
How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

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When novice fishing, they often don't know how to choose a wide variety of hooks, because there are too many types of hooks on the market, not only the shape is different, but the size of the hook with the same name is also very different. But since there are so many kinds of fish hooks designed, there must be a reason for its existence, so today I will talk about how to choose a fish hook.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

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At present, the mainstream hooks on the market, or the hooks that are used more by anglers, are ranked in order of frequency of use, such as sleeve hooks, Iseni, Izu, Shin-Kanto, Chimata, Kaiyu, Koiso, Maruyo, etc. Others, such as stream hooks and Akita foxes, are niche fish hooks and are relatively rarely used, so we will introduce them from a few commonly used hook shapes.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

In terms of hook shape and size, the new Kanto and Senmata hooks are relatively similar, and the size is basically the same, the biggest difference between the two hooks is that there is no barb and one has barbs, and the tip of the hook is a little inward. These two hooks, with a moderate length of the shank, a wide bottom and door, a sharp tip and high strength, are suitable for catching big fish. Compared to the new Kanto, the tip of the hook is curved inward and sloped, and the advantage of this hook shape is that it is easy to hit the fish, and the disadvantage is that it is easy to entangle the strand and easily break the fish's mouth.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

The other two more similar hook shapes are Iseni and Koiso, the size of the two hooks is basically similar, the characteristics are that the hook door is wide and slightly concave, the hook tip has barbs, the spiny fish is fast and not easy to run the fish, and the hook bottom is rounded and evenly stressed, so the strength is relatively high. Among them, Iseni is probably the most widely used hook, and both hooks are suitable for both large and small fish, as long as they use different numbers. The difference between the two types of hooks is that the small iso hook has a thicker shank and a higher relative strength.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

There are also Izu and Marushiro are also relatively similar, these two hooks, the hook door is relatively narrow, and the hook tip is slightly concave, which is easy to be inhaled by the fish, and the stinging fish is not easy to run the fish. The difference between the two hooks is that Izu is slightly thicker than the hook strip, and the Marushiro hook tip is relatively more concave, so both hooks have their own merits. Both hooks are suitable for small and medium-sized fish, because the hook door is slightly narrow, and when fishing for large fish, it is easy to hook to the edge of the lip and cause the fish to run.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

Finally, there are sleeve hooks and sea sets, and sleeve hooks have gold sleeves, red sleeves, white sleeves, etc., but the color is different, these two hooks are compared with other fish hooks, the appearance is relatively different. Among them, the sleeve hook handle is long, the hook bottom and hook door are relatively narrow, and the hook is light and convenient for fish to enter. The hook bottom is wider, but the hook tip is slightly concave inward, so the hook door is narrower, and the whole hook is slightly drop-shaped, which is also very suitable for fish entrance. Both hooks are suitable for small to medium-sized fish or lightmouth fish.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

In general, the first four hooks are mostly used for medium and large species, and the last four are mostly used for small and medium-sized fish or slippery fish. As for the choice of hook size, usually on the purchase page of the hook, there will generally be a description of the recommended fishing weight, and it is okay to choose the size according to the instructions, but it is recommended to choose a little larger according to the instructions.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

In addition, because of the rise of competitive fishing, in order to facilitate the quick retrieval of hooks, many hook types have been launched with barbs and barbs. The difference is only that it is convenient to take the hook without barbs, and it is not easy to run fish with barbs, so you can choose according to your needs. In addition to the right hook selection, tying the hook is also very crucial, the tied hook should be kept vertical in the natural sagging state of the fishing line, so that the fish can be hit. If you really can't tie it or don't tie it well, it is recommended to buy a finished wire set and tighten it again.

How to choose a fish hook, an article will explain it to you

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