
While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request

author:Strange Mouth History


After Chang'e-6 successfully brought back 1935.3 grams of lunar soil, it can be said that the whole world celebrates, not only the Chinese are happy, France, Pakistan, and ESA are in a good mood with us, even the United Nations ran over to praise, and the UN Secretary-General specifically mentioned in his statement that international cooperation plays an important role in space activities. "The success of Chang'e-6 sends a clear message to the world that deep space exploration must rely on international cooperation," he said. This achievement demonstrates the power of human ingenuity and solidarity. "Thankfully, technology is in the hands of civilization.

In fact, this time the whole world is very concerned about this matter, after all, this is the first time in human history, of course, the United States is no exception, as the most technologically advanced country on the planet, the mood is also extremely complicated, they dream of looking for us to ask for a little soil at the south pole of the moon, but they are the most developed country, and they are embarrassed to open this mouth, so when we have a press conference, they arrange a reporter to test our tone, The reporter asked: Will American scientists participate in the study of Chang'e-6 lunar samples?

As a result, our answer is really full of language art: China very much hopes to cooperate with the United States for a win-win situation and contribute to the whole of mankind together, but the United States has a so-called Wolf Clause that keeps us away, and if we forcibly give the United States lunar soil, it is a violation of American law, and we can't do anything illegal!

While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request
While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request
While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request
While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request
While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request
While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request
While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request

Our language arts are high, but the law in the United States is flexible, and we can really jump up and down completely according to our own needs!

How could the Americans not know how important the lunar soil is this time, the soil on the back of this time is completely different from the composition mechanism brought back by the Americans, the key is that what we brought back this time is the soil of the moon's south pole-Aitken Basin, which has great research value for studying the origin and evolution of the moon, and even whether there are aliens!

Such a high-value thing, in case there is any important discovery, but to open a new chapter in human history, of course, the Americans are tempted, but they have not yet thought of the words to force the evil, but now is not 200 years ago, otherwise the ships and artillery would have stopped on our coastline, ready to take it by force at any time!

Seeing the handsome appearance of Chang'e 6 when it came back, it is estimated that it was already trembling, flying at a speed of 31 times the speed of sound over Europe and then turning back to the designated landing site. What if you landed in Washington or New York? Is that papier-mâché air defense system of the United States really capable of intercepting it? The colonists believe it, but the Americans themselves don't believe it!

The key is that our next plan is to land on the moon, and then the next step is to build a base on the moon, which does not need any high technology at all, and building a launch tower can make the United States tremble! No one is stupid, and silence is the best way to protect yourself.

While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request

The layman looks at the excitement, and the insider has long seen the Tao inside, so many things have to be seen together, than a piece of news a few days ago, according to the Global Times new media report, Japan's Kyodo News Agency, the head of the US Marine Corps said that the US military units stationed in the Ryukyu Islands will begin a large-scale withdrawal in December this year, and then withdraw to Guam, which is 2,000 kilometers, and the number will be reduced to 10,000.

What is the significance of our moon landing?

We will certainly not go to the moon for the sake of political momentum and for the sake of landing on the moon, as the United States and the Soviet Union fought for hegemony. For us, we are trying to prove that our system is stronger than the United States, and our comprehensive strength is stronger than the United States, and what you can't do now, we can do it now! What's more, this is the second Age of Discovery in human history, we have already missed the first time, and this time we don't want to miss it anyway!

While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request

But usually when we have to do something, there are always some Western media who have to start racking their brains and smear us in a desperate way

Isn't that what happened? Seriously, I still don't believe it's true, how did they come up with the phrase "abuse of aliens"? How many years of happy education can they fool themselves into this?

In order to discredit China, they can really do anything, so I saw that a large group of Chinese netizens began to play self-blackening under this picture, which belongs to taking the enemy's road, so that the enemy has no way out!

1. China deliberately undermined the rules-based international order by going to the far side of the moon without permission to break ground.

2. China quietly engaged in a cheap version of the overcapacity Star Wars program, spending only five Gaza pontoon bridges in a vain attempt to drag the United States of America into a quagmire.

3. China engages in an arms race with great fanfare, deliberately uses the media to demonstrate its technology, and deliberately exposes the seriously ablative return body, triggering the unwarranted reverie of people all over the world.

4. China is good at engaging in technological authoritarianism, trying to curb and suppress the development of such technologies by solving black barriers, communications, and other technical means.

5. Chang'e-6 drifted in the sky for nearly two months, deliberately choosing to return to Earth on the occasion of the televised debate between the President of the United States and interfere in the U.S. election.

6. China is a country of forced labor, forcing Chang'e-6 to dig earth on the far side of the moon.

But in order to discredit us, the enemy can always do everything possible, rack their brains, and find tricky angles, for example, CNN reported that the return of Chang'e-6 really did not find the angle black, but this did not affect at all, they forcibly pieced together another thing, they wrote like this:

"Before Chang'e-6 returned, there was a video showing what appears to be the wreckage of a Chinese rocket, dragging yellow smoke into a village in southwest China, and the villagers scattered in all directions."

While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request

Does this matter have anything to do with Chang'e-6? Not at all, not at all, absolutely irrelevant, so why add it here?

It is to deliberately imply to the reader that China's aerospace level is actually not very good, and the success of the moon landing may be just a coincidence, or that the matter of collecting some soil is actually beautiful and technical!

It's like, you got a high score in the college entrance examination and held a celebration banquet, I have to say yin and yang:

Two months ago, in a class quiz, you suspected of copying the answers of the same table.

Is there a relationship between the classroom quiz and the college entrance examination?

No, but I just want to mention it, I just want to come here to ruin your fun, and it's disgusting if it doesn't hurt or itch!

While spreading rumors and smearing, while still wanting lunar soil, China did not refuse, but there was a request

Western media have been able to dominate the world for so many years, and this kind of yin and yang method is really perfect, and it is really worth learning from our media friends!

I remember the last time Blinken visited, in order to show their impression of Beijing, Blinken's skin color in the news photos was close to Obama's.

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