
In 1950, three rebel officers rebelled against the water, and our army took a set of rare photos after the counterinsurgency

author:May Fourth Youth
In 1950, three rebel officers rebelled against the water, and our army took a set of rare photos after the counterinsurgency

This is a group of old photographs sealed in the depths of the archives, with a strong sense of historical vicissitudes. They lie there silently, silently recounting a little-known story. Taken in early 1950, the photographs show three men being taken to the execution ground by soldiers in a harsh manner. Although the photo is black and white, we can still clearly see their facial features and appearances, and their expressions are unusually calm at the moment, as if they have accepted their upcoming fate and completely lost their arrogance and arrogance.

The identities of these three people seem ordinary, but they are extraordinary. They used to be respected veterans of the Anti-Japanese War, but a twist of fate led them to a different path. Their names are Jia Shaoyi, Liu Jingsheng, and Peng Shouzang, all three of whom were friends of the 14th phase of the Whampoa Military Academy who resolutely devoted their pen to Rong after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War in 1937. In the years of the Anti-Japanese War, they fought with the army in the south and the north, although they were only middle and lower-level officers, their contributions and contributions could not be ignored.

After the victory of the Anti-Japanese War, they were assigned to the 16th Corps, and then entered Sichuan for activities. However, the torrent of history has not subsided. At the end of 1950, with the advance of our army, the remnants of Chiang's army surrendered one after another, and all parts of Sichuan also ushered in the dawn of liberation. Soon after, the 16th Corps, under the leadership of General Dong Songheng, chose to surrender, and these three officers made the same choice.

However, at the critical moment when they accepted the adaptation, the dissatisfaction and resistance in their hearts grew like weeds. They are dissatisfied with the restricted freedom, and they are even more unwilling to accept the fate of learning and reforming. So, the three of them joined forces, colluded with other remnants of Chiang's army, and decided to turn against the water. In this rebellion, they brutally killed Sun Luping and Chen Wengao, the representatives of our army, and committed unforgivable crimes.

After the incident, the superiors attached great importance to it and took swift action to capture the three of them. During the interrogation, they confessed to their crimes without any quibbles or denials. In the end, they were sentenced to death, ending a life full of twists and turns.

Looking back at this period of history, we can't help but feel sorry and sigh for them. If it weren't for that thought, maybe their fates would be completely different. They used to be warriors of the Anti-Japanese War, but because of their narrow-mindedness, they embarked on the road of rebellion, and finally ended up like this, which is really deserved.

In 1950, three rebel officers rebelled against the water, and our army took a set of rare photos after the counterinsurgency
In 1950, three rebel officers rebelled against the water, and our army took a set of rare photos after the counterinsurgency
In 1950, three rebel officers rebelled against the water, and our army took a set of rare photos after the counterinsurgency

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