
Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

author:Strawberry Tea Party

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Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

Edit: Strawberry Tea Party

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

The big and small stars in the entertainment industry have always been the focus of the public eye, and their words and deeds are easy to attract widespread attention and discussion.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

Recently, a group of photos went viral on the Internet, and the protagonists in the photos are the famous female artist Xu Xiyuan (Big S) and her friends Jay Chou and Gu Junye.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

This set of photos seems ordinary, but it has made netizens hotly discussed. The reason is very simple - Da S's image in the photo is similar to the usual two: he has a bloated figure and a somewhat out of shape on his face. This is obviously different from the usual image of Big S in front of the media, neat and generous, and refreshed.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

The leak of the photos made many netizens shout "startled", and some people exclaimed, "How can you be so fat?" I can't even recognize it when I look at it!" Someone else joked: "Is it that you have already become a grandma?"

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

Faced with the doubts of netizens, Xu Xiyuan did not rush to explain. However, her relatives and friends supported her. Jay Chou is one of them, he personally shared this set of photos on social platforms, and did not do any retouching of the photos.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

Obviously, this is Jay Chou's intention. Because in the entertainment industry, celebrities usually carefully retouch their images and try to show their best side. Jay Chou not only did not do this, but shared the photos of Big S's "original form".

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

This practice has undoubtedly hurt the image of Big S to some extent. However, Jay Chou used this way to justify Big S, obviously out of some intention. So what kind of mood did he have in mind to make such a decision that seemed to "hurt" his friend?

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

In fact, as a friend for many years, Jay Chou has a deep understanding of Big S's character. Da S has always been known for her pragmatic and diligent work attitude and humility and friendliness, and this sincere personal quality is also the key to her winning praise.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

As a friend in the circle, Jay Chou knows the personality of Big S, so he will share that set of "original" photos without retouching. This is undoubtedly an affirmation of Big S's character, and it is also encouraging and supporting friends in their own way to show their true side.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

In Jay Chou's view, Big S doesn't need to whitewash himself through grooming. On the contrary, it is the sincerity and courage she has shown in her life and career that makes her shine even brighter. Blindly pursuing a perfect image will hide a person's true character. And authenticity is the most cherished quality.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

The media often holds celebrities aloof and celebrates their good side. And once the "true face" of a star is discovered, he is often inclined to lash out and belittle. In fact, everyone is not pure black and white, they all have their own brilliance and flaws. The heated discussion caused by the change of Big S's image just reflects that the current society's way of examining celebrities is too narrow and biased.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

In the face of the doubts of public opinion, Big S did not make too many excuses, but won supporters through his own efforts and professionalism. This calm atmosphere of ease and calmness just shows her inner calmness and confidence.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

As Jay Chou, a friend for many years, hinted at, Big S does not need to disguise himself to gain the approval of others. On the contrary, she strives to write her life with a simple lifestyle and a pragmatic work attitude. This precious quality is more admirable than any gorgeous appearance.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

The friendship between Big S and Jay Chou has a long history. Years of communication have allowed them to establish a deep understanding and trust between them. It is precisely because of this that Jay Chou chooses to support and encourage his friends in this seemingly "harmful" way.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

There is no doubt that sincerity is an important cornerstone of friendship. Jay Chou and Big S can establish such a strong friendship precisely because they both have the courage to treat life and friendship with a sincere attitude. And as the photographs reveal, it's a friendship that comes from the heart, pure and clear.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

There is no need for camouflage and embellishment, and it is in this rustic and vibrant soil that the flower of friendship blooms. This kind of friendship, based on trust and understanding, is more desirable than all ornate packaging, and it is also full of life temperature and vitality.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

It can be said that those ordinary and simple moments in the photos are the most solid foundation for building friendship. Just like the long-term friendship between Big S and Jay Chou, it is in this "unpretentious" atmosphere that slowly takes root, sprouts and finally blooms.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

In this impetuous era, firmly rooted in inner quality is the most immortal life topic. Each of us should look at the people and things around us with a tolerant and inclusive mindset and an understanding eye. Use friendship rather than right and wrong, and use an attitude of acceptance rather than criticism to cherish the relatives and friends around you.

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

The world is precious because of the simple and simple attitude of life, why don't we draw the true meaning of life from the most simple?

Big S Gu Junye and Jay Chou had a dinner, Jay Chou posted the original photos, and Big S's bloated face collapsed!

This is exactly the concept that Jay Chou wants to convey by sharing that set of photos - let us return to the most simple life, treat relatives and friends with the most sincere attitude, and look at the world with an inclusive and understanding eye.

(Disclaimer) The process and pictures described in the article are from the Internet, and this article aims to advocate positive social energy and no vulgar and other bad guidance. If it involves copyright or character infringement issues, please contact us in time, and we will delete the content as soon as possible! If there is any doubt about the incident, it will be deleted or changed immediately after contact.

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