
I love my wife, but that doesn't stop me from cheating (novel)

author:Kang Yuanqi

On Saturday afternoon, the sun shines through the window in the cozy family room, and Lao Yang sits on the sofa, waiting for his daughter to come home from school. Lao Yang is an ordinary middle-aged man with a happy family. His wife is a kind and kind woman, and her daughter is their pride. Their family life is full of warmth and happiness.

I love my wife, but that doesn't stop me from cheating (novel)

Lao Yang's marriage has always been the most important part of his life. He and his wife have known each other for more than 20 years, and the two have always loved each other and experienced the joys and sorrows of life together. Their marriage has always been regarded as a model for their relatives and friends, which is enviable. However, life is not always easy, and sometimes, happiness is put to the test.

I love my wife, but that doesn't stop me from cheating (novel)

The reason for Lao Yang's derailment is not single. One day, he met a woman in his social circle outside that caught his heart. This woman is surprisingly smart and funny, and shares common interests and hobbies with Lao Yang. Their relationship was natural at first, but as time went on, Lao Yang gradually became attracted to this woman and had an extramarital affair.

I love my wife, but that doesn't stop me from cheating (novel)

Lao Yang's extramarital affair was kept a secret at all times, and he carefully planned it to make sure that no one found out. Their meetings are usually held after work or when their wives are away, away from acquaintances. Lao Yang has been trying to maintain this affair because he feels that it is a fresh experience that makes him feel the excitement of love again.

I love my wife, but that doesn't stop me from cheating (novel)

Recently, however, Lao Yang began to observe some signs that made him feel uneasy. He noticed that his wife's behavior had become strange, and she was often out and that it was common for her to come home late. Lao Yang once tried to communicate with his wife, but she always avoided talking about it. This made Lao Yang suspicious, and he began to investigate secretly, trying to find out if his wife had also behaved similarly to himself.

As the investigation deepened, Lao Yang discovered some shocking facts. He discovers that his wife is also out there having an illicit relationship with a man. This discovery made Lao Yang fall into a deep contradiction, how could he blame his wife, and he was doing the same thing? This discovery left him in an inner struggle with how to deal with the situation.

Lao Yang's story reflects the complexities and contradictions in marriage. Extramarital affairs are often not a black-and-white issue, but involve multiple considerations such as feelings, desires, and responsibilities. Both Yang and his wife are caught in the whirlpool of extramarital affairs, and they are faced with a major decision on how to deal with this emotional crisis.

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