
A female diver helped a shark remove a large hook, and it wasn't long before she swam over with a group of sharks

author:Mengyu Qianchen

In 1996, a female diver helped a shark remove a large hook hanging from its teeth. But not long after, the shark swam towards her quickly with a group of sharks...

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In a clear blue sea in Hawaii, Christina dives into the sea alone. She is a passionate female diver and every dive is as exciting for her as exploring the unknown.

This time, when Christina dived about 10 meters deep, she noticed a blurry black shadow not far away. Christina swam carefully and found that it was a huge creature. When she got closer, Christina suddenly realized that it was a white shark about 4 meters long!

Christina was shocked at first, she knew that sharks were extremely ferocious predators in the ocean. Since ancient times, sharks have been a formidable presence in the sea. They have sharp teeth and powerful bites, and the slightest mistake can kill them.

But Christina quickly calmed down. She noticed that the white shark seemed to be struggling in pain, with blood dripping from the corners of its mouth and its eyes closed. Instead of attacking, it grinned in the water and seemed to be enduring great pain.

Christina judged that the white shark might have been injured by a fish hook. As a diver who loves the ocean, Christina decided to venture forward to see if she could provide some help.

Christina carefully swam towards the white shark while whispering comfort to it. The white shark did not show aggression, just glanced up at Christina and closed her eyes in pain again.

When Christina swam to the white shark, she saw that the white shark did indeed have a hook hooked in its mouth, and the fishing line was firmly wrapped around its teeth. Christina judged that the hook must have injured the white shark's mouth, which made it feel very painful.

So Christina carefully stroked the white shark while whispering to it, "Don't worry, I'm here to help you." The white shark also seemed to feel Christina's kindness, and its heavy body gradually relaxed.

Christina put on her gloves before slowly reaching into the white shark's mouth. The white shark did not resist, only struggled slightly. Christina patiently and carefully ripped off the fishing line stuck to her teeth and finally took the hook out of the white shark's mouth.

After removing the hook, the white shark is noticeably much more relaxed. It wagged its huge tail, swam around Christina, then glanced up at Christina and swam into the distance.

Watching the figure of the white shark leave, Christina felt relieved. She saved the hook and decided to bring it to the shore to show more people, telling people not to fish indiscriminately and harm marine life.

Three days later, when Christina came to dive in this area again, she was surprised to find that the white shark she had rescued before had reappeared! And this time it was swimming towards Christina with a dozen companions.

Christina was stunned at first, but soon she understood what these sharks meant. It turns out that these sharks are also hooked with hooks, and some fishing lines even entangle their fins and bodies. They look for Christina and ask for her help.

In order not to hurt the sharks, Christina carefully helped them remove the hooks again. She caressed each shark to check for other wounds. The sharks gradually stopped resisting Christina, but obediently asked her to help.

In this way, Christina became the lifesaver of sharks in this sea. Since then, whenever she dived into the sea, injured sharks would gather and show her wounds for help, like a patient seeking medical treatment. Christina never shirked, she always did her best to help these poor creatures who strayed into the hook.

Over the past 30 years, Christina has taken hooks for hundreds of sharks. She collected the removed hooks and placed them in a large box. This became strong evidence of her advocacy for ocean conservation. She took the photos and hooks to exhibitions everywhere, calling on humans to protect the ocean and not overcatch marine life.

Now, Christina is 65 years old. Each dive became more and more difficult for her. But she still actively promotes her ideas, hoping that more and more people will start to take marine protection seriously.

"Sharks are not scary at all, they have a gentle side." Christina often told her audience, "The world would be a better place if we could be kind and in harmony with nature." ”

Many people who listened to Christina's lectures were touched by her experience. The fact that a fearsome predator transforms into a helpless creature at her hands shows that nothing is impossible in this world. As long as we have kindness and love, even wild beasts will open their hearts for us.

Christina uses her experience to convey the concept of marine protection to everyone. She hopes that more and more people will begin to value the harmonious coexistence of human beings and nature, so that our descendants can continue to live safely on a blue planet.

A female diver helped a shark remove a large hook, and it wasn't long before she swam over with a group of sharks
A female diver helped a shark remove a large hook, and it wasn't long before she swam over with a group of sharks
A female diver helped a shark remove a large hook, and it wasn't long before she swam over with a group of sharks

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