
The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

author:Elf D3 who rides the wind and waves

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier: Ben Hua's perseverance and sacrifice Ben Hua was a female soldier in the Chinese War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. Although she experienced the merciless torture of the Japanese army, she never revealed half a word of information.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

Eventually, she was brutally murdered, and the photos she left behind became an eternal nightmare in the hearts of Japanese devils. Ben Hua's strength and sacrifice are admirable, and she was a hero in China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression. When she was captured by the Japanese army, her true identity was not discovered.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

The Japanese devil just thinks that she has clear eyebrows and beautiful eyes, and naturally salivates. However, her true identity was revealed by a traitor, and Fei Hua became a target of the Japanese army. The Japanese decided to use her to get more information about the anti-Japanese guerrillas, because Ben Hua was very clear about the distribution of the local guerrillas.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

In order to get information, the Japanese devils promised money and a good job to Wai Hua. However, he was not swayed by these temptations. She regarded money as dung, put her personal life and death behind, and fought resolutely to protect her family and country. In the face of the severe torture of the Japanese army, Ben Hua never gave half a word of information.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

She faced the torture with indifference, which made the Japanese devil angry. The Japanese devils are finally disappointed in Honka, and they decide to brutally ravage her again. This beautiful heroine lost her former luster under the humiliation of the Japanese army, and the whole person has been destroyed to the point of being inhuman.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

In the end, Ben Hua was killed on the execution ground, and her strength and sneer made the Japanese devil never forget. The posthumous photographs of Fei Hua were published in major Chinese newspapers, and the Japanese devils who had participated in her ravages were terrified when they saw them. Her smile was filled with contempt for the Japanese army.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

Even Japanese newspapers reported on Ben Hua, calling her the only enemy female soldier caught, without revealing the slightest bit of information. Ben Hua's sacrifice became a symbol of the War of Resistance Against Japan, and she gave her entire youth for China. Born in a small mountain village in Anhui Province, her ancestors were named General Wude during the Ming Dynasty.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

Such a family background gives her an unyielding spirit in her bones. Even though she is also a woman, she shows the same bravery and determination as men. She gave up her marriage and family and devoted herself to the cause of resisting Japan and saving the country.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

During the revolution, he met his like-minded lover Liu Zhiyi, and together they threw themselves into the anti-Japanese struggle. However, the happy life did not last long, and Liu Zhiyi died in battle. She did her best to awaken the people's anti-Japanese revolutionary ideology.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

After the outbreak of the Lugou Bridge Incident, Ben Hua joined the anti-Japanese revolutionary ranks. In the battle with Hexian, although the strength of the two sides was very different, Ben Hua and other members of the revolutionary team still resisted bravely. Despite their eventual defeat, they bought precious time for the people and an opportunity for the transfer of large forces.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

Before her death, she asked the war correspondent to take a picture of her, and she faced death with a sneer, showing firmness and contempt. Her posthumous photo has become a symbol of her memory, and her photos have been published in major Chinese newspapers. Her sacrifice has made people deeply admire and feel emotional.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

Fei Hua was a hero in China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression who showed the bravery and strength of women. Her sacrifice and perseverance make her contribution never forgotten. In her honor, China built a memorial square for the heroes of the anti-Japanese resistance and created a statue in her honor.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

She is a great heroine, and her story will always inspire us. Looking back at the story of Ben Hua, we should think about how to remember history and cherish peace. We should also learn from Ben Hua's strength and sacrificial spirit, and for the sake of the country and the nation, we should bravely face difficulties and challenges.

The most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier, after being arrested, was raped by a group, and after her death, she became a nightmare for Japanese criminals by relying on a photo

Let us pay tribute to this Hua and always remember this most beautiful anti-Japanese female soldier! This article revolves around the story of the anti-Japanese female warrior Fei Hua, describing her perseverance and sacrifice in battle. Her story is admirable and makes people think about how to cherish peace.

The heroic deeds of Ben Hua were part of China's War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, and we should remember this history and draw strength and wisdom from it. Readers are invited to share your thoughts on the story of Ben Hua and think about how to pass on and carry forward this courageous and determined spirit.

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