
My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

author:Sister Ren loves coffee
My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

My surname is Du, my husband and I are surnamed Wang, and our family lives in a small city. Although my parents are retired, they are financially prosperous and very fond of our children.

I was so happy with this offer that I quickly agreed.

When I arrived at the airport, I couldn't help but hesitate. Because I remembered that I swiped a photo on my circle of friends, which was a photo of a good friend of mine who had just gotten married.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

Although I am also very happy that she has found happiness, inevitably, there is an inexplicable envy and helplessness in my heart.

Looking at all this, I can't help but feel the contradictions and disputes in my heart.

During the trip, my children and I went to a lot of interesting places. In the process of traveling, I also made a lot of new friends and had a great time with them.

Finally, the last day of the trip arrived. Before the plane took off, I had a sudden urge in my heart that I couldn't wait to go home and see my friends.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

I hurried home, and as soon as I entered the door, I was stunned. I saw a miserable scene of the house in shambles, furniture toppling to the ground and debris scattered all over the ground.

I understood that it was left to me by my parents.

I don't know how long it took me to remember that my child was still waiting for me at the airport. I hurriedly grabbed my mobile phone, dialed my husband's number, and told him that there was a little accident at home and asked him to bring the child back.

My husband's anxious voice came from the phone: "Okay, I'll be back immediately!" ”。

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

I lay in the wreckage of my home, tears welling up in my eyes. I understood that my parents were dissatisfied with me for having fun and neglecting my family responsibilities.

My heart was very heavy at the moment, and I felt as if I was being pressed against a boulder in my chest and out of breath, carrying the blame and self-blame of my parents.

After a while, my husband hurried home. As soon as he entered the door, he was shocked by the chaos in front of him and hurriedly asked what was going on.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

"It's me who is so selfish that I only want to enjoy my trip and leave my family behind." I collapsed weakly into my husband's arms, tears streaming silently.

My husband stroked my hair silently and said gently, "It's me who trusts you too easily and doesn't remind you to take charge of our home."

Just then, the phone rang suddenly. I found out it was a call from my parents. I picked up the phone tremblingly, and my father's heavy voice came: "Dudu, do you know what it means to see everything when you get home?" I bit my lip, tears welled up in my eyes again, and I shook my head, "Dad, I know I was wrong, I didn't take good care of my family, I'm sorry for you."

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

The mother's voice also came immediately: "Dudu, you and the children come back, we will have a good talk."

At the urging of my parents, my children and I hurried back to our hometown. The tall and mature figures of my parents appeared in front of my eyes, with both seriousness and kindness in their eyes.

The house is filled with photos of my childhood, and each one is a happy moment for me and my parents. I looked at my innocent and happy smile, and my heart felt sour.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

The parent whispered, "Dudu, we know that you have realized your mistakes, and this time we just want to give you a wake-up call and let you understand the importance of family."

I burst into tears, bowed deeply, and couldn't say a word. I understand that this incident has made me deeply aware of my shortcomings, and I am determined to take good care of my family and become a better wife and mother from now on.

I looked up, and I was stunned by the sight in front of me. Standing in the doorway were my parents-in-law, their faces covered with anger and disappointment.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

My father-in-law asked me angrily, "What's the matter with you?" Why smash your home? "I lowered my head, tears rolling down my face, my heart aching, but I couldn't find a suitable excuse to explain.

At this time, my husband hurried home with the child. When he saw the situation at home, he couldn't help but be stunned. He turned to look at me, his eyes full of disappointment and doubt.

My father-in-law and mother-in-law said angrily: "Since you like to smash your house so much, then we will find you a new place to live tomorrow."

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

This sentence was like a bombshell, and it instantly detonated my heart. The warmth of the family was destroyed by my own hands.

In the days that followed, there was an atmosphere of tension and depression in the house. I tried to make amends for my mistakes and take on the responsibility of household chores and childcare.

In this family, the most common thing I hear every day is the quarrel between my husband and me, and we blame each other and don't understand each other.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

Looking at the child's haggard face, I felt deeply guilty. I decided to go to my parents-in-law and apologize to them sincerely, hoping that they would give me a chance to be a qualified daughter-in-law and mother again.

My mother-in-law's gaze began to change slightly, and she asked me, "Do you really understand that you are wrong?" I nodded, "Yes, I get it, I shouldn't neglect family responsibilities."

I won the forgiveness of my parents-in-law and the opportunity to take care of the children again. I vowed that no matter what difficulties and temptations I encountered, I would put my family first and prove my resolve with my actions.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

When my husband saw the situation at home, he covered his mouth in shock. He asked me what had happened, and I choked up and told him about my parents' request and my negligence.

I felt like a knife in my heart, and I was truly aware of the consequences of my selfish and sloppy actions for my family. My husband and I looked at the scene in front of us and couldn't speak.

We stood together silently as a family, with an atmosphere of embarrassment and guilt permeating us. This trip taught me that I can no longer put my personal happiness ahead of my family's interests.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

After a while, my husband broke the silence, "Du, no matter what happens, family is always our most important support, we must face difficulties together and take responsibility together."

In the days that followed, my husband and I worked hard to tidy up the mess at home and repair the damaged utensils.

However, the family conflict was not completely resolved, and I found that the relationship between me and my in-laws also became strained.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

I felt the disappointment and resentment of my parents, and my heart was full of contradictions. I understand my parents' worries and expectations, but I also want them to understand that I need to have my own space and happiness.

During this time, the in-laws changed their usual attitude of pampering their children and became more strict and demanding than before.

I felt anxious and powerless, and I gradually realized that the resolution of family conflicts is not only about repairing the mess of life, but also about spiritual communication and understanding between us.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

When I was deeply conflicted and in pain, my husband rushed home with the children. When he saw the situation in his home, he was stunned.

My husband looked at my lost eyes, hugged me tightly, and comforted me silently.

A few days later, my parents came to our house. They faced me with guilt and apologies. They admitted their excesses and said they just wanted me to realize the importance and responsibility of family.

As the days passed, I tried my best to realign myself and try to face the responsibilities of my family. I reconnected with my parents, and they did their best to make amends for their mistakes.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

Gradually, I began to think about what a truly happy family should look like. I no longer blindly pursued those so-called external happiness, I began to cherish the time I spent with my family, and I began to take the responsibilities and obligations of family seriously.

In this process, I gradually understood that family happiness does not come from the superiority of external conditions, but is based on family affection, understanding and tolerance.

My in-laws paid me to take my children on a trip, and before boarding, I looked at the circle of friends, and I rushed back and smashed my home

Although conflicts and strife still arise in the family from time to time, I believe that as long as we maintain an understanding and tolerant attitude, and insist on supporting and helping each other, our family will become more harmonious and happy.

Family is a warm harbor and the support of the soul. I will work hard to manage and cherish the emotions of this home, and establish a warm and stable growth environment for my children.

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