
Before the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, photos were leaked in the UK, and netizens sighed: It's so beautiful that it's suffocating!

author:Smile Steamer


Ancient architecture is a treasure of the Chinese nation, carrying rich historical and cultural connotations, and is an important part of Chinese civilization. Due to various reasons, many ancient buildings have disappeared in the long river of history, and the remaining ones have also been devastated by time and war. As one of the representatives of the ancient garden architecture of the Oriental powers, the Old Summer Palace was once one of the palaces that attracted worldwide attention, but in the war of modern history, it suffered irreparable damage and became an irreparable historical regret. Recently, a group of precious photos of the Old Summer Palace has been released, which has focused people's attention on this ancient building, and also triggered people's deep conjecture about the beauty of ancient buildings.

Before the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, photos were leaked in the UK, and netizens sighed: It's so beautiful that it's suffocating!

1. Precious photos of the Old Summer Palace flowed out

Recently, a group of rare photographs taken by a British photographer in the Old Summer Palace in the 19th century were leaked at auction, which documented the true appearance of the Old Summer Palace at that time, including many beautiful buildings and garden landscapes. These photographs are not only comparable to postcards in terms of artistic value, but also precious historical documents, providing rare visual materials for future generations, allowing people to truly feel the grandeur of the Old Summer Palace.

Looking at this set of photos, people seem to have traveled to more than 200 years ago, and saw the real scene of the Old Summer Palace in the Kangxi and Qianlong periods, and every building and garden shows the wisdom of the ancients and the superb attainments of architectural art. The outflow of these photos also gives people a more intuitive understanding of the history of the Old Summer Palace and a new understanding of the beauty of ancient architecture.

Before the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, photos were leaked in the UK, and netizens sighed: It's so beautiful that it's suffocating!

2. The historical experience of the Old Summer Palace

The Old Summer Palace was built in the Kangxi period, and after the careful arrangement and repair of many emperors, it gradually presented a magnificent garden landscape. In the late Qing Dynasty, the Old Summer Palace was invaded by the Eight-Nation Alliance, and became the object of wanton destruction by the invaders, countless cultural relics were looted, and the buildings in the garden were also seriously damaged.

The most heart-wrenching thing is that in order to plunder the treasures in the garden, the invaders actually set the Old Summer Palace on fire, wanting to turn the palace into ashes, the fire burned for three days and three nights, turning countless precious buildings and cultural relics of the Old Summer Palace into nothing, and making it impossible for future generations to see the style of these ancient buildings.

Before the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, photos were leaked in the UK, and netizens sighed: It's so beautiful that it's suffocating!

The encounter of the Old Summer Palace has become a pain in the history of the Chinese nation, and it has also made people have a more intuitive understanding of the destructive power of war, which not only took people's lives, but also destroyed countless cultural heritages, and made future generations lose irreparable spiritual wealth.

3. The beauty of ancient buildings is thought-provoking

The encounter with the Old Summer Palace has made people have a deeper understanding of the beauty of ancient buildings and the importance of protecting historical relics. Ancient buildings are the treasures of the Chinese nation, carrying rich historical and cultural connotations, and are important witnesses of Chinese civilization, and the cultural values contained in these ancient buildings are irreplaceable in any era.

Before the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, photos were leaked in the UK, and netizens sighed: It's so beautiful that it's suffocating!

Looking at the precious photos of the Old Summer Palace, people can not only appreciate the exquisite craftsmanship and beautiful landscape of the ancient buildings, but also feel the ingenious integration of Chinese and Western architectural styles, which is not only the integration of architectural forms, but also the exchange of cultural connotations, reflecting the openness and inclusiveness of the ancient Oriental powers in terms of cultural exchanges.

The beauty of ancient buildings makes people sigh at the wisdom of the ancients and the superb construction technology, and also makes people have a deeper conjecture about cultural inheritance.

Before the destruction of the Old Summer Palace, photos were leaked in the UK, and netizens sighed: It's so beautiful that it's suffocating!


The encounter with the Old Summer Palace has given people a deeper understanding of the protection of historical relics, and also made people have a deeper yearning for peace and development. Protecting the existing cultural heritage and allowing it to be effectively inherited and utilized can not only enrich people's spiritual world, but also stimulate people's yearning for a better life, so that we can work together for the development of civilization and a peaceful future.

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