
The umbrella is gone, and it may be difficult for the Chinese Football Association to "produce" multimillionaires in batches

The umbrella is gone, and it may be difficult for the Chinese Football Association to "produce" multimillionaires in batches

Text/Squint at football

The member congress has been held, and a new leadership team has also been formed, but there is no definite news on how the Chinese Football Association will deal with those who take the initiative to confess and return the stolen goods. After the change, the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Chinese Football Association has changed, and the Chinese Football Association after Yan Zhanhe leaves office may be difficult to "produce" multimillionaires in such a large number.

The umbrella is gone, and it may be difficult for the Chinese Football Association to "produce" multimillionaires in batches

Shooting surprise: the Chinese Football Association "produces" multimillionaires in batches

However, a simple count of the people who have "entered" and taken the initiative to confess is close to 40 people, accounting for one-quarter to one-third of the total number of employees of the Chinese Football Association. The proportion of "problematic" personnel is really high.

Since the beginning of 2010, when Wei Di brought Yu Hongchen and others into the Chinese Football Association, the highest governing body of national football has been in a state of "criminals by his side". That's why there is a situation where the first and second leaders of the association and many middle-level cadres have been taken away for review and investigation.

So far, there have been as many as 14 people who have held or held substantive positions in the Chinese Football Association and have been taken away by the discipline inspection and supervision organs for review and investigation: Li Tie, Chen Yongliang, Liu Yi, Chen Xuyuan, Wang Xiaoping, Huang Song, Yu Hongchen, Dong Zheng, Du Zhaocai, Li Yuyi, Ma Chengquan, Tan Hai, Qi Jun, and Liu Jun. Among them, Yu Hongchen, Dong Zheng, Li Yuyi, and Ma Chengquan are all transferred, retired, or resigned, and are no longer serving in the Chinese Football Association. Some of these people have completed their investigations, have been handed over to the procuratorate, entered the judicial process, and the parties have also been "accommodated" in detention centers.

The corruption of these middle- and high-level personnel who have been taken away by the discipline inspection and supervision organs is staggering. Some people received a one-time gift of 5 million after buying a new house in another place, and some people received 300,000 benefits on the same night when they were in a high position. Most of the money involved in these people who were taken away was calculated in tens of millions.

After the discipline inspection and supervision organs took away Tan Hai, Qi Jun, and Liu Jun in July and August, some people quipped: They all thought it was almost over, why did they add "multimillionaires"?    

The umbrella is gone, and it may be difficult for the Chinese Football Association to "produce" multimillionaires in batches

Dumbfounded: middle and high-level officials have returned stolen goods, and some people have been found to have had a heart attack

Since January 2010, the airborne personnel began to lead the internal atmosphere of the Chinese Football Association to deteriorate, and Yu Hongchen and his ilk were bold and reckless, using the light to fight corruption. Among the "air and precipitation army" that year, some people returned to the Chinese Football Association to guide the work this year, but they have not appeared on the office floor of the Chinese Football Association in the World East International Building for a while. For a variety of reasons, it's worth playing.

In the anti-corruption and anti-gambling frenzy, the General Administration of Sports of the People's Republic of China also demanded that the people in question take the initiative to return the stolen goods, and provided a "clean account". It is reported that the three batches of the Chinese Football Association took the initiative to return the stolen goods more than 20 times, hundreds of thousands of them. The Ford Bao Company and the Chinese Super League Company, which are subordinate to the Chinese Football Association, also took the initiative to return the stolen goods. There are also some people who confess and return the stolen goods after organizing a conversation, and some even have heart attacks when they are taken away for investigation.

Among the 14 people who were taken away for review and investigation, 10 of them were still serving as real positions in the Chinese Football Association when they were taken away, plus the twenty or thirty people who returned the stolen goods, there were about thirty or forty people in total. According to the organizational structure of the Chinese Football Association reported by the China Sports News at the beginning of the year, there are about 150 staff members of the Chinese Football Association. The squint-eyed brother asked: The number of staff in the establishment of the Chinese Football Association should be 128 people (excluding those who were taken away, as well as the employees of the two subordinate companies of Ford Bao and the Chinese Super League). Based on 150 people, the proportion of corrupt personnel in the Chinese Football Association is more than 20%; Based on 128 people, the proportion of corrupt personnel is more than 23%.

There are many corrupt people, and the cases involved are relatively large and have a bad impact. The Chinese Football Association in 2023 can be regarded as having enough of the limelight.

The umbrella is gone, and it may be difficult for the Chinese Football Association to "produce" multimillionaires in batches

Not as good as: the multimillionaires' umbrella is gone

The new session of the Chinese Football Association has been held on October 16, and Song Kai has become the chairman of the Chinese Football Association. With the formation of the new "one principal and four deputy" team of the Chinese Football Association, the allocation of high-level personnel has also been adjusted. Brother Squint is most concerned about the secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection.    

Yan Zhanhe, the former secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Chinese Football Association, came to work in the Chinese Football Association in August 2019 and served as the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Chinese Football Association as an executive committee. This is the first time that the Chinese Football Association has a full-time secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission, and before Yan Zhanhe, he was concurrently served by a vice chairman (or full-time executive committee) of the Chinese Football Association. The full-time secretary of the Commission for Discipline Inspection and the Department of Discipline Inspection should be the anti-corrosion front of the Chinese Football Association.

In this anti-corruption and anti-gambling "hurricane", the state discipline inspection and supervision organs took away Li Tie, Liu Yi, Chen Yongliang, Huang Song, Wang Xiaoping, Chen Xuyuan, Yu Hongchen, Du Zhaocai and others; The police in Chaoyang, Liaoning Province, arrested a group of Chinese Super League players who were controlled by the "bookmaker". At least so far, none of these corruption and gambling-related cases seem to be related to the discipline inspection department of the Chinese Football Association.

Even, in the past, the discipline inspection agency of the Chinese Football Association not only did not fight corruption and sweep gambling, but covered up a lot of relevant clues. In domestic football events at all levels, it is not that there is no "match-fixing", but that "match-fixing" has not been exposed. There were even suspected problem competitions reported by the participants, and even an investigation within the industry was conducted, but there was no follow-up after the investigation materials were submitted. In August last year, there was a rumor of "industry purge", and the media and self-media all named the names of the suspect clubs, but then gradually disappeared.

The erosion of Chinese football to the current situation, a number of middle-level and high-level cadres have been reviewed and investigated, and a number of Chinese Super League players have been arrested by the police for gambling, all of which reflect that the defense line of the Discipline Inspection Commission and the Discipline Inspection Department established by the Chinese Football Association itself over the years is in vain, and Yan Zhanhe, as the secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee of the Chinese Football Association, is seriously derelict in his duties.

Now, Yan Zhanhe's departure from the Chinese Football Association is more or less a matter of course. ——As an official for one term, there are a number of corrupt multimillionaires under his jurisdiction. I hope that with the departure of the umbrella, the Chinese Football Association will no longer "produce" multimillionaires.

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