently said to the next link: "The half moon is still shining." ”

When Qianlong heard it, this connection was very wonderful. But the tone was a little too big, so Qianlong made another connection: "East Qiming, West Changgeng, Nanji Beidou, who is the star picker?" ”

Liu Fengchen still confidently said to the next link: "Spring peony, summer peony medicine, autumn ju dongmei, chenben tanhualang." ”

Qianlong was overjoyed when he heard this, and immediately named Liu Fengchen as Tanhualang.

Putin's visit to China, talent out of the upper link: Putin came to China to shock the world, and the lower link of talented women showed the style of a big country

Modern people's cognition of couplets is almost always through spring couplings, or couplets are used in weddings and funerals. However, there are also a group of couplet enthusiasts, who not only like couplets, but also write some couplets that express their emotions.

Regardless of the professional requirements for couplet creation, the couplet they wrote is also very interesting and very grounded, allowing people to understand the meaning instantly. Some time ago, I saw a couplet describing the United States on the Internet, which is simply too apt, I don't know which master made it.

Shanglian: Yang and Yin are duplicitous

Downlink: Fanning the flames

Putin's visit to China, talent out of the upper link: Putin came to China to shock the world, and the lower link of talented women showed the style of a big country

The United States is defined by world public opinion as "both a rule-maker and a rule-breaker." In terms of morality, the United States sometimes appears as the "righteous", but the United States immediately following the "devil" side also appears from time to time.

They establish so-called rules, and then sometimes the "toysters" of the rules, yang and yang are the consistent style of the United States, and the United States acts as a fanning the flames for the affairs of other countries!

Putin's visit to China, talent out of the upper link: Putin came to China to shock the world, and the lower link of talented women showed the style of a big country

Looking at what the United States has done, and then looking at our great China, Putin came to China some time ago to participate in China's third Belt and Road Summit, and Chinese netizens wrote a couplet for this.

Shanglian: Putin came to China to surprise the world

Downlink: The Belt and Road benefits the world

This couplet shows the style of a great country, regardless of the professionalism of the couplet, this couplet is very meaningful.

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